Friday, December 27, 2019
Barriers to Effective Communication - 2391 Words
Barriers to Great Communication There are seven types of Barriers to Communication. Many people think that communicating is easy. It is after all something we do all our lives. There is some truth in this view. Communicating is straightforward. What makes it complex, difficult, and frustrating are the barriers we put in the way. Physical barriers Physical barriers in the workplace include: marked out territories, empires and fiefdoms into which strangers are not allowed closed office doors, barrier screens, and separate areas for people of different status large working areas or working in one unit that is physically separate from others. Research shows that one of the most important factors in building cohesive teams is proximity. As†¦show more content†¦It is both refusals to be in touch and time alone. Rituals are meaningless, repetitive routines devoid of real contact. Pastimes fill up time with others in social but superficial activities. Working activities are those tasks which follow the rules and procedures of contact but no more. Games are subtle, manipulative interactions which are about winning and losing. They include rackets and stamps†. Closeness is the aim of interpersonal contact where there is a high level of honesty and acceptance of yourself and others. Working on improving your communication s is a broad- brush activity. You have to change your thoughts, your feelings, and your physical connections. That way, you can break down the barriers that get in your way and start building relationships that really work. Barriers to Effective Communication Workplace communication is not easy. This is a place where you meet people from different walks of life and also from different cultural background. Language is one of the major barriers to e Communication is a process by which you convey your message to someone or a group of people. And if the message is conveyed clearly and unambiguously, then it is known as effective communication. In effective communication, the message you had send would reach the receiver with very little distortion. However, a communication becomes successful only if the receiver understandsShow MoreRelatedBarriers to Effective Communication1654 Words  | 7 PagesBarriers to Effective Communications Everyone has experienced, at one time or another the frustration of feeling misunderstood and being unable to make ourselves understood by another person. Anything which, blocks the meaning of a communication, is a barrier to communication. Effective communication is like a house built one block at a time. First to build a house trust must be built; trust is not a group process it is created in one to one connections with each individual. Second, be bold andRead MoreBarriers to Effective Communication1620 Words  | 7 PagesBarriers to Effective Communication CJA304 In this paper, I will describe the process of communication as well as its components, describe the difference between listening and hearing, describe the formal and informal channels of communication, and suggest strategies that may be implemented to overcome communication barriers. Communication can be described as â€Å"a process involving several steps, among two or more persons, for the primary purpose of exchanging information†(WallaceRead MoreBarrier to Effective Communication1289 Words  | 6 PagesIn this paper I will be discussing the process of communication and its components discuss the difference between listening and hearing in communication, talk about the formal and informal channels of communication, talk about the different barriers to effective communication, and lastly discuss the strategies that may be implemented to overcome communication barriers. Communication is very crucial in the criminal justice system; it is the key element for success. From a rookie all the way up toRead MoreBarriers to Effective Communication1727 Words  | 7 PagesBarriers to Effective Communication Kevin Borem CJA/304 November 2, 2011 Fred Staedel Barriers to Effective Communication Communication is a way of life for sociable organisms on earth. There are many forms of communication and several are used without saying a word or making a sound. With the types of communication in the world, communicating effectively may seem an unlikely idea. Effective communication between two individuals or more is dependable on the way the message from the senderRead MoreBarriers to Effective Communication690 Words  | 3 PagesbbBarriers to Effective Communication â€Å"Barriers are influencing factors which impede or breakdown the continuous communications loop. They block, distort, or alter the information. By identifying the barriers and applying countermeasures, team members can effectively communicate.†(Wallace and Roberson, 2009) Chapter four speaks of four obstacles that can prevent effective communication. Emotional barriers, physical barriers, semantic barriers, and ineffective listening all prevent effective communicationRead MoreBarriers to Effective Communication1479 Words  | 6 Pages1 Barriers Barriers to Effective Communication Paper Robin Mravik Due Date: Monday October 10, 2011 CJA/304 Instructor: Janette Nichols 2 When it comes to communicating with people in our daily lives, there are many people that think there is just talking and listening to the other people in the communicating process. However, there is actually five step in the communication process; which are as follows: 1.) sending the message out to someone, 2.) sending the message through a mediumRead MoreEffective Communication And The Barriers Of Communication Essay1203 Words  | 5 Pagesstudy of effective communication and the barriers of communication is very important in the workplace in order for the company to be successful. Every person in the business will have to communicate in one form or another. The better the communication in the workplace the better the relationships with each other. In this article I will help you to understand the processes needed in order to have effective communication in the workplace. I will discuss the importance of effective communication, theRead MoreBarriers to Effective Communication2071 Words  | 9 PagesTable of Contents What barriers to effective communication do you detect in this case? 2 Perception barrier 2 Personal barrier 3 Information overload / Work overload 3 Gender barrier 4 Language barrier - Ambiguity 4 Is anyone wrong in this situation? By what other means could Randell have requested the information from Tom Ballard? What do you think of Tom Ballard’s reaction? Why? 6 Tom Ballard 6 Leigh Randall 7 While communicating information vertically up or down the organizationRead MoreBarriers to Effective Communication Essay1713 Words  | 7 Pagesbecause they are the managers those who do run the company and therefore they need to be excellent in dealing with people. However, when the issue of communication is discussed, it is understood that there are more than two people in communication. Moreover, as there would be a number of people working in organisations, there is a lot of communication among companies’ staff everyday. From this context, it can easily be inferred that the organisations’ employees should also be able to communicate effectivelyRead MoreBarriers to Effective Communication Essay1046 Words  | 5 Pagesb Barriers to Effective Communication University of Phoenix CJA/304 Barriers to Effective Communication Effective communication is a complex phenomenon that involves the verbal and nonverbal components in their cooperation. The main target of communicational process is transmission of information when the sending party wants the recipient to decode the message in the same way as it is coded. Nevertheless, the communicational process consists of the various components that may become the
Thursday, December 19, 2019
Is Euthanasia Be A Morally Permissible Action - 957 Words
With this paper I plan to address the topic of euthanasia. I will cover the philosophy behind why it is not a regular practice, and differentiate between multiple forms. After introducing the issue, itself I will speak briefly on the legality of the issue. This should result in the principles of myself, Peter Singer, Don Marquis, and Michael Tooley all being brought together in this discussion. Ultimately, I will lead this discussion into the direction of why I have found euthanasia to be a morally permissible action. Why do we find the action of taking an innocent life to be morally wrong? Typically, it is the fact that what we are taking away from the person in question is their autonomy. Don Marquis, a philosophy professor of the University of Kansas, calls every action that a person can take from one point of time to a later time the â€Å"Future of value†that a person has. Taking away the future of value of a person, destroys who they are. This coupled with a few other reasons is why we view the action of voluntary euthanasia as an evil. Voluntary euthanasia, also known as physician-assisted suicide is the direct action taken by doctors to provide patients a clear way to end their own life; it is simple and humane. Then we must ask what if the person in question has no future of value. When patients suffering from terminal illness are given the news that within a short period of time they will die, the largest portion of destruction has already happened. Their entireShow MoreRelatedEu thanasia Is Morally Permissible?850 Words  | 4 PagesEuthanasia, as defined by many philosophers, should only be morally permissible in certain circumstances where it benefits the one who dies. It is a widely held belief that an act of euthanasia aims at benefiting the one who dies. Using Kantian ethics as a model, one can determine that: It is morally permissible to engage in voluntary acts of euthanasia; it is morally permissible to engage in acts of nonvoluntary euthanasia, and; it is never morally permissible to engage in acts of involuntary euthanasiaRead MoreEuthanasia Often Surfaces In Mainstream News As Being A1238 Words  | 5 PagesEuthanasia often surfaces in mainstream news as being a highly controversial issue, with strong arguments for both positions. To be clear, euthanasia can be defined as the following, â€Å"Intentionally taking the life of a presumably hopeless person†(Gay-Williams, 781). There are also several other distinctions that classify eut hanasia as either active or passive, based on the level of action involved, or as voluntary, involuntary, or non-voluntary, based on the level of consent (Dittmer). However,Read MoreThe Moral Permissibility of Legalizing Active Euthanasia Essay1442 Words  | 6 PagesPermissibility of Legalizing