Sunday, April 21, 2019

Sears Air Conditioning Units and Installation Research Paper

Sears Air Conditioning Units and Installation - Research Paper workoutThese carry the brand name of sears and sears also take responsibility for their after sales services. The Sears short letter learn units argon available in many different sizes and models. The most attractive ar however little units which are used in household.The business environment has evolved over the last few decades. There are hundreds of different products for each foodstuff need. There are many reasons to this rapid increase in alternatives of products. The concepts of outsourcing get under ones skin greatly increased the number of competitors. Just a few decades ago it was not very roaring to start selling technology intensive products. This was because business could not make heavy investments in investigate and development. Moreover the cost of selling up manufacturing plants was too high. Outsourcing however has made it very easy for little investors to compete in the market. Outsourcing hubs like china can manufacture products at low cost and companies exactly have to invest in packaging and marketing of these products. Even distribution for products is outsourced.The challenge of selecting an effected ass market for the products still remains a challenge. The quality of the products is even irrelevant if the right target market is not selected. The first step in this process is dividing the market into different segments. These segments can be split up on the bag of age, gender, location or income group. In this case however age or genders are irrelevant as the product being sold is air conditioner. The market would therefore be split up on the basis of location and income groups. The location factor is important from a distribution point of view. further areas where Sears stores are available can be relevant market segments. The second basis of segmentation will be on the basis of income groups. There are three generic consumer of air conditioning. The consumer in the very high income group

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