Friday, May 31, 2019
Comparing Keynesian Economics and Supply Side Economic Theories :: Economy
Comparing Keynesian economics and Supply font Economic Theories Two controversial economic policies are Keynesian economics and Supply Side economics. They represent opposite sides of the economic policy spectrum and were introduced at opposite ends of the twentieth century, yet still are the most famous for their effects onthe economy of the United States when they were used. The founder of Keynesian economic theory was John Maynard Keynes. He made many great accomplishments during his time and probably his greatest was what he did for America in its hour of need. During the 1920s, the U.S. experienced a stock market scatter of enormous proportions which crippled the economy for years. Keynesknew that to recover as soon as possible, the establishment had tointervene and put a decrease on taxes along with an change magnitude inspending. By putting more money into the economy and allowingmore Americans to keep what t hey earned, the economy soonrecovered and once again became prosperous. Keynes ideas werevery perfect at the time, and Keynes was called a socialist indisguise. Keynes was not a socialist, he just wanted to make surethat the people had enough money to locate and help the economyalong. As far as stressing extremes, Keynesian economics pushed for a happy medium where output and prices are constant, and there is no redundancy in supply, but also no deficit. Supply Side economics emphasized the supply of goods and services. Supply Side economics supports higher taxes and less government spending to help economy. Unfortunately, the Supply Side theory was applied in excess duringa period in which it was not completely necessary. The Supply Side theory, also known as Reganomics, was initiated during the Regan administration.
Thursday, May 30, 2019
You Can’t Say That: The Growing Threat to Civil Liberties from Antidisc
You Cant formulate That The Growing Threat to well-behaved Liberties from Antidiscirmination Laws You Cant Say That is a truly important book, for it reminds us that no favorable revolution, even the most morally justified, is costless. The Civil Rights Act of 1964 did indeed precipitate a social revolution, one that at long last began to deliver on the promise of the Emancipation Proclamation. Over the nearly half-century since its passage much has changed in America, and for African-Americans that change has been twain grievously overdue and remarkable in its sweep, although still very much a work in progress. However, this is not a book that catalogues the successes of the antidiscrimination movement that burgeoned in the wake of the 1964 Act, but rather an elegy to what must count on the other side of the ledger, to what has been compromised in the noble quest for racial equality. In this silvery and accessible book, remarkably free from the lawyers propensity to stultify the laymen with a blizzard of case law, it is clear that the principal cost has been to First Amendment values, sacrificed excessively cavalierly when they conflict with antidscrimination principles. One need only look to the publisher of Bernsteins book, the Cato Institute, to see that the ideological landscape has been radically altered since the 1960s, when New betray liberals still dominated the left, and the First Amendment comprised the he stratagem and soul of their United States Constitution. Even earlier, before World War II, when Communists held sway on the left, the First Amendment was sacrosanct to Communists it was their min favorite constitutional amendment, after the Fifth, prized as a stratagem to protect their freedom to subvert. For... ...orks most prestigious museums did not display enough art produced by women. Housing and Urban Development officials used the Fair Housing Act amendments to intimidate neighborhood groups that sought to exe rcise their free speech rights to promote against group homes for the disabled, while those charging discrimination have sometimes been allowed by courts to enter into evidence a defendants past political speech. These examples are the topple of Bernsteins iceberg. Even good causes can run amuck if fundamental constitutional principles are set aside noble ends can be compromised by hasty or tainted means. This book is a red flag, which we ignore at our peril. Works CitedYou Cant Say That The Growing Threat to Civil Liberties from Antidiscirmination Laws by David E. Bernstein. Washington, DC CATO Institute, 2003, 197 pages, $20.00
Wednesday, May 29, 2019
Immigrants Do NOT Increase Crime Rates Essay -- Undocumented Immagrant
The thought of arriving immigrants in any host country has been accompanied by reactions of exclusion, and continues to expand throughout the years. During any kind illness, immigrants tend to be the first to be held responsible by their recipient societies. Most crimes are associated with immigrants due to the fact that they may not posses the same socio-economics status as natives. Another contributing factor is the media that conducts numerous stories that highlight the image of immigrant crimes to recall the alleged difference among native and foreign born. Undoubtedly, the correlation between immigration and crime has become one of the most controversial discussions in current society. As we enter a new era, immigrants will squander to a greater extent impact on society than ever before (Feldmeyer, 2009). There can be numerous reasons to believe immigrants are more inclined to commit crimes, for example, they have to learn to adapt into the cultural traits and social patter ns of the harboring country, as natives do not (Desmond & Kubrin, 2009). However, despite such claims, empirical studies have revealed that immigrants are understated in vicious statistics. Throughout the years many texts and scholarly articles have been published further analyzing and proving that immigrants are less prone to committing crimes than their native peers. Furthermore, researchers examine the reason as to wherefore immigrants are weighed as a whole even though ethnic groups among immigrants have different rates of crime. For example, Hispanic immigrants are far more prone to commit crimes than a Japanese immigrant. This makes it unfair to consider that because a Japanese is an immigrant, they are also more prone to commit crimes. Much like in the past, the publ... ...untries. International Journal of Comparative Sociology, 52,115-131http//, S. A., & Kubrin, C. E. (2009). THE POWER OF PLACE Immigrant communities and adolescent violence, The Sociological Quarterly, 50, 581-607http//, B. (2009). Immigration and violence The offsetting effects of immigrant concentration on Hispanic violence. Social Science Research, 38, 717-731http//, A. L., & Martinez, R. (2011). Nationality, immigrant groups, and arrest Examining the diversity of arrestees for urban violent crime. Journal of Contemporary Criminal Justice, 27, 343-360http//
The Rhetoric of Christopher Marlowe’s Tamburlaine Essays -- Christophe
The Rhetoric of Christopher Marlowes Tamburlaine The hero of Christopher Marlowes Tamburlaine the Great did not lead the life of both ordinary Scythian shepherd. Throughout the course of the drama, the once lowly Tamburlaine is bent on a path of unstoppable conquest, upheld as much by keen personal charisma and power of speech as by the strength of his sword. He exemplifies this eloquence throughout his many speeches in the play, not least of which is his aridity of Reign address to the defeated usurper of the Persian crown. Tamburlaines speech is delivered with the intention of justifying, to Cosroe and all others present, the righteousness of his own ambitions, and inviting them to share in the same. He achieves this determination by skillfully employing in his speech Aristotles three canonized methods of persuasion parole, pathos, and ethos. Tamburlaine begins his address with a subtle use of ethos, an appeal to his own credibleness as a le ader worthy of respect. He does this by comparing his own desire for the sweetness of a crown to that of mighty Jove, who threw his father Ops mastered from the heavenly chair for this same reason. By this line of persuasion, Tamburlaine is following in the very footsteps of the mighty god, and fulfilling a goal established as worthy by a most divine precedent. This comparison serves to glorify his bloody path, and subtly clarifies him as a mighty persona in majestic uprising, not just now a violent, sheep-herding rebel. Tamburlaines bolstering of his own person is followed by a justification of the very act of ambitious conquest by means of logos, a reasonable appeal to reason. He argues that NatureDoth teach us all to have aspiring... ...nd morally questionable to audience and readers alike. The depiction of ruthless conquest as an estimable and heroic endeavor could only be done successfully if it were shielded by language as beautiful as it is capable of pe rsuasion. Despite this persona of speech, there is a certain weakness in the address that the modern reader is privy to the idea of four warring elements composing our frames is quaintly erroneous. Aristotle himself would be quick to point out that a logical argument based on faulty assumptions is a faulty argument, so Tamburlaines use of logos in this speech rings somewhat hollow on ears which can pick out the flaw in his persuasions. Not that this flaw would come as a surprise to an educated modern reader, as they would likely already distrust any justification of violent domination that history has repeatedly shown to be far from admirable.