Active Euthanasia To date, in the united States of America, active euthanasia has been seen as unacceptable in legal terms. However, the issue is not so clear in moral terms among the public, and especially among the medical community. In fact, nearly half of the doctors in the United States say that they would prescribe active euthanasia under certain circumstances. The law that prohibits active euthanasia restricts many people fromRead MoreThe Ethics Of Non Voluntary Active Euthanasia1050 Words  | 5 PagesThe idea of non-voluntary active euthanasia is not such a disaster, as euthanasia itself. The problem that comes into consideration is when and why it should be used. When euthanasia is non-voluntary and active, such as on a patient with dementia, the ethical decision comes into play if there are episodes of clarity and the patient has or has not mentioned what they want to do at the end of life situations. Principles of deontology suggest duty and obligation. A medical professional in such situationsRead MoreEuthanasi The Complex Role Of The Physician With Physician Assisted Suicide1702 Words  | 7 Pagesof this thesis is to introduce euthanasia, the complex role of the physician with physician-assisted suicide (PAS) under the argument that it is not an issue of passive or active. Nor right or wrong. Euthanasia is def ined as the act or practice of killing or allowing someone to die on grounds of mercy (Morally Disputed Issues: A Reader, 341). In its complexion euthanasia is not merely a dead or alive decision as it truly is at its core goal. There is passive euthanasia which is defined as withholdingRead MoreThe Argument Of Active And Passive Euthanasia1240 Words  | 5 PagesPassive Euthanasia,†In his article Rachel’s argues that both passive and active euthanasia are morally permissible and the doctors that is supported by the American Medical Association(AMA) is believed to be unsound. In this paper I will offer a thorough analysis of Rachel’s essay then so offer a critique in opposition of his arguments. In conclusion I will refute these oppositions claims by defending Rachel’s argument, and showing why I believe his claims that both active and passive euthanasia areRead MoreJames Rachels s Active And Passive Euthanasia1275 Words  | 6 Pagesactive and pas sive euthanasia. Breaking this argument down a bit more, our ultimate goal is to prove that the acts of killing and letting die are indistinguishable. Philosophers such as Phillipa Foot, believes that there is a morally relevant difference between killing and letting die, however the case she presents is not as easy to influence as is James Rachels’ argument in â€Å"Active and Passive Euthanasia.†In opposition to Foot, Rachels creates the argument that there is not a morally relevant distinctionRead MoreWhy Physician Assisted Suicide ( Pas ) Should Be Considered Morally Okay949 Words  | 4 PagesWhy Physician Assisted Suicide (PAS) Should be Considered Morally Okay Physician assisted suicide (PAS), a widely controversial topic, has two apparent sides. Those who oppose the morality of PAS, and see deep rooted problems, and those who see PAS as beneficial and support the morality. With this issue gaining publicity, it is important to explore and examine exactly why allowing PAS would ultimately be beneficial to us all. California recently passed a bill allowing PAS, and the effects of thisRead MoreAnalysis of Philippa Foots Article on Euthanasia Essay1375 Words  | 6 PagesEuthanasia as defined by the Shorter Oxford English Dictionary is a quiet and easy death. One may wonder, is there such a thing as a quiet and easy death? This is one point that I will discuss in my paper, however the question that my paper will answer is; should active euthanasia be legalized? First, I will look at Philippa Foots article on Euthanasia and discuss my opinions on it. Second, I will look at James Rachels article on active and passive euthanasia and discus s why I agree with hisRead MoreView of Euthanasia of a Follower of Natural Law Essay examples705 Words  | 3 PagesView of Euthanasia of a Follower of Natural Law Euthanasia is the international killing by act or omission of a dependent human being for his or her alleged benefit. There are different types of euthanasia; voluntary, when the person who is killed has requested to be killed. Involuntary euthanasia is when the person who is killed made no request or gave no consent, Assisted suicide is when someone provides an individual with the information, guidance, and means to
Wednesday, December 11, 2019
Dancing with the North Stars free essay sample
â€Å"Wait a second! Is that our number?†Jackson nodded and we high-fived each other. My first ballroom dance competition was the first time I realized that I was really as good as I said I was. I found out that the most important thing in dancing was to be confident, or act confident. Acting was crucial. It all started around 6 a.m. I didn’t go to school that day so I could prepare. The coach bus would leave the studio at 2 p.m. So I had several hours to pack. I wasn’t going to be competing that Friday afternoon, but I was still exited beyond belief. My mom braided my hair and we drove to the studio to catch the coach bus. I spent the whole ride listening to my iPod and going over the dance steps in my head. Thus, the ride dragged on for an hour and a half. Finally, we arrived at the Shakopee ballroom. It was a huge room that reminded me of a cave. The ceiling was covered with some sort of brown shag carpet. I assumed it was to keep the loud music from getting out. It actually looked like a cave, and had an intimidating quality to it. I watched the other dancers perform for several hours, then I finally picked up a program. It actually looked more like a notebook and had over twenty pages. The cover said â€Å"Star Of The North State Games, Dancesport Competition.†I quickly flipped through it and noticed that all the dances were separated into 2 minute segments called heats. Then I read something that kind of scared me. My partner, Jackson, and I would be competing in American style tango, which was something we had never learned. We found our teacher and pulled her aside. She gave us a quick lesson but I still didn’t feel prepared. My partner Jackson was shorter than me. What a big surprise! (sarcasm) He wasn’t shorter by much. He had close cropped hair that stuck straight up like the bristles of a brush. His competing clothes were for a funeral. They were all black and made the cavern like room seem ever more gloomy. On Saturday I woke up at 4 a.m. and my mom, who was a chaperone, began the slow and sometimes painful process of fixing my hair. This routine was fairly familiar. First my mom would push, pull and comb my hair into a bun, using bobby pins, combs and hairnets. Then she loads it down with hairspray and unbelievable amounts of gel. When that dries, it becomes as hard as a rock. The last step is to attach decorative fake flowers with even more bobby pins. Our first scheduled dance was in heat 33 at nine o’clock. By the time that rolled around, remarkably, I still wasn’t nervous at all. First it was east coast swing, then rumba. Unfortunately, those were the ones I despised the most. What a way to start! I thought miserably. We lined up at the gate with the other competitors, to enter the floor. The announcer began to speak. â€Å"Heat numbers 33 and 34, amateur American rumba and amateur new comers swing semi-finals. American rhythm division. Presenting couple 101, Eric Almeida and Robin Shaw, couple 124 Jackson Davidson and Kelly Howell†¦Ã¢â‚¬ and so on. As each dance couple walked onto the floor he said the names and numbers. The music started and we waited for the tempo to pick up speed. Then we were dancing our hearts out. My feet, clad in two and a half inch heels seemed to barely touch the floor they were moving so fast. I smiled at the audience and the judges. Despite all the times I mixed up, I was havin g fun. Afterwards, I decided that I had done horribly and nothing could change my mind about that fact. My friends insisted that I had done well. But I still hoped the judges hadn’t been watching too closely. We danced in many more heats for American rhythm including Cha cha, swing and rumba. That made it all the way to 9:22. I was exhausted and sat down with a bottle of water, reviewing all my mistakes in my mind. It’s a miracle I didn’t trip somebody I thought half heartedly grinning. My friend again insisted I had done great but I wasn’t so sure. I waited in agony until the awards ceremony at noon. All the dancers were asked to come out onto the dance floor. Why bother? I thought as I followed Jackson onto the floor anyway. We stayed in the back of the crowd. The announcer began to speak and the judges handed out medals one by one. It seemed like everyone had won something but us, I rolled my eyes in anticipation. Then he got to our division. I held my breath. â€Å"Heat number 33!†he boomed into the microphone. â€Å"In first place east coast swing we have couple 124!†All was silent for a moment. I let out a great whoosh of breath I had been holding. â€Å"Wait a second!†I said â€Å"Isn’t that our number?†Jackson nodded. We high-fived each other and made our way to the front to accept our totally awesome gold medals, and 50 dollar scholarships. Much to my surprise and delight, we had to stay up there for almost the whole ceremony because we just kept winning. We won first in swing twice, first in cha cha once, along with a 3rd and 5th. In rumba, we got first once and 5th three times. Looking at the program later I realized that all the times our place had fallen below 3rd, we had been against people two levels higher than us. The smooth dance portion of the competition was about begin. It was 2:00 p.m. and heat number 169 came up. We glided across the floor like a boat on a calm sea as we danced American waltz. We made our movement sharp in American tango, in foxtrot we stayed on our toes. By the time we were done dancing my shoes were biting into my heals and my feet hurt! A great dancer once said  ¦ Dancers are the only athletes who arent allowed to show how much it hurts. And boy was I living those words right now! The two and a half inch heels were a torture device. But through all the cortes and feather steps I survived. We made it to finals six times, half in the higher levels. And several more medals came our way for a grand total of five gold, six silver, and two bronze along with two fifty dollar scholarships and several certificates for 4th and 5th place. That was the day that my confidence in dancing soared to epic proportions and I realized that my dream of becoming a great dancer was close r than I thought.
