Tuesday, May 26, 2020
Anatomy of Criticism Essay example - 1249 Words
Anatomy of Criticism Introduction In his Anatomy of Criticism, Northrop Frye offers a complex theory that aspires to describe a unifying system for literary criticism. It can be argued, however, that in attempting to delineate such an all-inclusive structure, Fryes system eliminates identity in literature. The present essay takes up this argument and offers examples of how identity is precluded by Fryes system as outlined in Anatomy of Criticism. Structure Vs. Identity In Fryes system, the organizing principles that give literature coherence and structure are derived from the myths of ancient Greece and the archetypal imagery found in the Bible. In his Third Essay, Frye suggests that all literature is based on†¦show more content†¦Frye completely ignores literature that is outside the Western classics; contemporary literature and literature from the Oriental traditions, for example, remains outside Fryes scheme, and he makes no margin whatsoever for including such writings in his theory. This rigid, inflexible system doesnt allow for literature other than works abstracted from Fryes narrow aggregation of central myths, and the identity of both the writer and any individual work of literature is lost in Fryes structure. The Identity of the Reader In addition to excluding the identity of the writer and of works of literature, Fryes literary schema also ignores the identity of the reader. In his Polemical Introduction to the Anatomy of Criticism, Frye argues that [literature] is a disinterested use of words: it does not address a reader directly (p4). It is only criticism, he says, that can speak. We must dispute this, however, for surely the writer means for his or her work to converse with the reader in some manner. Frye would remove the reader from the experiencing of literature, but this is impossible, for there is a constant dialogue between a literary work and ones individual experience of that work. Frye himself would seem to admit this: The reading of literature should...step out of the talking world of criticism into the private andShow MoreRelatedThe Anatomy Of Criticism By Northrop Frye991 Words  | 4 Pages Structuralism’s overriding focus is an aspiration to be an objective, almost scientific, analysis of literary texts. In The Anatomy of Criticism, Northrop Frye explains that myths and binary pairs in opposition are a significant class of structural elements of literature that give meaning, both in a fixed and relational manner. 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Friday, May 15, 2020
Organizational Culture in Multinational Corporations Free Essay Example, 2250 words
Leaders, executives, and managers are one of the principals and chief role players who contribute to the development, upholding, and preservation of the organizational culture to a great extent. As the executives are the most influential source for the junior members of the enterprise, therefore, it is in their hands to how well they make the employees and their staff members adapt and follow the organizational culture that makes up from the organization s principles, expression of significant ethics and standards, and design of customs (Ashkanasy Wilderom Peterson, 2010). However, according to experts opinions, few ways are accessible that would facilitate the leaders and the mangers in persuading the cultural norms and values to the employees. Accentuate and underline the essential and vital goals and objectives by exchanging few words and ideas that lead to the accomplishment of those goals, share the achievements with the employees and make them recall the important missions o n a timely basis (Ashkanasy, Wilderom Peterson, 2010). Incentives granting for the attainment of the important tasks and responsibilities are another mean of influencing the employees of the organization. We will write a custom essay sample on Organizational Culture in Multinational Corporations or any topic specifically for you Only $17.96 $11.86/page
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Essay on Terrorist Financing - 2450 Words
Terrorism has been a major concern for the United States government for many years. Citizens of the United States have been immune to the terrorist attacks that are taking place overseas. When The World Trade Center was attacked using a car bomb in 1993, terrorism was brought upon the door steps of Americans. What was once a headline on the daily news has now became a reality in the life of the American citizen. An essential element in the strategy for the war on terrorism is to dismantle or disrupt the financial network used by terrorist. After the September 11 attack the Federal Government took several steps to combat terrorist financing, resulting with More than $140 million in terrorists assets have been frozen across the some†¦show more content†¦(U.S. Customs Service publication No. 0000-0171, October 2002) According to the U.S. Customs Service, Green Quest is in constant contact with law enforcement, intelligence, and financial establishments worldwide. Green Quest identifies several indicators of suspicious activity to serve as red flags or indicators for the banking community to further scrutinize. Operation Green Quest intends to target illicit charities, corrupt financial institutes, and underground financial systems known as Hawala which support terrorist organizations. The Green Quest initiative will also target credit card fraud, identity theft, counterfeiting, drug trafficking and bulk currency smuggling. The U.S. customs, Operation Green Quest, request the assistance from the individual banker, accountant, stock and commodity broker to report unusual or suspected transactions on voluntary basis. Listed in the pamphlet are 12 Red Flag indicators to be used for guidance. The Financial Action Task Force on Money Laundering (FAFT) was founded in 1989 by the G7 countries. The G7 countries consisted of the seven countries that represent 68% of the worlds economy, at that time there are now eight countries and is now called G8. There 33 participating countries supporting FAFT and 24 countries listed as uncooperative in the fight against financialShow MoreRelatedTen Years Of Eus Fight Against Terrorist Financing : Case Analysis775 Words  | 4 PagesBures took a critical look at the state of CTF and AML in a post 9/11 era. Bures (Ten Years of EU’s Fight against Terrorist Financing: A Critical Assessment, 2015) cited the perfect quote from the EU’s Revised Strategy on Terrorist Financing (2008) â€Å"financial tools, used proactively, are highly beneficial in the identification of terrorist networks and development of counter-terrorist intelligence.