Thursday, December 19, 2019
Is Euthanasia Be A Morally Permissible Action - 957 Words
With this paper I plan to address the topic of euthanasia. I will cover the philosophy behind why it is not a regular practice, and differentiate between multiple forms. After introducing the issue, itself I will speak briefly on the legality of the issue. This should result in the principles of myself, Peter Singer, Don Marquis, and Michael Tooley all being brought together in this discussion. Ultimately, I will lead this discussion into the direction of why I have found euthanasia to be a morally permissible action. Why do we find the action of taking an innocent life to be morally wrong? Typically, it is the fact that what we are taking away from the person in question is their autonomy. Don Marquis, a philosophy professor of the University of Kansas, calls every action that a person can take from one point of time to a later time the â€Å"Future of value†that a person has. Taking away the future of value of a person, destroys who they are. This coupled with a few other reasons is why we view the action of voluntary euthanasia as an evil. Voluntary euthanasia, also known as physician-assisted suicide is the direct action taken by doctors to provide patients a clear way to end their own life; it is simple and humane. Then we must ask what if the person in question has no future of value. When patients suffering from terminal illness are given the news that within a short period of time they will die, the largest portion of destruction has already happened. Their entireShow MoreRelatedEu thanasia Is Morally Permissible?850 Words  | 4 PagesEuthanasia, as defined by many philosophers, should only be morally permissible in certain circumstances where it benefits the one who dies. It is a widely held belief that an act of euthanasia aims at benefiting the one who dies. Using Kantian ethics as a model, one can determine that: It is morally permissible to engage in voluntary acts of euthanasia; it is morally permissible to engage in acts of nonvoluntary euthanasia, and; it is never morally permissible to engage in acts of involuntary euthanasiaRead MoreEuthanasia Often Surfaces In Mainstream News As Being A1238 Words  | 5 PagesEuthanasia often surfaces in mainstream news as being a highly controversial issue, with strong arguments for both positions. To be clear, euthanasia can be defined as the following, â€Å"Intentionally taking the life of a presumably hopeless person†(Gay-Williams, 781). There are also several other distinctions that classify eut hanasia as either active or passive, based on the level of action involved, or as voluntary, involuntary, or non-voluntary, based on the level of consent (Dittmer). 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Philosophers such as Phillipa Foot, believes that there is a morally relevant difference between killing and letting die, however the case she presents is not as easy to influence as is James Rachels’ argument in â€Å"Active and Passive Euthanasia.†In opposition to Foot, Rachels creates the argument that there is not a morally relevant distinctionRead MoreWhy Physician Assisted Suicide ( Pas ) Should Be Considered Morally Okay949 Words  | 4 PagesWhy Physician Assisted Suicide (PAS) Should be Considered Morally Okay Physician assisted suicide (PAS), a widely controversial topic, has two apparent sides. Those who oppose the morality of PAS, and see deep rooted problems, and those who see PAS as beneficial and support the morality. With this issue gaining publicity, it is important to explore and examine exactly why allowing PAS would ultimately be beneficial to us all. California recently passed a bill allowing PAS, and the effects of thisRead MoreAnalysis of Philippa Foots Article on Euthanasia Essay1375 Words  | 6 PagesEuthanasia as defined by the Shorter Oxford English Dictionary is a quiet and easy death. One may wonder, is there such a thing as a quiet and easy death? This is one point that I will discuss in my paper, however the question that my paper will answer is; should active euthanasia be legalized? First, I will look at Philippa Foots article on Euthanasia and discuss my opinions on it. Second, I will look at James Rachels article on active and passive euthanasia and discus s why I agree with hisRead MoreView of Euthanasia of a Follower of Natural Law Essay examples705 Words  | 3 PagesView of Euthanasia of a Follower of Natural Law Euthanasia is the international killing by act or omission of a dependent human being for his or her alleged benefit. 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