Tuesday, December 3, 2019
Internationalization and Cultural Implications for Joint Ventures in Saudi Arabia
Introduction Brief Overview of the Topic In this literature review, it is necessary to consider the connection between internationalization and cultural implications for joint ventures in Saudi Arabia. This question is especially urgent nowadays due to the process of integration and cross-cultural communication.Advertising We will write a custom research paper sample on Internationalization and Cultural Implications for Joint Ventures in Saudi Arabia specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Due to the fact that the prevalent form of international business in Saudi Arabia is joint ventures, it is really significant for companies in Saudi Arabia, particular for the industrialization process because it provides immediate access to modern technologies and offers wider opportunities for the development and advancement of human resources (Mababaya, 2003a, p. 157). The increased interest in business operations in Saudi Arabia can be explained by the emerging opportunity for foreign investors to participate in the Kingdom’s industrial ventures. But what is more important is that international business relations are enhanced by Saudi’s impressive track records, respect for traditions and history, and international law (Mababaya, 2003a, p. 157). Hence, Saudi Arabia is considered to be an ideal place for creating joint ventures in cooperation with foreign investors due to many reasons, apart from the presence of abundant hydrocarbon resources. Importance of Literature Review for the Proposal Despite the fact that the country’s culture is homogeneous to some extent, Saudi people, particularly the representatives of young generations, have experience in cooperating with business partners from other cultures. Before the oil was discovered, Saudi Arabia has low rates of production and the core business operations were focused on trading (Katz, 2007). The commercial culture, therefore, assist them in becoming s hrewd bargainers. Hence, due to the process of globalization and internationalization, cultural environment of Saudi Arabia has become really significant for other cultures. World market, therefore, is now more concerned with internationalization and cultural influence of the Middle East. In this research proposal, it is necessary to examine the core cultural implications for joint ventures in Saudi Arabia. The literature review presented below will prove that integration of cultural issues into the international business is very important, both for Saudi Arabia and for the foreign investors.Advertising Looking for research paper on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Literature Review Cultural Features of Saudi Arabia and Importance of Culture for International Cooperation In order to understand the process of globalization and cultural concerns related to it, it is necessary to study the peculiarities of Sau di cultures and traditions, particularly people’s strict adherence to them. Indeed, the mentality and history of the Saudi community should be taken in the deepest consideration. The importance of culture for the Saudi people and business world is proved by the researches presented below. Hence, Moran et al. (2007) has identified that â€Å"Arabs are people of great emotions and sentimentality – and sometimes of excess and extremes. They hold in high regard friendship, loyalty, and justice, and, when events and behavior go against that sense of justice, they will likely to be morally outrages and indignant†(p. 339). All those features play a significant in building successful business relations, but still one should not adhere to the presented stereotypes to a full extent. Walker et al. (2003) also agree with the assumption that cultural aspects should be carefully treated when it comes to the Middle East world. The researchers believe that the process of Weste rnization is rigidly confronted in Saudi Arabia, but this relates to Western culture only. In other words, Saudi culture reflects the ideas of accepting Western technology without impregnating Western culture and ideology. In particular, the Arabs â€Å"are opposed to Western cultural influences, seeing them as corrupting and debasing and potentially undermining their religious, ethnic and tribal heritage†(Walker, 2003, p. 96). This opposition proves that the importance of culture can only be conceived on the rise of the globalization process. The studies performed by Oxford Business Group (2008) have revealed that all issues connected with cooperation and trading in Saudi Arabia is closely related to Islam. It implies that all business transactions and joint ventures are initially based on conservative approaches to building relations. Hence, older generations of the Arab world adheres to strict social codes and discourages the participation of women in managing and conclud ing business agreements. At the same time, the research has also revealed that younger generations have different views on cultural issues. Like Walker et al. (2003) and Moran et al. (2007), Mead and Andrews (2009) have attached importance to culture and religion in international cooperation with Saudi Arabia with the emergence of joint ventures. In particular, extreme conservatism of Saudi community still opposes to Westernization due to rigid loyalty to traditions and moral codes. In this regard, the management and human resource management system is not subjected to cultural democratization and socialization (Meat and Andrews, 2005, p. 74). Shoult (2006) has also conducted research on joint ventures and importance of Saudi culture for establishing successful cooperation. In particular, the author notes that â€Å"if its performance has failed quickly to reach the Saudi partners’ expectations, it may even find itself treated as a distressed department of their own establis hment†(Shoult, 2006, p.169). The knowledge of the Arab mentality and psychology is paramount for foreign partners to organize successful joint ventures.Advertising We will write a custom research paper sample on Internationalization and Cultural Implications for Joint Ventures in Saudi Arabia specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More One way or another, it is essential to have an enthusiastic and creative Saudi partner who is willing to cooperate. Arising from this fact, Mababaya (2003b) has found that the failure of leading British company to establish successful relations lies in their feeble attempt to understand cultural specifics of the Middle East world. Ignoring cultural context, the companies failed to cope with emerging problems. Other researchers (Onkvisit and Shaw, 2008; Broways and Price, 2008) also agree with the idea that a cross-cultural factor should be a priority to the Western partners if they plan to organize a j oint venture in Saudi Arabia. In particular, they should know the specifics of working hours and holiday differences. The author also examines the secrets of successful communication where a foreign partner should spend a considerable amount of time before proceeding with business issues. Onkvisit and Shaw (2008) state that trust is the basis of all business operations and a necessary condition for all joint ventures. In general, the above-presented studies reveal several important facts about the Middle East world and Saudi Arabia in particular. First of all, the Arab people attach much attention to friendship and justice and have a great respect to older generations. Due to the fact that these people are of great sentimentality, they value a respectful and punctual attitude to them. In business operations, they greatly oppose to the Westernization process and participation of women. Finally, they give credit to Islam and believe that trust is the basis of a successful cooperation. All these factors should be carefully tackled if foreign partners want to establish favorable relations with the Arab people. Influence of Internationalization on Joint Ventures in Saudi Arabia Saudi Arabia is known as the main world producer of oil and, therefore, it plays a huge role in oil market (Cordesman, 2003, p. 473). Supplying about 95 % of oil, Saudi Aramco provides strong strategic privilege to the country as well as international flexibility and acceptance among other world producers (Cordesman, 2003, p. 473). The process of internalization that has penetrated to the country has given rise to the country’s cultural recognition and compromise on the part of leading world producers. Judging from the above-presented facts, it should be assumed that the process of internalization has increased the importance of the Arab culture and has introduced the Middle East on the world arena. On the one hand, it granted brilliant opportunities for the country’s developme nt. On the other hand, the country has faced serious multicultural and international issues that are hard to overcome.Advertising Looking for research paper on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More The process of globalization has greatly contributed to the advancement of economy in Saudi Arabia. Import and export activities carried out by family business houses haves changed their course to global business operations. As a result the world has recognized such international enterprises as SABIC, Kingdom Holding, and ARAMCO (Ali, 2008, p. 227). In addition, the membership the WTO has also enables the country to advance their health care systems and improve the diary industry. According to Ali (2008), â€Å"globalization is more than business involvement and that the latter should not be divorced from its political and environmental concerns†(p. 227). Ramady (2010) underlines the direct dependence of cultural concerns from globalization. With regard with this, the formation of an appropriate business and cultural environment is crucial for the Arab world to meet the challenges of Westernization. In his studies, the author insists on the idea that the major outcome of glo balization is increasing concerns with preserving culture and religion and protecting them from outer invasion. Therefore, although the process of internationalization providers wider opportunities for the economic development but creates challenges for traditions, ethnicity, religions, and moral codes. Aulakh and Schetchter (2000) have also provided evidence for ideological and cultural influence of globalization on Saudi Arabia and other countries with promising perspectives. The authors provide arguments concerning the role of the countries involved in the process of globalization pertained to economic and cultural areas. Analyzing the studies presented by Ramady (2010) and Aulakh and Schetchter (2000), the process of globalization is also greatly influenced by the Middle East world whose traditions and customs are considered by other world agents structuring the stages of internationalization. This point of view is also supported by Fox et al. (2006) who underline a huge role of the Middle East in forming the process of internalization. Shifts in Culture Being the Result of Business Cooperation between the Western World and Saudi Arabia A great number of studies have been devoted to multinational business operations all over the world, but few of them are connected with Saudi Arabia. Both foreign visitors and investors of Saudi joint ventures, and the Arabians should find a compromise in cooperating and building favorable business relations at the international level. But the main task of this literature review is to analyze what how international culture influences the creation of joint industries in Saudi Arabia with regard to the Arab culture, religion, and firmly established traditions. In studies presented by Moran et al. (2007), the researchers examine the cultural effects that the process of Westernization has on Saudi managers, which make them less paternalistic (p. 339). The scholars have also underscored that the increasing tendency in creating t raining programs in Saudi Arabia being the result of its cooperation with the United States. The rapid integration of the Arab world to the international arena has led to rapid shifts in the Arab culture in terms of business operations and management. In particular, the country has faced a rigorous competition and increasing standards that resulted in some changes. Rao (2001) in his studies of the globalization process emphasizes that lack of understanding of cross cultural relations and diversity can result in a serious failure to interact with the trading partners. The same concerns the Middle East world whose specific culture should be adjusted to the international culture and, vice versa, Western world should be more sensitive to Saudi managers and businessmen whose language involves both verbal and non-verbal communication (Rao, 2001, p. 154). Studies by Adekola and Sergi (2007) also contribute to understanding cross-cultural relations between Saudi Arabia and other cultures. I n particular, they investigate what the opportunities that the international business has created for the Arab worlds, how Western countries treat the Arab culture, and why cultural implications are tangible for the Arab community. The rise of globalization has influenced many industrial areas of Saudi Arabia, particularly its dairy production. After the country has jointed the World Trade Organization, it has received access to free trade and many other benefits such as reduced tariffs, and the rise of joint venture organization with other foreign partners. Fenn (1994) has conducted an independent research where the scholar has defined the specifics of carrying out business in Saudi Arabia. While discussing the peculiarities of Saudi culture and its influence on the international business, Fenn (1994) introduces some recommendations for foreign investors to follow before penetrating to the Arab world. Studying the findings carefully, it is possible to admit that the Saudi managers have certain cultural rules which make women’s intervention problematic. This factor plays a huge role in business relations, specifically in the international world where both men and women have equal opportunities for self-realization. Like Fenn, Mead (2005) insists on the fact that the process of internationalization implies â€Å"the free movement of political, economic, and cultural resources between countries, each society influencing and being influenced by every other society†(p.72). The problem is that Western values still dominate on the world arena of business and commerce. This particularly concerns the United States that propagandize their cultural and politics, which is often perceived as an assault of other cultures and economies. Kangari and Lucas (1997) have also admitted the fact that the discovery of oil in Saudi Arabia has imposed a cultural change on the Arab world. The Kingdom has been forced to adapt to abrupt shifts in culture to advance Saudi industries and economies. According to the scholars, â€Å"rapid progress in the material sense has resulted in a sort of cultural backlash, and old traditions have been strengthened†(Kangari and Lucas, 1997, p. 42). With regard to those dramatic changes, they consider it necessary to work our important strategies for dealing with cultural shifts for the Middle East world to adjust to a new cultural background. One of the best strategies proposed is avoiding conflicts and preserving neutrality in business world. A thorough consideration of cultural effects on joint ventures in Saudi Arabia leads to an assumption that Western and Eastern worlds have rigid differences in conducting business. Nevertheless, a compromise should be reached to succeed in advancing international business. Conclusion Although the culture of Saudi Arabia is homogeneous, the country’s population, particularly the younger generations, are experienced enough in cooperating with foreign business pa rtners. Before the discovery of oil in Saudi Arabia, it has insignificant rates of production and the main focus was made on commercial operations. However, this trading culture has played a decisive role in establishing relations with other countries and leading producers. With regard to this the process of globalization has considerably influenced the cultural environment of Saudi Arabia is carefully considered by other world agents. What is more important is that the Middle East world has faced with cross-cultural challenges as well. In this literature review, we have found that much research has been made on studying the peculiarities of the Arab cultures and how it affects the global communities. However, little concern has been revealed concerning how the Saudi people deal with those challenges and who they adjust to the process of Westernization. In addition, the literature has also disclosed the problem of inability of foreign partners to conceive the specifics of business r elations with Saudi Arabia, including their cultural values, religion issues, and important customs. Arising from the above-presented considerations, a golden medium should be found between economic development, cultural aspects, and internalization to build successful joint ventures in Saudi Arabia. Reference List Adekola, A. amd Sergi, B. (2007). Global business management: a cross-cultural perspective. US: Ashgate Publishing. Ltd. Ali, A. (2008). Business and management environment in Saudi Arabia: challenges and opportunities for multinational corporations. US: Taylor Francis. Aulakh, P. S., and Schetchter, M. G. (2000). Rethinking globalization(s): from corporate transnationalism to local interventions. US: Palgrave Macmillan. Browaeys, M.-J., and Price R. (2008). Understanding Cross-cultural management. US: Pearson Education. Cordesman, A. H. (2003) Saudi Arabia enters the 21st century. US: Greenwood Publishing Group. Fenn, D. (1994, January). Saudi Arabia: Veiled Opportuniti es. U. S. Department of Commerce, International Trade Administration. 16(1) Fox, J. W., Mourtada-Sabbah, and al-Mutawa, M. (2006). Globalization and the Gulf. US: Taylor Francis. Kangari, R. and Lucas, C. L. (1997). Managing international operations: a guide for engineers, architects, and construction managers. US: Publications. Katz, L. (2007). Negotiating International Business. US: Booksurge Publishing Mababaya, M. P. (2003a). The Role of Multinational Companies in the Middle East: The Case of Saudi Arabia. US: Universal-Publishers. Mababaya, M. P. (2003b). International Business in a Strange Cultural Environment. US: Universal-Publishers. Mead, R. (2005). International management: cross cultural dimensions. US: Willey-Blackwell. Mead, R., and Andrews, T. G. (2009). International Management. US: John Wiley and Sons. Moran, R. T., Harris, P. R., Moran, S. V. (2007). Managing cultural differences global leadership strategies for the 21st century. US: Butterworth-Heinemann. Onkvisi t, S. and Shaw, J. J. (2008). International Marketing: Strategy and Theory. US: Taylor Francis. Oxford Business Group (2008). The Report: Saudi Arabia: 2008. UK: Oxford Business Group. Ramady, M. A. (2010). The Saudi Arabian Economy: Policies, Achievements, and Challenges. US: Springer. Rao, C. P. (2001). Globalization and its managerial implications. US: Greenwood Publishing Group. Shoult, A. (2006). Doing business with Saudi Arabia. US: GMB Publishing Ltd. Walker, D. M., Walker, T. D. and Schmitz, J. T. (2003). Doing business internationally: the guide to cross-cultural success. US: McGraw-Hill Professional. This research paper on Internationalization and Cultural Implications for Joint Ventures in Saudi Arabia was written and submitted by user Raquel Wilder to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.