Tuesday, May 28, 2019
Early Childhood Education Diversity Case Study Essay -- Inclusive Earl
Tom is a four year old boy and is attending pre initiate for the commencement exercise time. He suffers from a condition called Cerebral palsy. According to Alvargonz, (2014), Cerebral palsy (CP) is an abnormality of motor function, the ability to move and control movements and is acquired at an early age, unremarkably less than a year of age. Tom and his parents represent the Rastafarian culture. His parents have long dreadlocks, nevertheless his dreadlocks appear to be in the initial growing stage. He is wearing a foot brace that serves as additional support for his body movements. Toms parents are eager to have him enrolled in the school, but is faced with a dilemma during the registration process. The teacher clearly demonstrated her lack of experience and the schools inability to offer an environment that caters to the diverse needs of children.I will be examining the types of discrim ination highlighted in the case study and reflect on examples of educational practices that respect and recognize the fundamental rights of children. I have explored numerous readings to validate my statements, perspectives and personal belief. My overall reflection is based on an understanding of the importance in creating an environment that is inclusive and represents diversity. I am deeply saddened that both Tom and his parents first encounter in a learning environment is tarnished by a negative experience.Issues Relating to Discriminatory Practices There are quite a few issues identified in the case study, the focus here emphasizes the importance of recognizing, addressing, and providing acceptable practice. The teacher reveals that the school is a faith school and Tom w... ...ional Research Journal, 27 (1/2), 31-44.Soodak, L. C. (2003). Classroom Management in Inclusive Settings. 42(4), 327-333. Retrieved fromhttp// ice/v042/42.4soodak.htmlTrejack, P. (2010-2011). Highscope in the diverse and inclusive classroom. 29 (2), Retrieved from http//, M. (N.d.). Developing inclusive practices A role for teachers and teacher education. (16), Retrieved from, E.D., & ORaw, P. (2010). Literature review of the principles and practices relating to inclusive education for children with special educational needs. Retrieved from http// Images Retrieved from Google
Early Childhood Education Diversity Case Study Essay -- Inclusive Earl
Tom is a four year old boy and is attending preschool for the first time. He suffers from a condition called Cerebral palsy. fit in to Alvarez, (2014), Cerebral palsy (CP) is an abnormality of motor function, the ability to move and control movements and is acquired at an early age, usually less than a year of age. Tom and his parents defend the Rastafarian culture. His parents have long dreadlocks, but his dreadlocks appear to be in the initial growing stage. He is wearing a foot brace that serves as additional support for his body movements. Toms parents are eager to have him enrolled in the school, but is faced with a dilemma during the registration process. The instructor clearly demonstrated her lack of experience and the schools inability to offer an environment that caters to the diverse needs of children.I will be examining the types of favouritism highlighted in the case study and reflect on examples of educational practices that respect and recognize the fundamental rights of children. I have explored numerous readings to validate my statements, perspectives and personal belief. My general reflection is based on an understanding of the importance in creating an environment that is inclusive and represents diversity. I am deeply saddened that both Tom and his parents first take on in a learning environment is tarnished by a negative experience.Issues Relating to Discriminatory Practices There are quite a few issues identified in the case study, the focus here emphasizes the importance of recognizing, addressing, and providing acceptable practice. The teacher reveals that the school is a faith school and Tom w... ...ional Research Journal, 27 (1/2), 31-44.Soodak, L. C. (2003). Classroom guidance in Inclusive Settings. 42(4), 327-333. Retrieved fromhttp//, P. (2010-2 011). Highscope in the diverse and inclusive classroom. 29 (2), Retrieved from http//, M. (N.d.). Developing inclusive practices A role for teachers and teacher education. (16), Retrieved from, E.D., & ORaw, P. (2010). Literature review of the principles and practices relating to inclusive education for children with special educational needs. Retrieved from http// Images Retrieved from Google
Monday, May 27, 2019
Carmen Marinache Essay
Assuming complex businesses in which company is part of organising logistics operations ( railway line transportation from station of departure to station of destination, reception of wagons at final station of destination, unloading the cargo from wagons and loading it into trucks / handling, delivery up to the clients terminal) organising special transports such as munitions transportation in infiltrate via Romania organising cargo exports from Romania with guard protection on route organising oversized transportation, export fromRomania to different countries, which implies obtaining loading drawing from an authorised company, obtaining approval for transportation from the railways and infrastructure, issuing CIM railway bills, coordinating the transport with foreign railways on traffic and obtaining all necessary traffic permission by keeping in touch with all our international partners, solving problems that might occur while transportation is performed organising exports from Romania to different countries from exCIS in special SZD wagons (wagons from CIS countries), obtaining all traffic permissions, keeping in contact with clients and partners for a locomote solving of all difficult situations organising transportation of wagons on their own wheels as well as of locomotives participating to organisation of multimodal traffic Ex cargo culmination by vessel, unloading directly or indirectly to wagons and customs clearance through a sister company specialised in port in such kind of operations), railway transportation up to one station in Europe, unloading of cargo and delivery by trucks to consignee, etc. ?Keeping in contact with Accounting and Financial Dept. in order to mutually solve problems related to the financial part of the business ? Based on the information authorized from the Controlling Dept. , analysing and proposing to the Executive Manager personal evaluation for personnel ? Monthly analysing the activity of the Railway Dept. c alculating estimated operational profit, calculating the total tonnage, presenting the situations to Executive handler ? Contacting and visiting potential clients ? Taking part to set up of transport and freight forwarding contracts with Romanian and foreign clients/partners ? Representing the company at bottom international exhibitions and fairs, in Romania and abroad, to Express Interfracht Holding own stand, and within conferences having as topic the improvement of railway transportation ? Issuing the documentation of company presentation and representing the company within different tenders opened by big production companies in Romania, in order to choose logistic supplier.
Sunday, May 26, 2019
Consumer Attitude Toward Green Marketing
LITERATURE REVIEW Some literatures were reviewed in the course of this study. These include the previous searches which atomic number 18 as 1. Sourabh Bhattacharya (2011) conducted look into on Consumer Attitude Towards color Marketing In India. According to him, Marketing is the swear out which begins with identifying the needs of the consumer and further includes product exploitation, delivering products to the consumer and providing after sales redevelopment. The conventional commercialiseing process is non specifically concerned or bothered about environsal safety.The contemporary parking lot selling concept, on the other hand, analyzes, bionomic compatibility of the product. It emphasizes on the conceptualisation of marketing strategies in conformation with environmental safety or protection. Conventional marketing paid little attention to the contamination caused to the environment from the actual system of the products, the raw materials used in manufacturing or from the promotion materials used. Conventional marketing concentrated on profit taking, while common marketing maintains the philosophy that doing clientele for a longer period is not possible without protecting the environmental.He concluded that the park marketers in India should convey out heavy promotional campaigns, because a legal age of the Indian consumers are not sure about the quality of the green products. They are indecisive whether to pay premium for purchasing green products. They are passing amusing regarding the real greenness of the eco-friendly products and tend to search for more information before buying. All these have a negative impact on the triumph of green marketing in India. Therefore, the green marketers essential do heavy promotion, so that the target customers are convinced about the qualitative aspects of the green products.This is in truth important as the Indian consumers are in general price-sensitive and green products are costlier. If they are not convinced with the quality of the green products, they remain suspicious and will not be willing to pay premium. 2. Meenakshi Verma & Anuj Verma (2011) conducted research on Green Marketing-Strategy & Scope Of Growth In Indian Market, According to him, Green marketing is the marketing of products that are presumed to be environ mentally safe. Thus green marketing incorporates a broad range of activities, including product modification, changes to the production rocess, packaging changes, as hearty as modifying advertising. Green products balance environmental compatibility with performance, affordability, and convenience. They are typically durable, non-toxic, recyclable, and are often made from recycled materials. Green products have minimal packaging, and should carry low environmental impact. Green marketing not scarce focuses on advertisements and promotion of products with environmental characteristics, but it pervades all the activities of designing, production, packaging and promoting greener products. Green marketing thrives of the cardinal philosophy Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle.It was concluded that as the demand for green products undoubtedly exist in growing economies, Green marketing provides an opportunity to the companies to increase their market-share by introducing eco-friendly products. Stricter environmental regulations across the world, growing consumer preference for eco-friendly companies, and the inherent cost advantages in lowering toxic waste are encouraging industries big and small to clean up. The research has revealed that awareness level among the consumers is pretty high and they are willing to adopt green products.However, the manufacturers need to improve the quality of the product and its after sales gain. The consumers are concerned about the world(a) warming and majority of them believe that green products shall help in reducing this cause however they are not alike(p)wise committed to improving their environ ment and may be looking to lay too much right on industry and government. Though its the responsibility of the firm to produce products, which are having minimum impact on the environment, but ultimately its the consumer who is having responsibility to use eco-friendly products. 3. Dr.Priyank Azad (2011) wrote an article Green Marketing The advanced(a) Mantra of Marketing. This article discusses the notion of green marketing, its initiatives, challenges and probable strategies as conclusion. The mounting awareness about/on disturbed ecological balance and environmental mind has changed the behavioral patterns both in the individuals and business across the world. The apprehension towards global warming, harmful pollutants, non-biodegradable sold waste has sharply risen in the past decade. straightaway is the time of recyclable, non-toxic and environment-friendly green products that mint help in preserving our nvironment and keeping it healthier. This has led the marketers to ta ke a shift in practices and incorporates the concept of Think Green. The full term sustainability has become the keyword of this competitive era. As the resources are scarce and human wants are infinite, this broadening gap has augmented the interest among the consumers all over the world regarding ordnance store of environment. This increasing awareness and environmental consciousness has transformed the behavioral blueprints both in individuals and businesses.Now there is an era of recyclable, non-toxic and environment responsive green goods. This led to green marketing which speaks of mounting market for sustainable and socially accountable products and services. It contains a wide range of tasks such as product adjustment, transforming the production process, changed advertising, modifications in packaging, etcetera , that aims at reducing the harmful impact of products and their consumption and disposal on the environment. Despite this world awareness, there are numerous pot ential challenges and issues that are need to be surmounted. . Andrew Franklin Prince, Reuban Jacob and Jerrin M Philipose (2011) conducted a study on Green Marketing Recaliberation and Disposal of Exhausted Product Earns for Itself. In this era of technologically-advanced educated world, products developed considering ecological aspects have more mileage than the regular products. Consumers awareness of proper disposal of exhausted products is need of the hour. The products demanded by the customers could be recaliberated to be used further as homogeneous or differentiated products.Meanwhile, the products which cross the bar of recaliberation could be disposed by the manufacturer. However, product disposal, is yet to find a prominent ground in India. The floriculture of corporate organizations trying to bag the sensible customers by providing the right kind of product with a tag line of eco-friendly, has just kick started. At this juncture one may think, is Corporate Social Respo nsibility (CSR) a good initiative only in written reports? It was concluded that the strategy could set ashore revelation in the market. It is high time that we emphasize on the concept that marketing begins and ends with manufacturer.This however would need the background support of customers as well as constitution makers for the effective implementation of the strategy. The flow of demand is expected to develop the customers buying preference for accompaniment manufacturers who are following this strategy. Brand build effort could also be practiced to the maximum. The era of green market could be enhanced to the utmost. The waste in the Mother Nature will be minimized in the coming era, which shall provide better products for the better customers. Thus, providing recaliberation and disposal will earn itself for the comp whatsoever. 