†When looking at CTF and AML operations it is imperative to set the criteria to jud ge an effective programRead MoreEssay on United States Threat Analysis2382 Words  | 10 Pageshistory has shown the Al-Qaeda network is very well structured, organized and resourceful. The United States Department of State has added the ASG to the list of Foreign Terrorist organizations. 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RecommendationRead MoreUnited States And Western European Countries1422 Words  | 6 Pageslaundering of money or providing terrorists with funding, or possibly involves in like activities themselves. In the last few decades there has been a rigorous struggle, directed by the United States and Western European countries, to limit the occurrence of money laundering and terrorist financing by urging states to implement vigorous controls to counter such activities. It is clear that there is a long way to go before anti-money laundering and counter-terrorist financing organizations are able toRead MoreHow To Combat Terrorist Bombing After 9 / 11, 2001?901 Words  | 4 PagesIII. EFFORTS TO COMBAT TERRORIST FUNDING AFTER 9/11 a. International Efforts i. United Nations The first step taken by the United Nations to combat terrorist funding was in October 1999 with the adoption of Resolution 1267 (â€Å"UNSCR 1267†). 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Terrorism and Financial Intelligence develops and implements U.S. strategies to combat terrorist financing domestically and internationally, develops and implements the National Money Laundering Strategy as well as other policies andRead MoreRed Flags ( Risks )1212 Words  | 5 Pagessuspicious or â€Å"red flags†which give rise to money laundering or terrorist financing risks, specifically; †¢ Funds transfer – large deposits from unconnected third parties in high risk jurisdictions and large cash deposits by the customer could indicate money laundering †¢ Activity inconsistent with customers business - Letter of credit for cement when the customer is a small trader (fruit and veg) – this could indicate terrorist financing (in Dec 2014 multiple press articles indicating â€Å"cement for rebuildingRead MorePrevention And Suppression Of International Terrorism1486 Words  | 6 PagesPrevention 1. Notes that for the purposes of this resolution: a. â€Å"Major Criteria†is any act that by itself constitutes a terrorist act, b. â€Å"Minor criteria†is any act which by its sole presence does not necessarily define a terrorist act, it is necessary the concurrence of at least two (2) of them to be regarded as such, c. â€Å"Facilities†are any public or private building, or means of transportation; 2. Instructs that for the purposes of this resolution, in accordance with the legal instruments relatedRead MoreTerrorism : Terrorism And Terrorism1377 Words  | 6 Pagesdesignated as a State Sponsor of Terrorism regarding support for international terrorist groups. However, Sudan has changed its approach ever since the 9/11 attacks has been aiding the United States in diminishing the pervasiveness of terrorist groups in Sudan, and in the world. Recently, Sudan has remained cooperative with the United States in its war on counter terrorism. Sudan has taken many preventive measures to keep these terrorist groups out of Sudan, and we are currently attempting to limit their influence
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Prepared to Highlight the Relevance of Special Probation
Question: Describe about the report prepared to highlight the relevance of special probation and the type of treatment that needs to be provided to people who are in jail? Answer: Introduction This report has been prepared to highlight the relevance of special probation and the type of treatment that needs to be provided to people who are in jail. The method that is selected for treating such people is quite different than treating the normal people. This is because; such individuals have no freedom and have more access to the possibilities of relapsing. People, who are in parole need additional assistance to earn livelihood, which becomes a challenge after being released from prison. Besides this, it is also necessary to integrate into the society in the best possible manner (Glaze, and Maruschak, 2008). Report This report has been prepared on the process that needs to be followed to help different types of people like the ones who are addicted towards the substance abuses and the others suffering from HIV/AIDS. The experts rendering such services usually analyse the severity of the issue that affects the individual who indulge into substance abuses. This would help in selecting the type of treatment or counselling services that needs to be provided to the members. It is quite important to provide the right type of treatment, as this will help the individual to overcome the problem. Besides this, it would also help in leading a healthy and normal life. In this process, an attempt has been made to develop the best strategies through which the consequences related to the substance abuse treatment can be introduced for different individuals. The type of treatment that needs to be provided to the individual would be decided after analysing the problem that is faced by prisoner. This is quite an important task, and the right steps or measures needs to be taken for handling the challenges. Through such treatment, the experts draft policies to help in increasing self-esteem and identity of the individual who is addicted towards the substance addiction. Due to such a factor, the individual is expected to face financial concerns. This is one of the reasons; the experts counsel with the individuals and find the seriousness of