Wednesday, November 27, 2019
Sunday, November 24, 2019
Reality and Imagination essays
Reality and Imagination essays Reality can be comforting or agonizing, it depends on whos reality is in question. Tennessee Williams depicted reality and what it can do to people in The Pulitzer Prize winning play A Streetcar Named Desire. The story is about an unmarried thirty year old woman who creates a new magic reality for herself to escape the cruelty and bitterness of the real world. She comes to New Orleans from a once wealthy estate plagued with family death and eventually loses the estate Belle Reve to unpaid mortgage. She slowly comes to believe her fantasy world is the real world and eventually cant tell them apart any longer. Her escapes from the real world are illustrated by her constructive compulsive mis-truths, fear of being seen in well lit areas, frequent long baths and excessive drinking. Blanche Dubois desires to escape her real life and to embrace upon the cushion of a magical fantasy world which she creates for herself. One of the most prominent escapes is her drinking and the large quantities of it. Blanche has a younger sister, Stella, who moved to New Orleans when the ordeals of Belle Reve were getting out of hand I stayed and struggled! You came to New Orleans and looked after yourself. I stayed at Belle Reve and tried to hold it together!. Blanche arrives and shortly thereafter is drinking. She has a tumbler of whiskey and downs it quickly while smoking simultaneously. Blanche proclaims her limit is one drink but it is evident she is using the alcohol as an escape because of how fast she drinks it following a fabrication about her employment relief. Several nights into the play, there is a poker game hosted at Stella and Stanleys, her husband, house. Blanche often drinks in large quantities to ease her nerves, hard alcohol, not beer I hate beer and usually prior or following her arsenal of Truth is bent and twisted by Blanche very ...
Thursday, November 21, 2019
SUMMARY WORKSHOP-RESEARCH METHOD CLASS - Coursework Example Bryman defines quantitative data analysis as the process through which a researcher transforms all the data observed or collected into numerical data. The method of analysis often answers questions, describes events, or a situation that the â€Å"how†and â€Å"what†questions apply. The method deals with measuring or attributes that are related to quantities (Bryman 2008). Quantitative data analysis is applied to find evidence used to prove wrong or support a hypothesis or idea. The research method operates using three types of quantitative measures including nominal, ordinal, and interval. These measures provide certain advantages that are associated with their use during the analysis of data. Quantitative analysis utilizes statistical package for the social sciences (SPSS) to ensure accuracy of the results derived from the analysis. The data tool resembles a spreadsheet, but it has a different modus operandi. The statistical tool is preferred for analyzing data generated from social sciences research studies because it is tailor made for this task. Bryman looks at a comparison of quantitative and qualitative data analysis methods with the view of their potential when they are integrated. The two levels of research approach research from different scopes of discourse and analysis. Though there are disagreements over the possibility of combining the two methods, a number of research approaches have employed a structure that closely resembles the quantitative/qualitative research approach (Bryman 2008). The two types of research are fundamentally different and they have been described as explained; while quantitative analysis is considered rationalistic and positive qualitative analysis is considered naturalistic and constructivist. Because of these fundamental differences, the two analysis techniques are applicable in different stages of a research study (Sarantakos 2005). In conclusion, quantitative and qualitative
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Operation management Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words - 4
Operation management - Assignment Example Moreover, operation management enhances the quality of services and hence develops the acceptance of the organisation among the consumers. Furthermore, operation management helps in monitoring the services and develop the same to enhance the standard leading to consumer satisfaction (Kleindorfer & et. al., 2005). With this regard, the paper elaborates on the operation management prevalent in the Intercontinental Hotel Groups. Operation management is observed to be crucial for the group as it helps in enhancing the level of services and consumer satisfaction at a global domain. The hotel group started operating in the year 1946 and has been successfully developing its global consumer base across culture. Moreover, with the elite class services and luxurious offerings the hotel has been successfully developing its image among the consumers, planning for luxurious destinations. With its elegance and distinctive styles that is distinguishable from the other hotels makes it ultimate travel destinations for tourists. However, the hotel needs to monitor their present situations to develop their quality in order to enhance their consumer base. This would help in developing the different approaches of the hotel services to meet with the elated needs of the consumers. The paper would also focus on dev eloping the different environmental changes that has been initiating the organisation to manage such changes and increase their consumer services with the help of operation management (1IHG, 2013). The performance objectives support enhancement of different approaches of an organisation by providing guidelines that would help in developing the services. This aspect would enhance the organisational ability to meet with the elated needs of the consumers. It provides with the development of different approaches and helps in assessing the same to enhance the
Sunday, November 17, 2019
Marketing Program Failures Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Marketing Program Failures - Essay Example Marketing entails the link between economic response patterns and society’s material requirements. In fact, content marketing main aim is to attract customers and retain by consistently curating valuable and relevant content with an intention of changing consumer behavior. This, therefore, means that for any marketing program to succeed, the material requirements must always be appealing. However, if the marketing program has a poor content, then the possibility of the program to fail remains high. A marketing program does not have to be valuable for it to be considered perfect to the audience (Hündgen, 2011). The marketer does not have to overspend in order to achieve quality marketing. Simple programs also sell to the audience. In fact, it needs to be better that the other competing marketing programs. The standards of the marketing program should always be higher. Poor program content does not attract consumers but instead, it creates noise or misleads them, which makes it likely to fail. Poor program content can also be reflected in the grammar of the text. Incorrect grammar in the program sends wrong signals about the program. Therefore, it is always important to proofread and check the spellings of the content before posting. First impressions always send a powerful message to the audience, and they always last a longtime. Being positive in the content will, therefore, sell the company. The content must be done in such a way that it calls the reader into action. It should always tell the reader what they want to hear after reading the program. Many marketing programs simply fail because their recipients never know what to do. Marketers must always close their programs with phrases that give their audience a direction to where they are found. It is quite evident that even some of the best marketing programs are not appreciated
Friday, November 15, 2019
Tetanus Toxin: Structure and Purification
Tetanus Toxin: Structure and Purification Tetanus is regarded amongst the most severe and fatal disease since ancient times [1]. Tetanus is termed from a Greek word ‘Tetanos’ which means- to contract *. The disease is generally initiated due to deep wounds, cuts, and during catastrophic situations like natural calamities, physical trauma, etc. [a] It was first discovered by Hippocrates in early 19th century *. However it was etiologically described by Carle and Rattone who were first to produce tetanus in animals by injecting pus extracted from an infected human with the same disease in 1884. During this same period Nicolaier also produced tetanus in animals from soil samples. Further research in 1889 by Kitasato revealed that animals were infected by this disease when they were injected with a particular organism isolated from a human patient *. Nocard in 1897 revealed that this disease can be treated by the use of its antitoxin. Moreover in 1924 the significance of toxoid came into existence during World War I which was formulated by Descombey and this passive immunization against tetanus was majorly used during World War II *. Structure of tetanus toxin: The tetanus toxin is of 150kD comprising of three fragments i.e. A,B and C having a molecular weight of 50kD each [n]. Fragments A and B were observed to be non-spastically toxic and also to block the release of catecholamine. It also inhibits the action of synaptic nerves and thus exhibits an important role in the toxicity of the toxin. On the other hand fragment C is regarded as the non-toxic subunit but retaining the required antigenic properties of the toxin. This fragment is seen to bind with gangliosides, motor endplates and synaptic membranes. It also helps in transportation of the toxin from the periphery to the central nervous system [o]. Krieglestein et al. in 1990 stated that tetanus toxin is a 151-kD protein. The complete amino acid sequence is known. The mature toxin is made of two peptide and contains 10 half-cystine residues. Treatment with 4-vinylpyridine in the presence of 6M guanidine converted six of them into s-pyridylethyl cysteine residues are determines by amino acid analysis. When alkylation was preceded by mercaptolysis, all 10 halfcystine residues were recovered in the s-pyridylethylated form. It was therefore concluded that the toxin contains six sulfhydryl groups and two disulfide bond [r] Mode of Action: Rossetto et al. in 2001 reported that the neuroparalytic syndromes of tetanus is caused by neurotoxins produced by bacteria of the genus Clostridium of 150 kDa proteins consisting of three-domains, endowed with different functions: neurospecific binding, membrane translocation and specific proteolysis of three key components of