5.Deeksha Dave & Kartik Dave (2011) conducted a study on Environmental Management utilisations In The Hospitality Industry. With their massive r esource consumption and waste generation, big hotels quite literall function and pollute like a mini city. Hotels consume resources like energy, water, food, paper and pollute the environment in the form of smoke, noise and chemical pollutants. retentivity the above issues in view, the industry has come forward to save the environment and is playing a major role in environment protection by developing awareness and adopting environmental friendly practices.Since hotels occupy a underlying place in the tourism industry and its development does impact the environment considerably, it is believed that hotels should be more proactive in their managerial response concerning environmental performance. Keeping this in mind the study explores the environmental management practices among hotels operating in Udaipur. The proceedss have shown that although hotel companies are concerned with environmental management issues, many are not proactive enough in their responses and prefer to only take management initiatives that have considerable financial benefits for their business.Focus has been mainly on cost-cutting management measures such as minimizing energy use and water conservation as this contributes directly towards a hotels profitability. 6. Dr. Ashish Chandra, Anoop Pandey and Navneet Kaur(2010) conducted a research on Green Marketing A spear to combat Environmental Challenges. In this paper, the authors had taken a little attempt to academically examine environmental and green marketing issues and gray areas.This article introduces the damage and concepts of green marketing, briefly discuss why going green is important and also examine any(prenominal) of the reasons that organizatios are adopting a green marketing philosophy. He concluded that a successful marketer is one, who not only convinces the consumer, but also involves the consumer in marketing his products and delivering the services. Green marketing should not be considered as just one more cuddl e to marketing, but has to be pursued with much greater vigor, as it has an environmental and social dimension to it.With the threat of global warming looming large, it is extremely important that green marketing becomes the norm rather than an exception or just a fad. Recycling of paper, metals, plastics, etc. , in a safe and environmentally harmless manner should become much more systematized and universal. It has to become the general norm to use energy-efficient lamps and other electrical goods. 7. Sunita Dahiya, Dr. Amita Charan & Vijay Kumar (2010) conducted a research on Green Marketing, Emission Trading and Carbon Crediting In India.Changing trade pattern, global recession, financial crisis, stock fluctuations, corporate governance, corporate laws, and many other coming(prenominal) global challenges are truly difficult to manage for corporate, environmentalists, economists, experts, manufacturers and even administrators at the top. Ecologists, economists and financial plann ers are continuously debating for global sustainable development and steady stinting growth. Most of the intellectuals and eminent personalities are releasing it is a right time to become Globally Green and protect environment by reducing pollution and emission.It was concluded that green marketing covers more issues than a firms marketing practices only. Green marketing is a requirement for our survival on this earth. India can set standards for others to lead in the area of carbon crediting and trading. From decades we are exploiting natural resources but now because of natural calamities like global warming, Acidic rains, Tsunami, Earthquakes, floods, Drought and green house gases, we are realizing importance of green marketing.Globally there are number of environmental trading markets as have been explained above which provide for balance in period of environment and effect corporate competitiveness and profitability in terms of standards and final finished products. 8. Oyewole, P. (2001). Social Costs of Environmental Justice Associated with the Practice of Green Marketing. diary of Business Ethics, 29(3), Feb, pp. 239-252. This paper presents a conceptual link among green marketing, environmental justice, and industrial ecology. It argues for greater awareness of environmental justice in the practice for green marketing.In contrast with the type of costs commonly discussed in the literature, the paper identified another type of costs, termed costs with positive results, that may be associated with the presence of environmental justice in green marketing. A research agenda is finally suggested to determine consumers awareness of environmental justice, and their willingness to bear the costs associated with it. 9. Merilanen, S. , Moisander, J. & Personen, S. (2000). The manlike Mindset of Environmental Management and Green Marketing. Business Strategy and the Environment, 9(3), pp. 51-162. Environmental management systems and green marketing programmes h ave gained increasing popularity in western market economies. They are viewed as cost-efficient, effective and just means of tackling problems associated with the impact of economic activity on the environment. It is argued in this article, however, that these optimistic views are based on a number of ideas, images and metaphors that retain many androcentric and inadequate assumptions about self, society and nature that may be incompatible with long-term environmental protection goals. 0. Prothero, A. & Fitchett, J. A. (2000). Greening capitalist economy Opportunities for Green Community. Journal of Macromarketing, 20(1), pp. 46-56. In this paper, the authors argue that greater ecological enlightenment can be secured through capitalism by using the characteristics of commodity culture to further progress environmental goals. The authors reject both naive ecological romanticism and revolutionary idealism on the grounds that they fail to offer any pragmatic basis by which greater envi ronmental responsibility can be achieved.Drawing on the now well-established theoretical tradition of post-Marxist cultural criticism, the authors offer a conceptual justification for the development and implementation of a green commodity discourse. For this to be achieved and implemented, prevailing paradigms regarding the structure, nature, and characteristics of capitalism must be revised. Marketing not only has the potential to contribute to the establishment of more sustainable forms of society but, as a principle agent in the operation and proliferation of commodity discourse, also has a considerable responsibility to do so. 11.Prothero, A. (1998). Green Marketing The Fad That Wont Slip Slide Away. Journal of Marketing Management, 14(6), July, pp. 507-513. The author introduces several papers discussed in the July 1998 issue of Journal of Marketing Management focusing on green marketing. This includes a citation of the need to review existing literature on green marketing, an empirical study of unite States and Australian marketing managers, a description of what a green alliance look like in practice in Great Britain, ecotourism and definitions of green marketing. 12. Kilbourne, W. E. & Beckman, S. C. (1998).Review and sarcastic Assessment of Research on Marketing and the Environment. Journal of Marketing Management, 14(6), July, pp. 513-533. This paper provides a review and categorization of the environmentally related research published in the major English language marketing journals over the period from 1971 to 1997. It traces the development from the early research which focused predominantly on the characterization of the green consumer, conceptualization of environmental consciousness, environmentally related behaviours such as recycling, and attitudes towards environmental problems such as pollution.This was followed by a period in which energy conservation, legislation, and public policy issues were added to the agenda which remained predom inantly managerialist in perspective. While the same issues were studied within the 1990s, the research agenda was expanded again to include broader issues such as environmental values and institutions. Most recently, the big issues of sustainable marketing and its relationship to the dominant social paradigm have been introduced into the literature.The paper concludes by arguing that the examination of the macro issues from an interdisciplinary perspective is necessary for further development of marketing thought in this area, and that a synthesis of the macro and micro perspectives is necessary for effective and stand public policy regarding the marketing/environmental relationship. 13. Walker, R. H. & Hanson, D. J. (1998). Green Marketing and Green Places A Taxonomy for the Destination Marketer. Journal of Marketing Management, 14(6), July, pp. 623-640.This paper highlights and discusses green/environmental implications and imperatives associated with finish marketing as disti nct from those related to product and services marketing. A comparative taxonomy has been developed to illustrate these, and to provide a framework for discussing their relevance, with reference to the particular case of Tasmania as a tourism destination. 14. Kilbourne, W. E. (1998). Green Marketing A Theoretical Perspective. Journal of Marketing Management, 14(6), July, pp. 641-656. The author discusses the failure of green marketing to locomote beyond the limitations of the prevailing paradigm.While there are nascent macro developments in marketing thought that might lead to a truly green marketing considering sustainability, holistic thought, and the limitations of the prevailing paradigm, they remain thus far on the periphery of the discipline. This will remain so until a broader, multi-disciplinary approach incorporating the multiple dimensions of the DSP is developed. The author identifies areas that must be examined for their effect in the marketing/environment relationship , namely economic, political and technological dimensions of the cultural frame of reference. 5. .Fisk, G. (1998). Green Marketing Multiplier for Appropriate technology Transfer? Journal of Marketing Management, 14(6), July, pp. 657-677. The effectiveness of reward and reinforcement strategy used in marketing activity is compared to a strategy of mutual coercion mutually agreed upon as a means for accelerating acceptance of environmentally appropriate production and consumption technologies. The risk and reward consequences of green marketing tactical maneuver are traced to identify their implications in pursuing globally sustainable development.Together, reward and reinforcement strategies and coercive regulatory activities are more promising for attaining sustainable development than either one alone. 16. Grove, S. J. & Fisk, R. P. (1996). Going green in the Service Sector. European Journal of Marketing, 30(5), pp. 56-67. The authors attempted to bring attention to the general and pervasive exclusion of service industries from discussions of green marketing practices. They explore why circumstance may exist, and provided arguments to support the adoption of environmental practices by services providers.Also in trying to identify how the service sector can contribute to the preservation of the environment, a greening of services matrix was presented. This matrix was designed to demonstrate through hypothetical examples the many ways that service industries can reduce, reuse or recycle resources, either collectively or individually, and thereby embrace the green initiative. Finally, the authors submitted a total quality/ benchmarking approach as a means by which services organizations may adopt environmental practices. 17.Menon and Menon (1997) Green marketing is a phenomenon which has developed particular import in the modern market. This concept has enabled for the re-marketing and packaging of existing products which already adhere to such guidelines. A dditionally, the development of green marketing has opened the door of opportunity for companies to co-brand their products into separate line, lauding the green-friendliness of some while ignoring that of others. Such marketing techniques as will be explained are as a direct result of movement in the minds of the consumer market.As a result of this businesses have increased their rate of targeting consumers who are concerned about the environment. These same consumers through their concern are interested in integrating environmental issues into their purchasing decisions through their incorporation into the process and content of the marketing strategy for whatever product may be required. 18. Banerjee, S. , Gulas, C. S. and Iyer E. (1995). Shades of green A multidimensional abstract of environmental advertising. Journal of Advertising, 24(2), 21-32.This paper discusses how businesses have increased their rate of targeting green consumers, those who are concerned about the environ ment and allow it to affect their purchasing decisions. The paper identifies the three particular segments of green consumers and explores the opportunities businesses have with green marketing. The paper also examines the message of green marketing and describes the deceit of green washing. The paper considers three green campaigns of the New Leaf Paper Company, the Courier Corporation and Clorox bleach and concludes that green marketing is something that will continuously grow in both practice and demand.
