Monday, May 13, 2019

Impacts of Incarceration Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Impacts of Incarceration - Essay ExampleThe individual families ordinarily undergo a lot of hardship as it whitethorn lead to the loss of income. When the bread winner of the family is incarcerated, the individual family usually ends up losing their income and hence creating financial difficulties. The relationship between the family members and the incarcerated individual is also eroded as they may be unable to visit the member due to various reasons including the financial difficulties. The composition of the house reserve is usually restructured forcibly due to the incarceration of a family member. For example, the wives have to play all the roles in the family when their husbands atomic soma 18 incarcerated. On the other hand, the fathers have to play all the family roles when their wives are incarcerated. This trend is increasingly becoming popular among the poor black neighborhoods where the levels of incarceration are high as noted by the US part of Justice (Liebling & M aruna, 2013). The individual families usually face a lot of stigma as they are associated with the crime. This leads to more difficulties with most of the families becoming isolated. This causes a lot of stress and pain to the individual families.According to the media reports, the prison commonwealth in the United States of the States has undergone tremendous growth in the last 35 years. The high number of population in the prisons has affected the partnership. Mass incarceration of members of a particular community usually leads to the weaken of the labour market within the community as people with different expertise in the community are in prison. The rate of marriage has also been seen to reduce among the African Americans in the United States of America due to the high number of incarceration of the community members (Schnittker, et al, 2011). The health outcomes of the community are usually force negatively and a high rate of

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