the neuroexocytosis apparatus. After binding to the presynaptic membrane of motoneurons, tetanus neurotoxin (TeNT) is internalized and transported retroaxonally to the spinal cord, where it blocks neurotransmitter release from spinal inhibitory interneurons. TeNT cleave specifically at single but different peptide bonds, VAMP/synaptobrevin, a membrane protein of small synaptic vesicles [s]. Kegel et al. in 2002 stated that the 50kD ligh chain subunit comprises of zinc metalloproteases which cleaves synatobrevin that is not involved in neuroexocytosis [t]. Foster in 2009 Stated that TeNT enters the body via wounds and initially binds and internalizes into the peripheral terminals of motorneurons where it is transported by retrograde axonal transport to the motorneuron in the spinal cord. TeNT is transported to somatodendritic postsynaptic sites and is released into the synaptic cleft where it undergoes receptor mediated uptake into the presynaptic termini of the inhibitory interneurons, from where it translocates into the cytosol and inhibits neurotransmitter release. [u]. Starting material for purification of tetanus toxin: Raynaud in 1951 developed a technique of using non-autolyzed toxin direct from the organism i.e. Clostridium tetani [i] .This technique gave an advantage of obtaining a more concentrated form of toxin as compared to that obtained from the filtrates [i][j]. For this purpose the organism was generally cultured and subcultured using Tarozzi medium* and modified Tarozzi medium [j] Latham medium was also widely used for the same reason [j] [k]. M. Matsuda in 1989 also used modified Latham medium for culturing of Clostridium tetani [o]. Muller and Miller in 1954 investigated that pancreatic digest of casein contained some inhibitory content which was solved by charcoal treatment [y]. Toxin was also extracted by treating the bacterial cells in hypertonic solution using 0.1M sodium citrate and 1M sodium chloride as stated by Bernard Bizzini [q] Conventional method to produce tetanus vaccine: The Harvard strain of Clostridium tetani is grown in a fermentor for about a week using a semisynthetic medium. This leads the bacteria to lyze and release the toxin obtained in the supernatant. This method yielded about 60-80 Lf/ml. This yield is then filtered and detoxified using formaldehyde. This reacts with the toxin molecule mainly the amino groups of lysineresulting in imine formation, further reacts with the unstable groups of imidazole or phenol ring finally involves a cross-linking reaction between the both the amino groups. Formaldehyde also affects the 3-D structure, therefore making the toxic conformational epitopes [y]. Purification by HPLC: Kunihiro in 1985 used extracts from the organism for purification of tetanus toxin using High performance liquid chromatographic methods (HPLC) [j]. The toxin extracted from the previously described method was initially purified using ammonium sulfate precipitation followed by ultracentrifugation in order to get rid of the unwanted particulate matter by filtering it through a 0.2 um membrane filter. The concentrated sample in the equilibrating buffer at a pH of 7.5 proceeded through a final step of purification by running it on HPLC using a column of a TSK G3000 SW of 0.75 x 60 dimensions. This column was equilibrated using 0.1M sodium-phosphate buffer at a pH of 6.8 and the flow rate was maintained at 0.6 ml/min. The fractions obtained were tested for its protein content at 280nm using a UV spectrophotometer [j]. Further the efficiency of HPLC was compared with another gel filtration method using Ultrogel column [j] [o]. Purification using Sephadex G-100: For large scale production of tetanus toxoid, Alcohol precipitation was used for immunization purpose by Pillemer L. [b]. However, Levine in 1951 used to purify the tetanus toxoid by ammonium sulfate precipitation [c]. Later, further purification and characterization of the toxoid was achieved by filtering it through Sephadex gels using G-100 columns as stated by Williams C. in 1965 [d]. This simplified and low cost method yielded four separable fractions of the toxoid where the first two fractions of 55-65% non dialyzable nitrogen possessed significant antigenic properties. The next fraction obtained was of smaller molecular weight and showed poor antigenecity when injected in animals; however the fourth fraction obtained was not identified but was predicted to be metabolic by-products of the organism and had no significant role [d]. Before running on the column the protein concentration was determined using a UV spectrometer at 280nm. Chromatographic gel filtratio n was performed using a column of 1.2 x 0.062 m dimension. The column was packed and equilibrated with 0.1M phosphate buffer with a pH of 8.5, additionally 1% formaldehyde can be added to inhibit the bacterial growth. The void volume after equilibration was maintained at 800ml at the flow rate was fixed at 80ml/hr. The sample loading volume was around 50ml and was concentrated to about 100,000 Lf. The four fractions were collected and were further seperated by recycling them on the same column [d]. This method gave an efficient insight on how to purify and separate different components of the toxoid. M Matsuda in 1989 carried out the separation of fragment A-B treated with urea by running it on a ccolumn packed with Sephadex G-25, equilibrated with 0.02M tris-HCL buffer containing trace amounts of dithiothreitol and urea [o]. Other gels such as Sepharose 4B and Sephadex G-200 was also used by researchers like Bernard Bizzini, Immunodiffusion test was also carried out using Ouchterlony’s method [o] [p] [q]. Papain Digestion of Tetanus toxin: Further research by Helting and Zwister in 1974 made possible to obtain fragment C from Tetanus toxin which has significant antigenic properties but lack pathogenecity and thus occupies a major role in immunization [e]. Helting stated that Tetanus toxin can be degraded in a specific pattern. The mild papain digestion cleaves the F(ab) region. The papain enzyme breaks the 150kD toxin into two parts, one comprising of the C-terminal of the heavy chain i.e. of 47kD which corresponds to the Fragment C of the toxin whereas the other part of 95kD consists of N-terminal heavy chain subunit along with the lighter chain polypeptide forming the fragment B (refer to Figure 2). This Fragment B was observed to have a toxic effect on mice when injected with a sufficient dose and also has an adverse effect on the nervous system, thus it was necessary to purify and obtain only Fragment C for immunization and to further study its immune response [f]. The purified Fragment C was separated and ob tained by chromatographic methods and by using anti-Fragment C IgG [f]. Ulrich Weller in 1989 performed papain digestion for 16 hours of overnight stirring of the toxin at 25Â °C at a concentration of 40ug/ml. The toxin was suspended in 10mM sodium-phosphate buffer at pH of 6.5 with 1mM EDTA and NaN3 and 10mM cysteine. After the incubation period 0.5mM of Ll-chloro-3-tosylamido-7-amino-2-heptanone was added as a stop solution in order to inactivate papain by further incubating it at room temperature for 30 min and was then cooled to 0Â °C with saturated ammonium sulfate solution at pH 6.5 with further centrifugation. The precipitate was resuspended in the same buffer mentioned. This further proceeded for its separation and purification on Sephadex G-100 column and the fractions were collected at the flow rate of 15ml/hr b*. These fractions were further pooled and contrated using a Centiprep 10 concentrator and the buffer was changed to 0.5 M NaCl with 30mM Tris-HCl at pH 7.5. The fragments B and C showed up homogenously on SDS-PAGE. The fragment C was further dialyzed against 10mM sodium phosphate buffer at a pH of 7.5. The samples obtained were further checked for its protein content at 285nm and was determined by modified lowry method after trichloroacetic acid precipitation. They also ran an SDS-PAGE using rerducing and non-reducing gels and was stained by Coomassie blue-250 and the chains and fragments of the toxin were determined according to their known amino acid sequence b* Other methods developed to obtain fragment C: Fishman et al. (1992) Pointed out that the non-toxic binding fragment of tetanus toxin (fragment C) binds avidly to neural tissue and has a growing number of neurobiological uses. Its current utility is limited by both its high commercial cost and the complex procedure for its preparation requiring highly purified tetanus toxin. A short procedure was developed which prepares fragments of tetanus toxin from crude C. tetani extracts. The resultant proteins are atoxic with molecular sizes and immunological properties closely resembling fragment C. These proteins undergo retrograde axonal and apparent transneuronal transport in a fashion similar to fragment C [v]. Ledoux et al. in 1994 Indicated that tetanus toxin once internalized via receptor-mediated endocytosis, form membrane channels in order to traverse the endosomal membrane and enter the cytoplasm of the nerve terminal forming an association between neurotoxin monomers which results in an oligomeric form of the neurotoxin necessary for assembly of a channel through the hydrophobic interior of the endosomal membrane, thereby allowing passage of the neurotoxin or its active fragment through the resulting pore [w]. Technique used to test the specificity of the heavy and light chain subunits: Matsuda and Yoneda in 1975 isolated the heavy and light chain subunits from a toxin reduced by treatment with dithiothreitol-urea[g] [h]. Kunihiro in 1985 used the technique of electrophoresis using sodium-dodecyl-sulphate polyacrylamide gel i.e. SDS-PAGE as shown in Figure (3). and was further used to put up a western blot in order to check the specificity of the isolated subunits obtained [l] [m] [j]. SDS-PAGE allowed the toxin to stack at 49kD corresponding to the fragment C subunit and 85kD comprising of the 4heavy chain subunit [j] Goretzki and Habermann in 1985 characterized enzymatic fragments of tetanus toxin by immunoblotting using a set of previously characterized antibodies and a set of novel antibodies. The selected antibodies recognized the light chain, fragment C (ÃŽ ²1) and the complementary piece (ÃŽ ²2) of the heavy chain when blotted on nitrocellulose. All toxin preparations contained intrinsic esteroprotease activity which became manifest in the presence of urea. The main product of papain hydrolysis is fragment C, which appears as a double band under non reducing conditions but is homogeneous when reduced. Chymotryptic digestion hydrolyses the heavy chain well but leaves the light chain largely intact. Tetanus toxin is very resistant against trypsin as compared with other proteases, although this enzyme splits numerous different links [x].