Saturday, May 25, 2019
Bureaucracy and Democracy
Bureaucracy and Democracy Assuming that the courts interpretation of the law was accurate, do you believe that the states power to regulate in these matters should outweigh the federal official governments right to do so? What, if anything, should be done? No I do not think the states power to regulate in these matters should outweigh the federal government. Independent Agencies help execute policy or provide special services.Independent Agencies also exist outside of the departments of the decision maker branch and have three fragmentise branches Executive President of the United States, esponsible for administering and enforcing the laws of government Legislative Congress responsible for the creation of law Judicial Supreme Court responsible for administering Justice, resolving disputes, and interlingual rendition the law.This system establishes a strong central government, while insuring a balance of power. Agencies can be characterized as being either executive agencies or unconditional agencies. How do they differ and, from your standpoint, which is preferable in terms of maintaining agency focus and controlling the actions of the agency? Independent agencies are those that exist outside of the departments of the executive branch, executive agencies are not
Friday, May 24, 2019
The Principal Legacies of Imperialism for the Contemporary World Economy
AbstractThis study explores the principal legacies of imperialism for the contemporary instauration economy. The findings indicate that although colonialism ended many years ago, its effects and policies still remain in the world-wide economy and it is being aided by globalisation. The developed economies use alien aid and multinationals to control the economies of the developing countries.Introduction The fresh world economy has been influenced by both imperialism and the experience of colonialism. Western imperialism dominated the global history in the last 200 years and it transformed both the third world and western nations in terms of culture, economy, politics and socialisation (Dutt, 2006). The term imperialism was derived from a Latin word imp termtor meaning autocratic power and centralised government (Smith & Dawson Books, 2008). As such imperialism involves one country dominating a nonher country or other countries in ways that benefit it and not the latter. The impa ct of Europe on the world economy is significant because it has shaped the economic sphere. The legacy of imperialism exists in the form of communication networks, economic structures and ties to metropolitan economies typifying precedent colonies.Principal Legacies of Imperialism on the Contemporary beingness Economy Imperialism was the precursor of globalisation that characterises the contemporary world economy (Chattopadhyaya & Das, 2007). This legacy is not entirely benign and the effects of the restructuring of economies of the former colonies have guide to dependence on the metropoles economies. Colonialism had to be stopped because it was exploitative, displaced people from their natural status and transferred wealth from one country to the other. However, globalisation came up to replace imperialism by achieving the corresponding results but this time legitimately and in a manner that is politically correct (Ramana & Observer Research Foundation, 2008). The World Trade Organisation and the General pact on Tariffs and Trade legitimised this legacy of imperialism through putting in place trade agreements to eliminate trade barriers. This ensures that countries participate in their own subjugation and in the process transform themselves into neo-colonial states (Hont, 2005).Globalisation has not led to economic equality and interdependence as it is often claimed. It has instead made the lesser developed countries capable on the developed countries (Dunning & Lundan, 2008). In addition to this, it has also led to indebtedness to the International Financial Institutions owned by the west. In some cases it has also led to unfair competition, greater debt and increased poverty. Although globalisation has created wealth for some countries, it has also increased poverty for others. Dutt (2006) adds that it is a more efficient way of exploiting other nations with the booster of established international institutions and mechanisms designed to entrap the lesser developed countries through creating economic dependency, debt, and increasing poverty. However un wish well colonialism these countries cannot turn ones stomach against the loss of their sovereignty. This is because any attempts to revolt could make them lose economic aid that would result in economic and human crisis. This is a huge risk that these countries are never willing to risk. totally these are consequences of the structuring of the economies of the former colonies making them dependent on exports, monoculture and fluctuations in the global market.Imperialism created a political economic reality of dependency and exploitation because most of the lesser developed economies do not have full control of their economic affairs (Hont, 2005). There are counterarguments that political economies have lives of their own which make them not fully controllable or that globalisation has taken away such control from all countries. However this perception does not take into ac count the position that there is a huge difference in the extent of control. The northern nation states have a relatively strong position because of the financial institutions and multinationals which cast them higher control over their political economies (Tester, 2010). The southern nation states on the other hand are impoverished, indebted and dependent on foreign investing and foreign aid. Therefore neo-colonialism steps in because these nation states have reduced control.The contemporary world economy is organised around capitalist imperialism characterised by overbearing accumulation of capital through organised labour exploitation and penetrating overseas markets. The capital imperialists make investments in the other countries, transforms and then dominates their economies. Additionally, they integrate their arable and financial structures into the international system of capital accumulation (Chattopadhyaya & Das, 2007). Expansion is the central imperative of capitalis m because investors unaccompanied pursue business ventures when they see opportunities for extracting more than they invest. These firms only increase their earnings when their enterprises grow. As such the capitalists keep searching for ways of generating more money. They have to invest in order to generate winnings and conglomerate strengths to be able to beat off competition and unpredictable markets. Owing to its expansionary nature, capitalism has to keep exploring other opportunities away from plateful. It is this expansion that ends up destroying whole societies as people are forced to transform into disfranchised wage employees (Smith & Dawson Books, 2008). Consumer societies, mass market and mass media replace folk cultures and indigenous societies. Agribusiness factory farms remove cooperative lands, centralised autocracies supplant autonomous regions and desolate shanty towns replace villages. European and North American corporations have acquired and now control ove r 75% of mineral resources in Africa, Asia and Latin America (Dunning & Lundan, 2008). However, the pursuit for natural resources is not the only reason for expanding operations overseas. They also need to lower the cost of action and maximise profits through investing in economies with cheaper labour markets. They make over 50% profits in the lesser developed countries compared to their home countries because of factors like low wages, weak labour unions, low taxes, weak or non-existent environmental and occupational protections and non-existent work benefits (Guo & Guo, 2010). For instance Citibank which is one of the largest US firms makes about approximately 75% of its profits from its operations overseas (Ramana & Observer Research Foundation, 2008).Imperialism has made it possible for the multinational firms to slide by growing even at a time when their home markets are sluggish because of the dramatic growth in the foreign markets which still remain unexploited. Currently s ome 400 transnational companies control approximately 80% capital assets in the free global market (Hobson, 2005). These companies have developed global production lines across the lesser developed countries. Multiple sourcing awards these transnational companies to tame strikes in one country by increasing production in the other countries. By playing the workers of different countries against each other, they discourage them from making demands on wage and benefit increments which undermine the strategies of labour unions. These firms find cheap labour, natural resources and other profitable conditions in the less developed countries. This is what enables them to generate huge profits which they then repatriate back to their home countries.Both national and local anaesthetic governments often compete in attracting multinational companies with huge expectations in terms of craft provision, tax revenues and economic activity (Sharp, 2009). These governments offer the companies incentives in terms of lax labour or environmental regulations, pledges of government assistance, tax breaks and other subsidies. Other than go these governments a promise of economic growth, these companies exert power over government through their technical and intellectual property. For instance Microsoft has software patents and Adidas has patents on shoe designs. The patents allow these corporations to exercise their monopolistic powers in the local economy and in the process inhibit the growth of the local enterprises. Additionally, this monopoly helps them maintain low costs of labour and at times even exploitative. Owing to the size of these corporations, they often influence government policies using threats of withdrawal from the market (Louis, 2006). This forces the governments of the lesser developed states to make polices that benefit the corporations quite than protecting the rights of the citizens. Therefore these corporations exploit the local labour force and funn el the important resources away from these countries into their home countries. In this way globalisation has made the lesser developed economies to be dependent on the developed countries.The multinational companies also cause uneven distribution of benefits because the resources are diverted from the local people into foreign markets (Louis, 2006). For instance land that could have been used to produce food for the local populations is used by these corporations to grow cash crops for their operations. This leads to high costs of food for the local populations as they are at times forced to import what they could produce locally if their natural resources were effectively utilised. In addition to this, fresh produce are packaged for the international markets where they will fetch more money rather than feeding the local populations. This is the reason why foreign dependency has led to general malnutrition in many lesser developed economies (Tester, 2010).Conclusion In conclusion , this study has explored the principles legacies of imperialism on the contemporary world economy. The findings indicate that the developed economies still manage the economies of former colonies and the developing economies using different mechanisms like aid and multinational companies with the aid of globalisation. Economic globalisation has also led to unequal economic relations amid the developed and the developing economies. The governments of the lesser developed economies act more in the interests of the multinationals and other economies that provide them with aid instead of acting independently on behalf of the citizens. This creates a feeling of economic connection with the lesser developed economies feeling that they cannot survive on their own. Therefore the dependent relations that were established under colonialism still continue to dominate the world economy through economic imperialism or neo-colonialism.ReferencesChattopadhyaya, D. P., & Das, G. J. B. (2007) Sci ence, technology, imperialism and war. New Delhi Pearson Longman.Dunning, J. H., & Lundan, S. M. (2008) Multinational enterprises and the global economy. Cheltenham, UK Edward Elgar.Dutt, S. (2006). India in a Globalized World. Manchester Manchester University Press.Guo, S., & Guo, B. (2010). Greater China in an era of globalization. Lanham, Md Rowman & Littlefield.Hobson, J. A. (2005). Imperialism A study. New York Cosimo.Hont, I. (2005). Jealousy of trade International competition and the nation state in historical perspective. Cambridge, Mass Belknap Press of Harvard University Press.Louis, W. R. (2006). Ends of British imperialism The tucker out for empire, Suez and decolonization collected essays. London I.B. Tauris.Ramana, P. V., & Observer Research Foundation. (2008). The Naxal challenge Causes, linkages, and policy options. New Delhi Pearson Education.Sharp, J. P. (2009). Geographies of post-colonialism. London SAGE.Smith, D., & Dawson Books. (2008). The dragon and the ele phant China, India and the new world order. London Profile.Tester, K. (2010). Humanitarianism and modern culture. University Park, Pa The Pennsylvania State University Press.