the issue. In this process, the experts and the individual together can face lots of barriers that are related to treatment. It is quite important to overpower the same, as this will help in minimising the impact of the same. Apart from this, the experts will also develop the best strategy through which the addicted individual would be motivated to make the best use of the treatment (McClelland et al., 2004). Prisoners suffering from dreadful disease like HIV/AIDS impact the confidence of the individual. In this case, it is quite important to help the prisoner to overcome the problem, without being negatively impacted. The role of social workers are well defined, as this will help them in undertaking the task that needs to be performed for helping such prisoners to lead a normal life. In this case, the job performed by the self-formed or self-help groups plays a key role in helping people suffering from HIV/AIDS. In this case, it is necessary to provide the right type of treatment to the patients or prisoners suffering from these dreadful diseases. Also, the supervision methods and conditions needs to be specified in the right manner. This will help in treating the patients in the right manner (Mumola and Karberg, 2007). In this case, the experts usually face lots of challenges that are associated with the process of providing the accurate treatment that would benefit the patients. In this process, the aftercare services and continuing care services has to be also provided. Such steps have to be taken in the right manner, as the patients and the experts would be benefitted. Treatment procedure In order to provide the right type of treatment, it is necessary to develop the strategy through which the behavioural aspects of the patient can be understood in the right manner. In this case, the information about the problem needs to be gathered by the experts. This also includes sharing few confidentiality issues that causes the problem in the patients. The program is developed on individual basis, as this would help the patients in recovering from the issue. Some of the programs that can be drafted by the individuals are 1. TASC or treatment accountability for safer communities. In this program, the programs are developed as per the individual needs. This is meant to help the patients to overpower the problem. 2. Drafting strategies for breaking the cycle that is followed by the individuals. This is meant to help the individual in analysing the cause of the issue. Such a step would help the individual to handle the problem in the right manner. The program is drafted as per the individual need and the strategies are discussed with the members (National Center for State Courts, 2012). In case of HIV/AIDS, the experts draft the program as per the severity of the issue. In this case, the below mentioned factors are taken care of 1. Recovery stages - In this program, the experts draft the best policy through which the strategies could be developed for helping the patients to understand the severity of the problem. This step would help in understanding the steps that needs to be followed for controlling the medical issue. 2. Special program - In this case, the program has to be developed depending upon the severity of the medical problem. The experts analyse the steps that would have to be followed by the patients, as this will help in recovering from the dreadful disease. Conclusion The medical problem and substance abuse are some of the serious issues that can affect the individual. Methods followed for providing the treatment has to be exclusively drafted, as this will help in analysing the challenges that are involved in the process of providing the best treatment. In this method, the issue has to be analysed, as this will help the patients in recovering from the problem soon. The programs are developed in individually, as this will help the patients in recovering from the problem without facing many issues on the same. References Glaze L, and Maruschak L, 2008. Parents in Prison and Their Minor Children. Washington, DC: U.S. Department of Justice, Office of Justice Programs, Bureau of Justice Statistics, 2008 (revised 2010). Available athttps://www.bjs.gov/content/pub/pdf/pptmc.pdf (PDF, 337KB).McClelland G.M, Elkington K, Teplin A, and Abram K, 2004. Multiple substance use disorders in juvenile detainees. J Am Acad Child Adolesc Psychiatry 43(10):12151224, 2004.Mumola C and Karberg J, Drug Use and Dependence, State and Federal Prisoners, 2004. Washington, DC: U.S. Department of Justice, Office of Justice Programs, Bureau of Justice Statistics, 2007. Available athttps://www.bjs.gov/content/pub/pdf/dudsfp04.pdf (PDF, 441KB)National Center for State Courts, 2012. Virginia Adult Treatment Courts: Impact Study. https://www.courts.state.va.us/courtadmin/aoc/djs/programs/dtc/resources/2012_va_adult_dtc_impac t_study.pdfNational Institute on Drug Abuse, 2012. Principles of Drug Abuse Treatment for Criminal Justice P opulations. www.drugabuse.gov/sites/default/files/podat_cj_2012.pdfRichmond Behavioral Health Authority, 2013. Agency website. www.rbha.org.Scarborough S, 2012. Reducing recidivism in returning offenders with alcohol and drug-related offenses: contracts for the delivery of authentic peer based recovery support services. Dissertation: Virginia Commonwealth University: Richmond, VA. https://sarahscarbrough.com/wp/wpcontent/uploads/2012/10/scarbrough-dissertation.pdfVirginia Association of Community Services Boards, Inc, 2012. 2012 Overview of Community Services in Virginia. www.vacsb.org/Misc/CSB_Overview_2012.pdfVirginia Department of Criminal Justice Services, 2013. Review of Virginias Pre- and Post-Incarceration Services. https://leg2.state.va.us/dls/hsdocs.nsf/By+Year/RD3382013/$file/RD338.pdfWhite W, 2009. Peer-based Addiction Recovery Support: History, Theory, Practice, and Scientific Evaluation. Chicago, IL: Great Lakes Addiction Technology Transfer Center and Philadelphia Depa rtment of Behavioral Health and Mental Retardation Services. www.attcnetwork.org/regcenters/productDocs/3/PeerBased%20Recovery%20Support%20Services%20-Final%20Version%20w_Cover_June%2008%2009.pdf
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