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Factors Influencing the Use of Presidential Veto Essay
The democratic system of government relies mainly upon the proper functioning and the harmonious relationship between its three main branches: The Executive Department which has the power to execute the law; b) the Legislative Branch which has the power to propose, enact, amend and repeal the law; c) the Judiciary which has the power to interpret the law. Our constitution has divided these three most important functions to these three departments which are considered co-equal and supreme authority within their own domain. The principle of separation of powers has for its aim the prevention of the over concentration of authority in one person or group of persons that might lead to an error or abuse to the prejudice of the whole state. The idea is that the separation of power will produce greater action on the part of these three departments, prevent any of these three departments from over-extending their authority to the point of encroaching into the domains of the other department, to prevent the possibility of abuse by any department in the exercise of its power and to obtain maximum efficiency in the delivery of public service. Austin Ranney (1995) once said that any concentration of powers in a single branch is tyrannical and only true separation of powers will protect the liberties of the people against the aggressions of government. (Austin Ranney, p. 240) Checks and Balances The US Constitution has provided for the principle known as the checks and balances. Under this principle, the constitution has given each department certain powers by which it may restrain the other department from improvident action. This enables the whole state to maintain the right balance among them and preserve the will of the sovereign as expressed in the constitution. Thus, pursuant to the principle of Checks and Balances, one department is allowed to resist encroachments made by one department against another or to rectify mistakes and errors committed by the other department. The principle of separation of powers should not however be interpreted to mean that there is a sibling rivalry of some sort in the exercise of the powers of these departments. The fact remains that even if one department may control, interfere with or encroach upon the acts done by another department pursuant to the constitution, it is still the policy that each department have to interact with one another to achieve a unity of purpose. There is therefore no wall of isolation or animosity among the three departments. Blending of Powers Corollary to the principle of separation of powers and the checks and balances is the principle of blending of powers which is very evident in the manner every democratic government runs. In the performance of a constitutional task, one department acts in a manner complimentary to or supplementary to the other. The principles of separation of powers, checks and balances and blending of powers can be adequately explained in the manner of enactment of laws and statutes. The principle of separation of powers provides that to the legislative belongs the power and authority to enact, amend and repeal a law. To the executive department belongs the power to implement the law. Thus bills are passed by Congress and sent to the President for his approval. The principle of checks and balances is manifested in the way the president vetoes the bills passed by the Congress. The power to veto bills passed by Congress is stated under Article 1 Section 7 of the United States Constitution, to wit: â€Å"Every Bill which shall have passed the House of Representatives and the Senate, shall, before it become a Law, be presented to the President of the United States; If he approve he shall sign it, but if not he shall return it, with his Objections to that House in which it shall have originated, who shall enter the Objections at large on their Journal, and proceed to reconsider it. (Article 1, Section 7, United States Constitution) Though the Congress enacts the law, the president has the prerogative to reject the law through his exercise of the veto power. In effect, the President, theoretically, can indirectly become a lawmaker by rejecting bills passed by Congress and by proposing to the Congress that certain bills be passed. The same is true for Congress which may greatly influence the exercise of the President of his authority to implement the law. It is clearly stated in the US Constitution that it has the power to override the veto power of the President provided it has the required numbers supporting it, to wit: â€Å"If after such Reconsideration two thirds of that House shall agree to pass the Bill, it shall be sent, together with the Objections, to the other House, by which it shall likewise be reconsidered, and if approved by two thirds of that House, it shall become a Law. But in all such Cases the Votes of both Houses shall be determined by Yeas and Nays, and the Names of the Persons voting for and against the Bill shall be entered on the Journal of each House respectively. If any Bill shall not be returned by the President within ten Days (Sundays excepted) after it shall have been presented to him, the Same shall be a Law, in like Manner as if he had signed it, unless the Congress by their Adjournment prevent its Return, in which Case it shall not be a Law. †(Article 1, Sec 7, United States Constitution) In addition, to its power to override presidential veto, Congress may opt to exercise pressure to the president by not confirming certain presidential appointments which the constitution has delegated to the Legislative Branch. In addition, the Congress may also exercise its power to commence and initiate its power of Impeachment. (Gary W. Copeland) In effect, the Congress if it really wants to enact a bill into law may convince the President with the exercise of its power to sign the bills into law. Factors Why the President Veto Legislation There are different views on the president’s exercise of his veto power. Some say that the more the president exercises his veto power the more effective leader he is. (Jong R. Lee) The theory is that a president who can influence the Congress is more likely to veto a bill and once vetoed this bill will not be overridden by Congress. This appears to be conclusive considering the following statistics: from the time of Washington to Nixon the veto was used 2,257 times. Out of these, only 75 vetoes or only 6% have been overridden by Congress. On the other hand, some say that the president’s exercise of veto is a sign of weakness on his part. The idea here is that if the president really had control and influence over the Congress then they would not have passed these bills that prompted the president to override them in the first place. The veto power is one of the potent weapons which a president may exercise under our democratic system of government. It is even stated that it is the power of the President to veto legislations that make him a dominant American political figure. Copeland) The veto power of the president serves as a check to the power of the Legislative branch to make laws by exercising its veto power. One of the reasons cited for the exercise of the veto powers is because the bill is unconstitutional. The primary function of the President is not to please his political party or to please the electorates. His main responsibility is to protect the constitution and to ensure that the laws are passed i n accordance with the United States Constitution. As its protector, the Constitution has expressly given the president the power to veto bills which are unconstitutional. Thus, several presidents have in the past vetoed bills on the ground of their unconstitutionality. Thus, consider President Andrew Jackson who vetoed bills that seek to extend the charter of the Second Bank of the United States because he insisted the Bank was beyond the power of Congress to create. (Bruce Fein) Aside from the bill’s unconstitutionality, the president has also in the past vetoed bills based on serious ethical and moral grounds. One particular example is HR 810 or the Stem Cell Research Enhancement Act of 2006 which authorized the Secretary of State to conduct and support research that utilizes human embryonic cells. This bill was vetoed by the president. (â€Å"Message to the House of Representatives†) In his veto message dated July 19, 2006, President George W. Bush states that as though he is in favor of exploring the potentials of the research on stem cell, he however is apprehensive about the ethical repercussions of the said research. Signing this bill will allow the deliberate destruction of human embryos for the purpose of research which is damaging to our nation. In addition, it is widely acknowledged that the past president have used the veto power not merely to protect the constitution. The president has in the past used the veto power not merely as a means for protecting the constitution but also for various political purposes. It bears stressing that not all presidents have the support of the Congress. Several presidents in the past have to contend with a hostile Congress to get the needed legislations they wanted. If the president would not be firm in his response, it is possible that certain important pieces of legislations may not be passed at all. To avoid this from happening some presidents in the past have resorted to the extreme method of vetoing more laws to remind that that he holds the power. Consider the case of Franklin D. Roosevelt who in the past occasionally vetoed a piece of legislation simply to remind Congress that he is still in control (Richard E. Neustadt 1976) Harry Truman and Gerald Ford used the veto power for the purpose of determining differences in Congress to build a political base. (Neudstadt) It is the essence of democracy that the legislative and executive departments though they perform different tasks are co-equal. This may or may not be advantageous for the whole citizenry depending on the condition of the nation. It may happen that the country may experience economic difficulties. During this time, laws must be swiftly passed so that the needs of the people will be addressed more quickly. The ideal reaction would be that the Congress should communicate with the President so that they will have an understanding of what kind of laws need to be passed that can help improve the lives of the people. However, the exact opposite happens during economic difficulties. It is at this point that everybody wants to go grandstanding thinking that it is his best time to point the blame to another politician. It is at this time when every politician wants to be recognized for the littlest things he has done in the past. It is because of this reason that during economic difficulties and hardships there are more bills that are being vetoed by the president. Research has also shown that the president who feels that more voters are in his favor are more likely to use the veto power. The idea here is that the more the president thinks that he has the electorate on his side the more that he will tend to exercise this power to veto legislation. This could be measured by analyzing the results of the election in the past, the higher the votes the president gets the more likely it is that he will exercise this power. The political party who sponsored the bill may also influence the decision of the president whether he will veto it or not. The theory is that the more votes the bill receives from the members of his own party in Congress, the more likely that the president will sign the bill into law. On the other hand, the less votes the bill receives from the members of his own party, the more likely it is that the president will not sign the bill into law. Normally, when a bill is sponsored by a representative from a political party different from that o the president, the best thing for him to do if he seeks to have the bill passed into law is to compromise with the president and the other political party. Compromise can be manifested by deleting some portions of the bill which is objectionable on the part of the other political party. It bears stressing that if the sponsor of the bill refuses to eliminate these objectionable portions it is more likely that the president will likewise refuse to sing the bill into law and veto it. Conclusion The democratic system of government is indeed a complex system which requires the proper balance among its three branches. Based on the foregoing, there are many factors why a president may make use of his veto power. It could be because of the personality of the president. There are some presidents who are more inclined to veto legislations because they feel they have support of the electorate. President may also veto legislation because of the person sponsoring the bill. It is possible if the sponsor of the bill is someone other than a party mate of the president and the former does not make any compromises with the president such as deleting any objectionable portion of the bill then it is possible that the bill may be vetoed. Also, it could be because of the defects in the bill itself such as it is unconstitutional, unethical and immoral or may be because it is not yet timely.