Thursday, May 23, 2019
Driving Statistics in Utah
In the statistics I read, I found that in every category on that point was look sharping too fast. Obviously that is a problem in Utah. In my experience with drivers, I have noniced that many people speed and take ont even realize that they are doing so. I think that speeding is a problem because so many people die from it. On the page it stated that 15. 2% of people die from speeding and that 14. 7% of teens die from speeding. I will admit that it is shocking that those percentages are so high. I didnt expect that many deaths from just going to fast in a car.It has brought new light into my mind that people need to be to a greater extent aware of how fast they go. Another thing that really took me by surprise is the percentages of overcorrections. The deaths in people are 7. 9% and teens are 8. 8%. Those percentages are humble than I had expected them to be. In my own feel, I have had a number of people dear to my heart die from overcorrection. I am not saying that there shoul d be more, but that I have noticed more deaths from overcorrections than speeding, running of the road, or failure to keep in proper lane.It is a dangerous thing that is deadly and shows that it is important to be aware of your actions. On the Top Five Reasons Teens Crash on Utah Highways, I noticed that it says device driver Distraction 7. 5%. I wondered if that included texting and assumed it did. Im guessing that the majority of those crashes were because of texting. There are so many people who dont realize that it is a huge distraction and looking away for a few seconds, can make a difference. In my own life I have seen many teens around my age texting and driving and thinking it doesnt matter when it really does. One text message could make the difference.
Wednesday, May 22, 2019
Effects of the Social Networking Sites to the Study Habits of the 4th year High School Students Essay
CHAPTER 1IntroductionNowadays, technology is already taking over the world. They subroutine technology in different delegacys. It is a great(p) help especially in communicating. Social networking sites be products of technology and also one way of communicating with each other. Everyone is fond of using brotherly networking sites. They image it as a part of our daily lives. They love sharing pictures, expressing our feelings and thoughts, and blogging about new things. Almost everyone uses Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, Instagram and many more(prenominal). They enjoy using them especially teenagers. They parcel of land most everything they do and express their unsaid thoughts, ideas and emotions.But does their furnishiction in using these well-disposed networking sites still benefits them? They arouse say that companionable networking sites atomic number 18 good inventions in terms of connecting and mixerizing plainly teenagers who are fond of using these cant seem to p ress enough. Some of them or MOST of them certainly use these every now and then. It is really ironic that they still wealthy person while to conduct in social networking sites that they nurture tons of sign works and quizzes kinda of just spending their time in study and doing their school works. For the 4th year students, they really need to have a good time anxiety because they need to imply the requirements they are obligated to do in order to graduate from high school. They need to be responsible in dividing our time in many things but how throw in that they can still find time to use these social networking sites?Do these social networking sites already affect their study habits? Theresearchers desire to populate if these social networking sites affect the study habits of the 4th year students and how can they maintain good study habits without being distracted. We also wanted to know if these social networking sites can help them in their way of studying. This stud y is conducted to know the good and bad effects of social networking sites to the students and to know how to improve and prevent it.Background of the businessOne of the obligations of the teenagers is to study. Their role is to become a hardworking student and a good child to their parents. As students, they are expected to give their best in their studies to have good grades. Their parents give every effort they can give to send their children in school with a high quality education. Nowadays, there are a lot of ways in improving the way of educating the students. Technology is one of those. Technology like net can help to broaden the intimacy of a student and makes it easier for them to study but technology can also be a suit for the students to limit their knowledge in what they can get from here. Internet is the best and easiest contribution of technology in terms of communicating, researching and studying.All of these in just one click. Internet cannot only help the studen ts in doing their home works and researches but also in communicating and socializing. There are a lot of websites use by the teenagers to socialize. These websites are called Social networking sites. In these sites, they can chat with their friends and share photos and thoughts with them. These sites are also used in advertising products that can be useful for the students. These sites are a good invention but they also have disadvantages to the people especially to the students. Good study habits are important in maintaining good grades in school but students tend to utilize these social networking sites which limit their time in studying. They were expected to spend more time in studying but because of these social networking sites they tend to be distracted.They exhausted most of their time in using their social networking sites and lessen their time in studying. As time goes by, the situations are getting worse. There may come to a point where students will just use their soc ial networking sites instead of studying which may lead to a bigger problem like poignant their grades and way of learning. It may cause theirlaziness and non compliance in their subjects. These problems may lead to the bad academic surgery.Statement of the ProblemThe researcher primarily aimed to know how the networking sites affect the study habits of the 4th year students in shaper Light Academy. This study is purposively conducted to know the advantages and disadvantages of the social networking sites to the graduating students and their way of studying.Specifically, this study ought to answer the following questions 1. Before, students used to tolerate with there studies but now that social networking sites are invented, how does they spend their time in terms of studying?2. The students are fond of using the internet to progress to their school works easily but internet also allows them to use social networking sites, Can they concentrate with their school works while usi ng social networking sites at the same time? 3. Good study habits are maintained by the students with the sense of discipline and good time management unfortunately, they became fans of social networking sites can they still have good study habits despite of their continuous use of social networking sites?HypothesisNull Hypothesis1. The 4th year students of Divine Light Academy are spending so much time in using social networking sites.2. They spend less time in studying.3. They have poor study habits and time management.Operational Hypothesis1. The 4th year students of Divine Light Academy spend less time instudying when they are using social networking sites2. They are used of doing their homework and researches while using their social networking sites.3. They cant concentrate when they are using social networking sites while studying and they can have better study habits without these sites Conceptual FrameworkFig.1 Effects of the Social Networking Sites to the Study Habit Input * How students spend their time each day in termsof Studying and Using Social networking sites?* Do they use social networking sites while doingassignments, especially when doing researches?* Can they concentrate in doing their homeworkwithout checking on their blogs or other sites?* In what way can they maintain good study habits?With the use of social networking sites orwithout the use of social networking sites?* What do they do first once they open a computerto do a research or homework?Process * Observing their motion in class and if they can comply to the requirements * needed in their subjects.* Asking about their study habits and their use of social networking sites. * Interviewing them about their daily routine and their way of balancing their studiesand their use of social networking sites. * Giving questionnaires to the respondents to gather data. Output* By just exactly observing, the researcherwill know if the students performance issatisfying or not.* By asking about their study habits, theresearcher will know the reason why theirclass performance is satisfying or not.* They would feel and know that they need to* improve their study habits and avoid orlessen the distraction.* The lack of study habits can be change with* the questionnaires that are effrontery to them.Definition of Terms1. Academic Performance- the basis for your overall grades. 2. Blogging- is a way of sharing comments, opinions or articles in internet 3. Communicating- is to impart to reveal or to share4. Daily Routine- is a set of things you do in your everyday life. 5. Education- is the systematic training of moral and intellectual faculties. 6. Facebook- is a social networking site wherein you can add new friends, chat and share pictures and comments. 7. Instagram- is a social networking site wherein you can share any photo and video you want. 8. Roles- is the function or part.9. Social networking sites- are the websites wherein you can socialize with other people. 10. Soci alizing- is to render socially11. Students- the beneficiaries and the ones who absorb all the things that the teachers are teaching. 12. Study habits- is the act of acquiring knowledge or application of the sense in a usual or customary time. 13. Teenagers- youth with between 13 and 19 said of age.14. Time Management- this is the skill to manage your time to give over the things that you wanted to accomplish. 15. Tumblr- a social networking site wherein you can blog any photo, video, quotes or even an article about any topic you want. 16. Twitter- you can share or tweet (as what term used in that site) about anything using 140 characters only. 17. Websites- the pages you used when your using internetTheoretical FrameworkBefore, students used to concentrate with there studies but now that social networking sites are invented their time is divided in using social networking sites and studying each day. They may spend more time in using social networking sites than studying or they m ay do it the other way around. The students are fond of using the internet to accomplish their school works easily but internet also allows them to use social networking sites while doing their assignments and when theyre doing researches. Can they finish their school works without checking their blogs or other sites? Good study habits are maintained by the students with the sense of discipline and good time management unfortunately, they became fans of social networking sites can they still have good study habits despite of their continuous use of social networking sites?By observing and asking them about their studies and daily routine, we can know if their studies are unnatural by their addiction of social networking sites. We can observe if they are doing well in their class and if they can concentrate to their studies without being distracted. By just simply observing, the researcher will know if the students performance is satisfying or not. The researcher can interpret the d ata gathered to know the reason why their class performance is like that. The interpreted data will give the researcher the conclusion to the problems stated in the study.
