Wednesday, May 1, 2019

Discussion 2 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 2

Discussion 2 - Essay ExampleFrom Dr. Kenny Handelmans blog (2012), most users claimed they suffered increased heart rate and increased occupation pres incontestable. One patient in particular, Loris eight year old daughter, is said to describe the euphony as cardiac medication because it makes her heartbeat go fast. An another(prenominal) patient, Donna, says she suffers vomiting and headache after a few days of taking the drug. Other side-effects that the drug gives are anxiety, decreased or loss of appetite, diarrhea, dizziness, ironic mouth, irritability, trouble sleeping, upper stomach pain and weight loss. It is important for patients to inform their doctor about either other medications or even food supplements taken because there are certain reactions of the drug to other medications and vice versa that may cause further health problems. There may also be side-effects that may be caused when the drug is simultaneously taken with vitamins, supplements or medications. With the side-effects specified earlier, precaution must be taken by patients with heart problems, heart defects, high blood pressure, mental problems such as psychosis, tits or Tourettes Syndrome and seizures. The physician must be informed about the medical history of the patient to make sure there would be no adverse side-effects to the medication (,

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