Sunday, November 10, 2019
Christine Jorgensen Biography
Christine Jorgensen Biography Christine Jorgensen (May 30, 1926 – May 3, 1989) was the first widely known person to have sex reassignment surgery – in this case, male to female. She was born George William Jorgensen, Jr. , the second child of George William Jorgensen Sr. , a carpenter and contractor, and his wife, the former Florence Davis Hansen. She grew up in the Bronx and later described herself as having been a â€Å"frail, tow-headed, introverted little boy who ran from fistfights and rough-and-tumble games†. She graduated from Christopher Columbus High School in 1945 and shortly thereafter was drafted into the Army. After being discharged from the Army, Jorgensen attended Mohawk College in Utica, New York, the Progressive School of Photography in New Haven, Connecticut, and the Manhattan Medical and Dental Assistant School in New York City, New York. Jorgensen briefly worked for Pathe News. Returning to New York after military service and increasingly concerned over (as one obituary called it) her â€Å"lack of male physical development†, Jorgensen heard about the possibility of sex reassignment surgery, and began taking the female hormone ethinyl estradiol on her own. She researched the subject with the help of Dr. Joseph Angelo, a husband of one of Jorgensen's classmates at the Manhattan Medical and Dental Assistant School. Jorgensen intended to go to Sweden, where the only doctors in the world performing this type of surgery at the time were to be found. At a stopover in Copenhagen to visit relatives, however, Jorgensen met Dr. Christian Hamburger, a Danish endocrinologist and specialist in rehabilitative hormonal therapy. Jorgensen ended up staying in Denmark, and under Dr. Hamburger's direction, was allowed to begin hormone replacement therapy, eventually undergoing a series of surgeries. According to an obituary: â€Å"With special permission from the Danish Minister of Justice, Jorgensen had his [sic] testicles removed first and his still-undeveloped penis a year later. Several years later Jorgensen obtained a vaginoplasty, when the procedure became available in the U. S. , under the direction of Dr. Angelo and a medical advisor Harry Benjamin. Jorgensen chose the name Christine in honour of Dr. Hamburger. She became a spokesperson for transsexual and transgender people. Famous Asked Questions for Women Famous Women and Their Contribution Abby Kelley Foster Year Honored: 2011 Birth: 1811 – Death: 1887 Born In: Massachusetts, Died In: Massachusetts, Achievements: Humanities Educated In: Rhode Island Schools Attended: Providence Friends School Worked In: Massachusetts, New York, Pennsylvania, Connecticut, Ohio, Indiana, Michigan During her lifetime, Abby Kelley Foster followed the motto, â€Å"Go where least wanted, for there you are most needed.  A major figure in the national anti-slavery and women’s rights movements, she spent more than twenty years travelling the country as a tireless crusader for social justice and equality for all. Foster was born into a Quaker family in Pelham, Massachusetts in 1811, and raised in Worcester, Massachusetts at a time when society demanded that women be silent, submissive and obedient. Afte r attending boarding school, she held teaching positions in Worcester, Millbury and Lynn, Massachusetts. In Lynn, she joined the Female Anti-Slavery Society, where she became corresponding secretary and later, a national delegate to the first Anti-Slavery Convention of American Women in 1837. The following year, Foster made her first public speech against slavery, and was so well received that she abandoned her teaching career and returned to Millbury. There, she founded the Millbury Anti-Slavery Society and began lecturing for the American Anti-Slavery Society. During the next two decades, Foster served as a lecturer, fundraiser, recruiter and organizer in the fight for abolition and suffrage. In 1850, she helped develop plans for the National Women’s Rights Convention in Massachusetts. There, she gave one of her most well-known speeches, in which she challenged women to demand the responsibilities as well as the privileges of equality, noting â€Å"Bloody feet, sisters, have worn smooth the path by which you come hither. †In 1854, Foster became the chief fundraiser for the American Anti-Slavery Society, and by 1857, she was its general agent. Through the American Anti-Slavery Society, Foster continued to work for the ratification of the fourteenth and fifteenth amendments. In her later years, once slavery was abolished and the rights of freedmen were guaranteed, Foster focused her activism primarily on women’s rights. She held meetings, arranged lectures, and called for ‘severe language’ in any resolutions that were adopted. In 1868, she was among the organizers of the founding convention of the New England Woman Suffrage Association, the first regional association advocating woman suffrage. Foster’s efforts were among those that helped lay the groundwork for the nineteenth amendment to the U. S. Constitution. Lilly Ledbetter Year Honored: 2011 Birth: 1938 – Born In: Alabama, Achievements: Humanities Educated In: Alabama Schools Attended: Worked In: Alabama, District of Columbia For more than a decade, Lilly Ledbetter fought to achieve pay equity. It was in Alabama, where Ledbetter was born and raised, that she began a crusade that would eventually lead her all the way to the nation’s capital. In 1979, Ledbetter took a job at the Goodyear Tire & Rubber Company in Gadsen, Alabama. Although she was the only woman in her position as an overnight supervisor, Ledbetter began her career earning the same salary as her male colleagues. By the end of her career, however, Lilly was earning less than any of the men in the same position. Although she signed a contract with her employer that she would not discuss pay rates, just before Ledbetter’s retirement an anonymous individual slipped a note into her mailbox listing the salaries of the men performing the same job. In spite of the fact that Ledbetter had received a Top Performance Award from the company, she discovered that she had been paid considerably less than her male counterparts. Ledbetter filed a formal complaint with the Equal Employment Opportunities Commission and later initiated a lawsuit alleging pay discrimination. After filing her complaint with the EEOC, Ledbetter, then in her 60s, was reassigned to such duties as lifting heavy tires. The formal lawsuit claimed pay discrimination under Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the Equal Pay Act of 1963. Although a jury initially awarded her compensation, Goodyear appealed the decision to the United States Supreme Court. In 2007 the Supreme Court ruled on the Ledbetter v. Goodyear Tire & Rubber Co. ase. In a 5-4 decision, the court determined that employers cannot be sued under Title VII of the Civil Rights Act if the claims are based on decisions made by the employer 180 days ago or more. Due to the fact that Ledbetter’s claim regarding her discriminatory pay was filed outside of that time frame, she was not entitled to receive any monetary award. After that decision, Ledbetter lobbied tir elessly for equal pay for men and women. Her efforts finally proved successful when President Barack Obama signed the Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act into law on January 29, 2009. Ledbetter said of her continuous and persistent efforts, â€Å"I told my pastor when I die; I want him to be able to say at my funeral that I made a difference. †Loretta C. Ford Year Honored: 2011 Birth: 1920 – Born In: New York, Achievements: Science Educated In: New Jersey, Colorado Schools Attended: Middlesex General Hospital; University of Colorado, School of Nursing, Boulder; University of Colorado, School of Nursing, Denver; University of Colorado, School of Education; Evergreen Institute Worked In: New Jersey, Colorado, Washington, New York, Japan An internationally renowned nursing leader, Dr. Loretta C. Ford has transformed the profession of nursing and made health care more accessible to the general public. In 1942, Ford received her Diploma in Nursing from Middlesex General Hospital in New Jersey and began her professional career as a staff nurse with the Visiting Nurses’ Association. She went on to serve as a First Lieutenant in the U. S. Army Air Force from 1943-1946. In 1949, Ford received her B. S. from the University of Colorado, School of Nursing, and in 1951, she obtained her M. S. from the same university. From 1948-1958, Dr. Ford held several different roles at the Boulder City County Health Department, and from 1955-1972 she held various teaching positions at the University Of Colorado Schools of Nursing. In 1961, she earned her Ed. D. from the University of Colorado School of Education. In the early 1960s, Dr. Ford discovered that, because of a shortage of primary care physicians in the community, health care for children and families was severely lacking. In 1965, she partnered with Henry K. Silver, a pediatrician at the University of Colorado Medical Center, to create and implement the first pediatric nurse practitioner model and training program. The program combined clinical care and research to teach nurses to factor in the social, psychological, environmental and economic situations of patients when developing care plans. When the program became a national success in 1972, Dr. Ford was recruited to serve as the Founding Dean of the University of Rochester School of Nursing. At the university, Dr. Ford developed and implemented the unification model of nursing. Through the model, clinical practice, education and research were combined to provide nurses with a more holistic education. Dr. Ford is the author of more than 100 publications and has served as a consultant and lecturer to multiple organizations and universities. She holds many honorary doctorate degrees and is the recipient of numerous awards, including the Living Legend Award from the American Academy of Nursing and the Gustav O. Lienhard Award from the Institute of Medicine of the National Academies. Today, it is estimated there are 140,000 practicing nurse practitioners in the United States and close to 9,000 new nurse practitioners are prepared each year at over 325 colleges and universities. Oprah Winfrey Year Honored: 1994 Birth: 1954 – Born In: Mississippi, United States of America Achievements: Arts, Business, Philanthropy Educated In: Tennessee Schools Attended: Tennessee State University Worked In: Illinois, Tennessee, Maryland, District of Columbia, California, New York At the heart of everything Oprah Winfrey does, there is a consistent message – that individuals should take personal responsibility for their lives, and to improve the world. Winfrey is the first African-American woman to own her own production company; a talented actress nominated for an Academy Award in her first movie; television's highest-paid entertainer; producer and actress n her own television specials; and the successful host of a syndicated television talk show that reaches 15 million people a day. She does all that she can to eradicate child abuse. As a victim herself, Winfrey knows the damage abuse does to young lives, and she was a major force in the drafting, lobbying and passage of the National Child Protecti on Act, signed into law by President Clinton in 1994. The Act establishes a national registry of child abusers to help employers and those working with children to screen out dangerous people. Winfrey is also a committed philanthropist, providing significant assistance to schools (Morehouse College, Tennessee State University, Chicago Academy of Arts) as well as to the Chicago Public Schools. She also funds battered women's shelters and campaigns to catch child abusers. Billie Holiday Year Honored: 2011 Birth: 1915 – Death: 1959 Born In: Maryland, Died In: New York, Achievements: Arts Educated In: Maryland Schools Attended: Worked In: Maryland, New York, Missouri, California, Illinois, Canada Considered by many to be one of the greatest jazz vocalists of all time, Billie Holiday triumphed over adversity to forever change the genres of jazz and pop music with her unique styling and interpretation. Holiday was born in Baltimore, Maryland, and moved to New York City with her mother at a young age. There, she began work as a maid. However, in 1931, she left that employment to pursue work as a dancer in Harlem nightclubs. At one of those clubs, she was asked to sing. She quickly began singing in many of the Harlem nightclubs and soon established a following of admirers, despite having had no formal musical training. Holiday’s career began to grow, thanks in part to the interest of John Hammond of Columbia Records, who organized her first recording with Benny Goodman in 1933. She debuted at the Apollo Theatre in 1935, and began recording under her own name in 1936. Holiday toured extensively in 1937 and 1938 with the Count Basie and Artie Shaw bands. While on tour, Holiday was often subjected to discrimination. Perhaps Holiday’s most notable collaborations were with legendary saxophonist Lester Young, who gave Holiday her moniker â€Å"Lady Day. Together, they created some of the most important jazz music of all time. Of her groundbreaking vocal style and delivery, Holiday once said, â€Å"I hate straight singing. I have to change a tune to my own way of doing it. That's all I know. †As both a vocalist and a songwriter, Holiday penned God Bless the Child and Lady Sings the Blues, among others. Her interpretation of the anti-lynching poem Strange Fruit was als o included in the list of Songs of the Century by the Recording Industry of America and the National Endowment for the Arts. Holiday’s autobiography, Lady Sings the Blues, was written in 1956. She won five Grammy Awards and was inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame in 2000 and the Nesuhi Ertugan Jazz Hall of Fame in 2004. Holiday, known for her deeply moving and personal vocals, remains a popular musical legend more than fifty years after her death. In spite of personal obstacles, Holiday inspired many with her vocal gifts and continues to be recognized as a seminal influence on music.