Tuesday, May 21, 2019
Monroe Motivated Sequence Design Essay
Gain AttentionWe have all told seen and heard the stories nationally and locally on the topic of the rubeola vaccination. Most recently, Disneyland in December of 2014, 59 cases were documented due to an outbreak at the amusement park. Out of those 59 cases 34 had their vaccinations ( Locally, according to the Reno Gazette ledger on February 12, 2015, there are 27 possible cases and four of them are confirmed. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention state that morbilli is the some deadly of all childhood illnesses. We need to know our facts and be knowledgeable on the signs, risks, and potentials of getting this vaccine.Establish a NeedAccording to an article in the Washington Post, a survey performed showing 83% of Americans feel the measles vaccination is safe. The other 9% are Americans between the age of 18 and 29 are most likely to state that vaccinations are unsafe. That 9% is in the age group that hasnt seen or witnessed the effects of the measles d ue to vaccinations requirements in the past. Additional teaching must be taught in regards to the effects of not having this shot. We need to establish a guideline for those that do not wish to be vaccinated. By not educating yourself and others you are speculating on the chances of contracting the virus.Provide SatisfactionReferencing the website for The Centers For Disease Control and Prevention, in the decade prior to the measles vaccine in 1963, an average of 549,000measles cases and 495 measles finishs were describe. They speculate that 3-4 million measles cases occurred each year. After the implementation of the vaccine, cases declined dramatically in the US. Over the decade of 1989-1991 the epidemic came to the surface again when oer 55,000 cases and 123 deaths were reported. It is stated this was caused by unvaccinated preschool age children who were not vaccinated.Thus in turn created the need for a second dose to be recommended. In 2000, the measles were considered elim inated from the United States. Now we are seeing the virus popping up again all over the country and locally, once again to non-vaccinated due to religious or health concerns with the vaccine. In addition, there is concerns with the importations of the virus from travelers coming in and out of the country. There is a reason this vaccine is available to the public and there should be a law restricting those who do not wish to have the vaccination.Visualization (either utopia or tragic)As we have seen throughout the decades this vaccination working and has proven result. When it is not administered we see the death rate increase. No one wants to see a child or a loved one possess physical and mentally from the measles, if prevention is possible. Why risk your life or someone you love based on a uneducated decision. These cases have been reported and documented resent by the Disneyland outbreak. And how quickly this virus spread has multiplied. This could be you or someone that is un vaccinated that could cause the spread of this disease leading to death in some casesCall to Action concrete, do-able, practical actionsIn conclusion, It is our own responsibility to take care of ourselves and the ones we love in life. We need to educate ourselves and olfactory sensation at the real statistics related to the measles vaccination. If we take the time to learn more about the virus its causes, risks, and effects, we can create a more popular opinion out opinion to getting this vaccination. We all do not like the saying could of, would of, should of, dont let that be you.
Monday, May 20, 2019
Comparison Between Twelfth Night and the Rivals
Final Paper A0981150 comparability Twelfth Night with The Rivals, both of them are comedies evolving around several couples. The two plays contain the device of mask and mistaken identity. In Twelfth Night, Viola disguises herself as Cesario, which attracts Orsino and Olivia while in The Rivals, Jack Absolute disguises himself as Ensign Beverley, who fascinates Lydia. Speaking of similarities, both the disguises lead to the characters affairs, and they are proved to be genuine love at the end of the plays.On the other hand, as for differences, in Twelfth Night, Viola disguises herself as a man, and that results in her multifactorial situation, a love triangle. Instead, in The Rivals, Jack takes the disguise as an ensign, which does not alter his real sexual activity as a man therefore, his situation is purer, that is, earning Lydias heart only and not dra move ong other admirer. Both the plays mention the communication of mails. In Twelfth Night, Maria writes letter to Malvolio , which purports to be from Olivia.The function of letters in this play is to trick Malvolio, who is such a fool that believes the countess Olivia, a woman of a higher(prenominal) rank than his, would fall in love with him. In The Rivals, the function of letters is simpler, that is, Jack writes to Lydia to court her below the mistaken identity of a poor Ensign in order to win her affection or some other sentiment. In The Rivals, Jack Absolutes line Pho man, is not music the feed of love? is an allusion to Twelfth Night. In the beginning of Twelfth Night, Orsino says If music be the food of love, play on Nevertheless, these two characters utter such statement in very different situations. Orsino, at that time, is melancholic and diabolically in love, by contrast, Jack says his line when his friend, Faulkland, is getting crazy since his lovers merriment during his absence irritates him. Thus Jack plays the role of a calm, reasonable, and comforting friend.Compare the situations th e two characters Orsino and Jack are in, their state of consciousness is completely different. The former stands for sentimental emotion, while the latter represents rationality. The two plays also involve the same element, duel. In Twelfth Night, Sir Andrew demands a duel with Cesario in order to have Olivia as lover. In The Rivals, encouraged by Sir Lucius, Acres writes a challenge note to Beverley to a duel.However, these two fights are in vain, the disturbers cannot achieve their goals to win the girls they want. These plots seem unimportant, but the duels actually help the meant-to-be couples to assure themselves that they have chosen the suitable ones for love and marriage. On account of the duels, the couples either reunite or get to know each others true identity. Generally speaking, the duels add much entertainment to the plays. Most important of all, they elicit the happy endings.
Sunday, May 19, 2019
Appreciating Visual Art forms through Fashion
subterfuge can be defined as the product or process of deliberate ar drawment of elements in a carriage to affect the emotion or senses of a viewer (Tolstoy, pp.28). A diverse range of human activities, forms of expression and creations encompass device. These would include visual and the playing arts that entail music, sculpture, paintings, literature and take away among others.Visual art is the form of art that mainly produce kit and caboodle that can be appreciated visually (Bell, pp. 17). These include paintings, drawings, videos and films, mode, photographs, graffiti, tattoos and even crafts. Visual art can as well as be broken down to performing arts (plays, drama and other human performances), textile arts (fashion and fabric work), and conceptual art (artistic function and representation of concepts).According to Bell, visual art is not only apply for its esthetic value but also for its practical applications programme in industrial design, decorative art, fashion d esign, graphic design and also indoor design. He adds that the aesthetical value of a piece of work may differ with its expend among assorted users (pp. 19).Tolstoy adds that art has been seen to adhere to certain principles and elements that complete the different forms we have. Principles and elements of art include visual elements that are used to produce different works of art. These include line, shape and trick with an addition of space, balance and movement.The use of color line and space has the capability of creating movement balance and space in a peace of art. Artists use these principles and elements of art to create works that send a message, affect emotion or are for aesthetic value (pp, 28).Visual art utilizes the elements and principles of art in that artists use color to make paintings, lines for drawings and also paintings, space in their drawings and paintings and also the creation of balance space and movement through the use of line color in their pieces o f work.Different forms of visual art are products of different artists being inspired by personal preferences, different people, events, excited experiences and/or other factors in creating different forms of visual art (Tolstoy, pp. 28).Visual art and fine art are closely interrelated. Fine art utilizes the elements and principles of art and takes a wide range of scope from paintings, to calligraphy, music and dance among others. The difference between fine art and visual art is that fine art is purely for aesthetic value unlike visual art that can be used in industrial application such as sculptures. Fine art can be termed as visual art is it is appreciated though seeing.This essay will concentrate on the appreciation of visual art in the fashion industry. Different visual art forms have been used in the fashion industry based on the preference of the artist, collector or the designer. Designers may choose to produce various visual works of art or even collect them. Collectors of visual works of art include photographers and collectors of antiques, paintings and other visual works who range from individual designers to museum employees (Abbott, pp. 22).Their work involves the collection and arrangement of these works of art in a manner that will affect the emotion or sense of the viewer in the message it conveys. The works of such an artist may also be for aesthetic value if not both to convey a message and for beauty. These artists also serve the function of storing history and events (Fashion Projects, para 1).The photographs and items collected act as a preservation of the information or art work conveyed therein which can be reviewed in future. In fashion, these collections (photographs and other items) are used for beauty as well as different functional uses. An grammatical case would be the imprints of iconic figures pictures on fabric such as bags, t-shirts, pendants and even shoes (Abbott, pp. 36).
Saturday, May 18, 2019
Do Men and Women Communicate Differently? Essay
lots quantify, custody and wo men experience misunderstandings because of communication problems. People nurse long since studied the differences in communication of men and women. in that location have been arguments that men and women communicate similarly and that the difference lies somewhere else than their genders. This difference is non tackled in this paper as the author believes that on that point atomic number 18 significant differences in how men and women communicate with another(prenominal)(a) nation. This is attest through the research of relevant belles-lettres, which ar cited to give support to the authors position.The literature showed the numerous differences of men and women and their communication styles. In the end, the author was able to prove his position but besides stated that the differences in communication are not limited to gender issues but also to whizs individuality. Psychology Do work force and Women croak Differently? Communication is an essential part of peoples everyday lives. The easiest way to see of communication is through its common meaning in several(prenominal) languages as transportation, or a means of getting a message from one point to another(prenominal) (Eadie, 2009, p. 4).Read moreDifferent reasons people communicateessayIt is used to relay what one wants to founder to another person through the use of words (verbal) or body language (non-verbal) (Thompson, 2002, pp. 3-5). Without these forms of communication, people would have a hard time expressing themselves. In addition, people communicate in different ways because of their backgrounds. more specifically, men and women communicate differently. Gender has a significant impact on the way people communicate. first at an early age, men and women learn different communication styles.Communicative behaviors that are considered acceptable for minuscular boys are frequently frowned upon for little girls (Solovic, 2003, p. 43). This shows that gender does not further mean differences in the anatomical features of men and women but also in the way they express themselves. At an early age, most girls are taught by their parents to be soft-spoken and act lady-like. On the other hand, boys are trained to be more scrappy and to say what is on their headways. Still, girls are allowed to show their emotions while boys are supposed to act manly at all times.These things that are taught at home, or compensate acquired through popular media and the society, influence how men and women think and act, which are carried on into their adult lives. Women like to build relationships and connections when they communicate. They like to relate their own experiences to connect to others. This is in all likelihood because they want to hear confirmation and support from their audiences, which is typical in their nature. This is apparent in support groups and clubs that are more frequented and participated by women.Women like to share thei r feelings, especially to close friends, even if it means revealing excessively much around themselves or becoming too vulnerable in front of others. This is how their bonds are constrain and this is when they feel that they can trust the other person. It is also apparent that women race to be more becalm even when in anger or distress making sure that they keep their composure at all times. Women are known to communicate through the power of listening. They know exactly when to say something and when to pop up listening.This is probably because they believe that communication is not perpetually about talking and that there are times when it is best to listen to the other person than to say something. Women are also more touchy accept that this is a way of showing their support and care to the other person. However, women are also known to be very indirect, especially when communicating with the opposite sex. They do not say what is exactly on their mind and expect men to u nderstand them and know what they want.This is not advisable since it would promote misunderstanding and conflicts may prove because men might get the wrong ideas, which can aggravate the side even more. On the contrary, men are more slow when it comes to responding to others and this is probably because they want to be clear and accurate with what they are saying. However, they tilt to be more boastful when it comes to presenting themselves to others. They do not like to appear as weak and vulnerable. They tend to brag and put their best foot forward even when in the company of their close friends.Still, even with all these loud talking, men are more quiet and reserved when they are occupied about something. They tend to keep things to themselves and solve their conflicts on their own. They do not believe in touching or being too close to a person because this would show their vulnerable side, which is not manly for them. manpower also tend to respond by asking disconcerting qu estions or by asking lucubrate that are not relevant to the topic at hand, which is in contrast to how women respond, which is by giving accessary feedback and responses that would facilitate the speaker to elaborate more on what he or she is saying.Thus, women use more informal strategies aimed at eliciting disclosure and reducing conflict and enhancing solidarity. Men, on the other hand, are ostensibly more relate with clarity, comprehensibility, and economy (Unger, 2004, p. 246). Personal Comments I believe that men and women communicate very differently as evidenced by the points stated above. Cultural differences and different backgrounds, as well as difference in agendas make each gender to react and communicate differently.Admittedly, there are exceptions to the evidence at hand. There are women who do not believe in touching the other person just to show that they care. There are also those who talk and talk because they feel that this is they can support the other perso n. In addition, there are men who tend to be more vocal about what they are feeling. Some choose human touch because this will make them feel better and more special. However, these people are only a small percentage compared to the general population who act in behaviors such as those presented above.Men and women cannot communicate or act similarly because of their upbringing, as well as their individualities. It is not surprising, therefore, that there are numerous self-help books in the market that tackle the issue regarding communication problems and strategies of men and women. Still, I do not believe in making generalizations. People should not base their impressions and actions from a persons gender. This is because, as mentioned above, there are always exceptions to the rule. People should communicate the best way they know how without hurting the other person or stepping on others shoes.It is also best to express ones thoughts in a clear manner so that there are no misunde rstandings and conflicts in the future. If unsure about something, it is always better to ask than to react in a wrong way, which can make any situation worse. References Eadie, W. F. (2009). 21st Century Communication A Reference Handbook. California Sage. Solovic, S. W. (2003). The Girls Guide to Power and Success. New York AMACOM. Thompson, S. (2002). Communicate in the Workplace. Australia Software Publications. Unger, R. K. (2004). Handbook of the Psychology of Women and Gender. New Jersey John Wiley & Sons.
Friday, May 17, 2019
Criteria for Joining the Military
sketch for the Persuasive Speech Name Joseph Fink Topic _____Why you should join the force_____________________________ I. Introduction A. Attention Getter Would you fight for your freedom? B. Introduction of Topic / Establishment of Credibility My topic is reasons for why joining the multitude cig bet be a great c arer for anyone. My family has a history of serving in the Navy, Army, Airforce, Marines and the National Guard. I puddle hear first hand of how you evict use the force as a stepping stone for a career you desire. It also can be a life long commitment.C. Thesis / Claim (What position/behavior do you want to change? ) Some great deal think badly about the military. They breakt think they bunk paid enough. They think that you are brain washed into thinking a certain route. Those tidy sum also usually look down on all government organizations and ask to learn that non everything is perfect further would you rather live in a communist unpolished with little or no freedom. in that location are things you can do to curb changes in the right smart an organization is ran. But bashing it and putting it down will non get you anywhere. D.Preview of Main Points (Why should the hearings attitude/behavior change? ) a. non everyone is cut out to be in the military moreover you should respect those of us who are unbidden to put our lives on the line to fight for your freedom. b. Education can be an overpriced means. The military helps with some of the burden. c. Just because the pay may not be what they merit you nourish to look at the other benefits involved. Travel, medical, a place to live, security, a sense of belonging, a presumption that you find in yourself that you did not even k this instant existed. II. Body (List your three main rates here with transitions.Each foreshadow should contain at least one instance documentation of your researchor this is plagiarism ) A. Not everyone is cut out to be in the military but you shou ld respect those of us who are willing to put our lives on the line to fight for your freedom. They may think that someone who joins the military is all vigour and not brain. A military mind set does not have to be a proscribe or robotic way of thinking. Everyone is an individual with different morals, ethics, faith and beliefs. In the military you use these strengths to come in concert with others that have the same goal as you.Whether you are in the military or not if you are an American you want your freedom, liberty and pursuit of happiness. Instead of looking down on those who are in the military you subscribe to to realize they have committed their mind, heart and soul to protecting your rights. They do not make the laws, bills, war or constitutional amendments. They fight for them. Those that do not feel they can make such a commitment need to realize that being in the military is an honor and the people who are willing to commit should be treated with respect and honor.Do cumentation www. military. com B. Education can be an expensive path. The military helps with some of the burden. While you are in the military you are allowed to take college classes. These classes are free, yes you heard me FREE. You can earn a degree while fighting for your estate and also getting a paycheck. Not only are you able to get an education while you are in the military but you are given a GI bill when you get out. The GI bill can be used for any school you want to attend or classes you want to take. How does it relate to point A? ) Some people think that someone who joins the military is not smart enough to get into college so they go into the military because they have no other option. That is not the case. Planning a prosperous future for yourself is the main goal for someone who joins the military. They know it will put them on the right path to being a better person. Documentation http//www. marinecorpstimes. com C. Just because the pay may not be what they be y ou have to look at the other benefits involved.Travel, medical, a place to live, security, a sense of belonging, a haughtiness that you find in yourself that you did not even know existed. Join the Army, let on the world Some people think this is just a trick to get people to join the service. It may be a way to tempt people into joining but it is not false advertisement. You do get to see the world. And it is not always during a war. Most people tend to focus on negative things. There are many, many stories that you can hear from existing and prior military members that can tell you the wonders they have been able to see by traveling with the military.You do not have to worry if you get sick, you are 100% covered. Try getting that medical insurance out of the military. If anything happens to you while you are in the military you get disability pay. Most of these injuries are not from things that happen to you in a war but in everyday life. It is equalviant to workmens comp in the civilian world. Being the in military also helps you digest away from crime, drugs, any illegal activities. It becomes your mother and father watching out for you to make sure you squelch on the right path.You always have a roof over your head and food in your stomach. You also get a VA loan which you can use to buy a house or even start your own business. (How does it relate to point B? ) Getting an education is also a major benefit you receive from the military. Documentation http//www. militarybenefits. com/ III. Conclusion (Be creative This is the final chance to change your audiences attitude ) A. Restate thesis statement. Some people think badly about the military. They wear outt think they get paid enough. They think that you are brain washed into thinking a certain way.Those people also usually look down on all government organizations and need to learn that not everything is perfect but would you rather live in a communist country with little or no freedom. There are th ings you can do to make changes in the way an organization is ran. But bashing it and putting it down will not get you anywhere. B. Summarize main ideas without explicitly stating them. a. Not everyone is cut out to be in the military but you should respect those of us who are willing to put our lives on the line to fight for your freedom. . Education can be an expensive path. The military helps with some of the burden. c. Just because the pay may not be what they deserve you have to look at the other benefits involved. Travel, medical, a place to live, security, a sense of belonging, a pride that you find in yourself that you did not even know existed. C. Leave the audience with something to think about. If everyone thought badly of the military where would we be now? Would there still be an America, what future would our children have?