Friday, November 8, 2019
Free Essays on Sins Role In “The Scarlet Letter“ By Nathaniel Hawthorne
Stephanie Jensen â€Å"Sin and Its Engulfing Role in the Community†~An Analytical Essay~ In The Scarlet Letter, Nathaniel Hawthorne expresses significant themes and Puritan ideals, such as the concept of sin. In the first chapter, Hawthorne indicates that the colony set land aside for the cemetery and the prison. This shows that the colonists knew there would be serious sin that required punishment, and that every person would eventually die and would need a cemetery. They came to the realization that death and sin were inevitable. This is like Puritan beliefs, which says that all people are born sinners because of Adam and Eve’s early sin. The scenes at the prison and the scaffold are held in wide open, in public places. This is another Puritan belief; that sin should be sought out and brought out in the open so that it can be punished visibly. Therefore it teaches the rest of the community a lesson. This new society was afraid that their community would fall apart "in a land where iniquity is searched out and punished" if they did not seek out those individuals that were immoral in their eyes. Their fear of sin and wickedness drove them in their quest to do what they felt was right. The society had to protect itself from its own judgment. Their fault was that they only saw Hester for the crime she had committed but not as the wonderful woman she really was. When the community banished Hester, they succeeded in upholding their morality but lost an important individual. In reality, the community is nothing more than a collection of individuals. Since everyone within the community was forced to stand inspection, when someone was caught being bad, everyone could be glad it was not he or she. This closed-mindedness helped feed the hatred for Hester and the societies’ need to identify her by describing her with the letter A. Hester is also a heroic figure because she accepts her sin. She is open about it, and she doesn’... Free Essays on Sin's Role In â€Å"The Scarlet Letterâ€Å" By Nathaniel Hawthorne Free Essays on Sin's Role In â€Å"The Scarlet Letterâ€Å" By Nathaniel Hawthorne Stephanie Jensen â€Å"Sin and Its Engulfing Role in the Community†~An Analytical Essay~ In The Scarlet Letter, Nathaniel Hawthorne expresses significant themes and Puritan ideals, such as the concept of sin. In the first chapter, Hawthorne indicates that the colony set land aside for the cemetery and the prison. This shows that the colonists knew there would be serious sin that required punishment, and that every person would eventually die and would need a cemetery. They came to the realization that death and sin were inevitable. This is like Puritan beliefs, which says that all people are born sinners because of Adam and Eve’s early sin. The scenes at the prison and the scaffold are held in wide open, in public places. This is another Puritan belief; that sin should be sought out and brought out in the open so that it can be punished visibly. Therefore it teaches the rest of the community a lesson. This new society was afraid that their community would fall apart "in a land where iniquity is searched out and punished" if they did not seek out those individuals that were immoral in their eyes. Their fear of sin and wickedness drove them in their quest to do what they felt was right. The society had to protect itself from its own judgment. Their fault was that they only saw Hester for the crime she had committed but not as the wonderful woman she really was. When the community banished Hester, they succeeded in upholding their morality but lost an important individual. In reality, the community is nothing more than a collection of individuals. Since everyone within the community was forced to stand inspection, when someone was caught being bad, everyone could be glad it was not he or she. This closed-mindedness helped feed the hatred for Hester and the societies’ need to identify her by describing her with the letter A. Hester is also a heroic figure because she accepts her sin. She is open about it, and she doesn’...
Wednesday, November 6, 2019
How To Use Video To Boost Engagement Rates With Almost No Budget
How To Use Video To Boost Engagement Rates With Almost No Budget These days, content marketing is all about videos. This trend is expected to continue into the future. By 2021, it’s been estimated that 82% of consumer Internet content will be from the video medium. Video helps marketers improve SEO, increase engagement, and produce higher retention rates. Today, we’re talking to Alex Schofield, account executive at Wistia, where he helps customers reach their sales and marketing goals by using the company’s video platform. He shares how to avoid the pitfalls of creating videos as one-off tactics to create a video strategy and think creatively for unique and budget-friendly uses of video. Reasons why marketers should embrace video (generate awareness and help people make decisions about different problems that your company could solve) People retain 90% of message delivered via video, compared to 10% via text Customers crave authenticity and human connection when dealing with businesses video makes that possible Use video as an inexpensive part of your email strategy to gain exposure; and use social exposure to build influence and awareness of your brand People’s email filters are out of your control, but email is still effective if you focus on how you deliver the video Think strategically about where video can play a part in every stage of your marketing funnel to guide prospects and help push them through their journey Measure success by identifying the goal of the video and funnel stage The B-word (Budget): Different types of videos for different budgets Video Distribution: Include videos on the landing pages of your Website and work with existing avenues (email, social networks, etc.) to incorporate videos Links: Wistia Wistia Learning Center We Just Launched Three Soapbox Ads That Cost $111,000 to Produce Cisco Visual Networking Index: Forecast and Methodology, 2016–2021 SalesLoft: Video in Sales Emails Increases Reply Rates 26% TOFU, MOFU, BOFU: How To Talk To Prospects At Every Stage Of The Marketing Funnel With Emma Tupa From Academy Marketing Resource Hub Write and send a review to receive a care package If you liked today’s show, please subscribe on iTunes to The Actionable Content Marketing Podcast! The podcast is also available on SoundCloud, Stitcher, and Google Play. Quotes by Alex Schofield: â€Å"I’ve really fallen in love with video and everything that it can do for business.†â€Å"(Video helps) people make conscious decisions about the different problems they’re trying to solve, and that your company could potentially solve for them.†â€Å"People prefer to consume their information via video.†â€Å"A well-placed and timed video in a sales email is an undisputed value-add.†You don’t need to have a $10,000 video budget or a $5000 video budget or even a $1500 video budget to create an effective video.
Sunday, November 3, 2019
Case study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 26
Case Study Example There are appropriate strategies, times, and efforts that could instigate a more appropriate resolution to the problem in Darfur. 2. The dangers of delaying the prosecution of al-Bashir include the continued genocide within the country and the possibility of a civil war that could re-ignited as Arab militias continue to battle with the remaining members of the rebel groups. Likewise, as indicated by a member of the humanitarian organization, delaying prosecution is indicative of undermining the jurisdiction of the ICC and showing to the world that their sovereignty is being compromised. 3. One shares the same contention that the U.S. should take a softer approach in handling the Sudanese situation. The decision that was apparently arrived at could be deemed to go through a collaborative and comprehensive negotiation process; as such, the softer approach was deemed more beneficial to both countries in the long run. As disclosed, by taking a softer approach, there is more possibilities in arriving at a future negotiation with al-Bashir regarding disarming the Arab militia and bringing back humanitarian workers to provide the much needed humanitarian aid to their people. The strategy brought lesser bloodshed through peaceful techniques. 4. One strongly believes that there is a possibility that the United States and other governments would strive in restoring peace and security by negotiating directly with the government of Sudan. In more negotiation cases and scenarios, it is always ethically, morally, and legally viable to forge an agreement directly with parties that are involved in conflicts and dilemmas. Since leaders of the Sudan government were instrumental in creating conflict and chaos in their region, the resolution to these conflicts would also be decided by these leaders. Assistance would only be provided by other nations when solicited and approved by the Sudan government. As such, restoring peace and security should be worked out
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