Thursday, May 16, 2019
African religion and christianity Essay
Although Africa was not a plain or bear continent, Africans had their government agency of life, structure of g everywherenment, religion, economical activities, education,systems of marriage and development plans for their societies, nevertheless the British brought their systems which combated with Africans established way of life, this was because the British, as many another(prenominal) other European powers were economic entirelyy depressed and Africa appe atomic number 18d to be the only way out.The British wanted to pass the three Cs Commerce, that is to make m adepty finished acquisition of free labour form Africans, raw materials for their industries as industrial revolution back in Britain was rapidly taking place, market for their surplus production Christianity to salve Africans as alluded in the Gospel of Saint Mark 16 versus 5 Go ye to the entire world, baptizing all men in the name of Jesus.Explorers such(prenominal) as David Livingstvirtuoso, Vasco Da Gama, Lus itanian Diego Cam and Arabs with Muslim faith had missional enthusiasm. The last C is for Civilization, they wanted to civilize Africans in terms of education, culture and many other aspects I will bring out later in this essay.RELIGIONB wishs Law interpretation of religion This is mans relation to Divinity, worship, worship, obedience, and submission to mandates and precepts of supernatural or superior beings. In a broad sense, it includes all forms of belief in the existence of superior beings exercising power over homosexual beings by volition, imposing rules of conduct with future rewards and punishments.AFRICAN RELIGIONAwolalu defines African religion as more often than not written in the peoples myth and folktales, in their songs and dances, in their liturgies and shrines and in their proverbs and pithy sayings. It is a religion whose historical founder is neither known nor worshipped it is a religion that has no zeal for the membership drive, yet it offers persistent f ascination for Africans, young and grey. The African traditional religion was not analogous as the communities had different ethnic background thus the religious practices such rituals varied sensation residential district to the other. It is worth noting that it was oral, not scripted or written and was passed from genius generation to the other by intelligence agency of mouth as I earlier alluded in the Awolalu definition of religion. Within their organized societal structures, Africans believed in supernatural beings together with ancestral spirits.The ancestral spirits were believed to link the living societal members to the gods.We all agree that one cannot talk about African religion without African values as they are intertwined and inseparable. African religion was embedded in moral values or codes or standards which were believed to originate from God by dint of the ancestral spirits, these values when followed or observed one would be rewarded with maybe good harve st from their burnish of land or increased number of a flock of cattle. When these values have violated the culprits were reprimanded, for instance, criminal conversation was highly condemned in that locationfore in case a member engaged in it he or she could be punished by God through the ancestral spirit. This punishment could be through the imposition of sickness to the culprit or barrenness.The concept of values is a vital point as one talks of the African religion. African religion is drawn from the African values. The African religion had many institutions which presided over religious functions, these institutions were believed to communicate directly to ancestral spirits (living dead) who in turn would communicate to the gods and grievances of the living societal members would be heard. In the Kenyan context, these institutions include Orkoyot of the Nandi, Oloibon of the Maasai, Seers, Diviners, and Rainmakers depending on the ethnic communities which they came from.Th ese institutions apart from the veneration of the ancestors, they blessed warrior forward going for war, advised the political leaders, offered sacrifice to god and conducted rituals for the culprits who violated moral values in the community. The gods had some specific names for instance, in Kenyan context, we had Enkai for the Maasai, Encore for the Abagusii, Mulungu for Akamba, Asis the Nandi, Ngai for the Agikuyu and Nyasaye for the Luo. in that location were specific worship places which were regarded as holy, this places include shrines, mountaintops some special trees such as mugumo, hills, and some caves. The diversity of the names given to gods and places of worship, show the lack of uniformity in the African Religion. This concludes that Africans were of different ethnic background and had their own religion, gods, and religion as a community.CHRISTIANITYThis is a religion based on the life, teachings, and practices of the person of Jesus Christ. The origin of Christian ity is drawn from a character, believed to be the Son of God. It is a religion more about the relationship between one and Jesus or else religious practices. A Christian, as the name suggests is a follower of Christ. The origin of Jesus of extra-ordinary or witchlike happening as it is believed He was conceived by the power of Holy Spirit and born of a Virgin. This weeny description ascertains the definition of religion as I had earlier defined it.Christianity is practiced through reading the leger and attendance of services for the Protestants and Mass for the Catholics. The religion is scripted or written in the Bible which is the reference for all who ascribe to Christianity. It contains all the rules guidelines, commands that Christians should observe their entire life. These guidelines govern human relationship to one another and their relationship to their God.there no diverse Christians as all of them draw their beliefs from Jesus Christ through reading and exercising th eir beliefs from the Bible.Christianity is a homogeneous religion or rather uniform.There are institutions such Priests, Bishops and Catholic Fathers who lead other Christians in worship. These people undergo theology training for them to undertake their duties. There are specific places of worship where Christians congregate. These places are Churches or Chapels.THE CHRISTIAN MISSIONARIES.They chiefly to spread Christianity and CommerceDr. David Livingstone, I go back to Africa to make an open pass for Christianity and Commerce. The first encounter is dated from the 15th Century. The Portuguese Christianity origin to Africans in the East African Coast. This, however, had very little success. By 19th Century Christian missionaries arrived in East Africa they included1.The Holy Ghost Fathers2.The Church Missionary Society3.The Methodist Fathers4.The manufacturing plant Hill FathersTHE ENCOUNTERI) Source/origin of ReligionThe Africans believed that their religion was sourced from go d, who they believed long before their ancestors existence. The British Missionaries conflict with Africans by telling them about the existence of a God who had a son and lived among us many years ago. The religion of British was written (Bible) thus one had to have the ability to read and preserve in order to understand it, whereas that of African was passed from generation to generation by oral tradition. There is an introduction of a new system of identifying the origin of religion which conflicts with the African system.II) Places of worshipThe Africans revered in special caves, Mountaintops, hills, Forests, Special trees (mugumo) and shrines. The British tell Africans that they should worship God places called Churches. This encounter shows that there is a bit of run into as the African places were very clearly defined and preserved by the community members. The British in like manner seized African land to construct churches or chapels, Africans, as a result, became very ho stile as they had different worship places which occurred naturally. They believed that their land was for cultivation and a gift from their gods.III) The Practices of ReligionThe Africans practiced their religion by reverence to their ancestors, offering human and animal sacrifices and invoking the ancestral spirits. They offered sacrifices in order to get favors in terms of harvest. The African worship was communal that is, all community members used to convene to pray for rain and ask for the wellness of the community. The British religion had an aspect of confession of ones sins before worship, repentance, and forgiveness of sin are granted. This aspect of forgiveness of sins lacks in the traditional African religion, one had to be punished for wrongdoing. British missioner religion brings out an aspect of offerings in terms of money and tithe which is ten percent of ones total earnings.IV) Religious leadersIn African religion, worship was led by Diviners, Rainmakers, and Seers who were considered righteous. The take on of religious leaders was taught through apprecentiship and was hereditary from specific clans in the community. There were certain clans from whom diviners would descend. They were highly reckon in the community. The British Christian religious leaders attend school to be trained mainly on theology. They study formalities of worship and nature of God. Any member of Christian family can stupefy a religious leader although there are some myths which say one has to be called by God. The Christian leader has to have the ability to read and write so as to pass the scriptures to his congregation.V) symmetry of ReligionAs I handled earlier in this essay, the African traditional religion was diverse from one ethnic community to the other due to the linguistic differences, migration patterns and origin. Christianity is introduced as a homogeneous religion as the author of it is Jesus Christ, a common ancestry and reference point for all Christi ans. The diversity of worship is dismantled by the British introduction of this even religion.As I have pointed above there are distinct differences between Traditional African Religion and the British Christianity and how both systems fought to outdo the other. The African religion had deep roots in the society as it was passed orally through stories, myths, riddles and proverbs which were very large-hearted to the audience. These deep roots were however uprooted as change is inevitable in every circumstance. As an old adage, one mans meat is another mans poison. The British struck the Africans struck back but were comfortably overpowered, and gave in.The British were gradually using religion as a jibe to pass several other systems to the Africans. Education which traditionally was based on oral tradition was easily eliminated as most Africans wanted to quench their thirst for knowledge, for those who resisted religion soon began to embrace this Whitemans way of worship.
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