Wednesday, July 31, 2019
Temperance Movement and Document
The 18th Amendment 1. What is your first reaction to the 18th amendment? My first reaction to the 18th amendment was why do they have this in the first place? Why do they think alcohol is the reason for everything? 2. Do you think this amendment could be passed today? Why or why not? No, because they see what happened before. This time it wouldn’t be better at all. 3. Why do you think some Americans in 1918 might have wanted this amendment? Because they thought alcohol was the cause of the all the problems and corruption. Document A 1. (Sourcing) When was this document written?Was this before or after the passage of the 18th Amendment? This document was written on September 20, 1920. This was after the passage of the 18th Amendments. 2. Why might the National Temperance Council have met in 1920 (after the passage of the 18th Amendment) What do you predict they will say? I think they might talk about why they passed the 18th Amendment. 3. (Close Reading) What does the National Temperance Council claim is caused by alcohol? They claim that everything wrong with someone was caused by the alcohol. 4. (Context)Do you find these claims convincing?Do you think people at the time found these claims convincing? Explain. I don’t find these claims convincing. However, at the time people would find these claims convincing because they wouldn’t know anything else they would believe what the government is saying. Document B 1. (Sourcing) When was this document written? Was this before or after the passage of the 18th Amendment? This document was written on November 14, 1922. This was after the 18th Amendment. 2. (Close Reading) What is the â€Å" Hooch Murder Bill†? The â€Å"Hooch Murder Bill†states that if someone sells alcohol and the buyer dies they can be tried for murder. . (Context) Based on this document , who is the Anti-Saloon League blaming for the sale of alcohol during Prohibition? Who do you think they singled this group? The Anti-Saloon League is blaming foreigner. I think they are blaming them because alcohol is part of their culture, and they are not from America. Document C and D 1. (Sourcing) When were these posters made? Was that before or after the passage of the 18th Amendment? These posters were made in 1913. These posters were before the passage of the 18th Amendment. Who published these posters? What was their perspective?Scientific Temperance Federation published these posters. Their perspective was alcohol was the cause of everything bad. 2. (Close reading) According to these posters, what are the two reasons why Prohibition is a good idea? According to these posters prohibition is a good idea was because it kills infants and it destroys a child’s birthright. 3. (Close Words) Look at the words used in Document C. These were considered â€Å"scientific†categories. What does that tell you about science at this time? By looking at these words in Document C, I can tell science at this time was only based on assumption. . (Context) Using these posters, explain some of the beliefs about children that were common in the early 20th century. Do you think these beliefs are silly or reasonable? Explain. I think these reason beliefs were silly, because they never proved that alcohol was the problems. They only made is through assumptions. They saw birth defects, poor work man ships, disabilities, memory lose etc. They saw alcohol was a cause and with that they passed the Amendment. They didn’t think the corruption was the cause of all the problems. |
Tuesday, July 30, 2019
Literacy Narrative Essay
Due Date: Friday night, September 6th by midnight in the digital dropbox on Angel Desired Learning Outcomes: 1.Understand our personal development as readers and writers or persons 2.Explore writing as a means of self-discovery 3.Choose the appropriate voice, diction, and audience for a personal literacy narrative 4.Use various invention, drafting and revising/editing strategies as needed 5.Demonstrate appropriate conventions of grammar and style of written English 6.Use technology effectively and correctly to complete the assignment READINGS FOR PAPER: 1.Norton, Chapter 7: Writing a Literacy Narrative, Chapter 40: Narrating, and Chapter 57: additional examples of literacy narratives to be selected by the instructor 2.Quick Access Concise, Chapter 1: Understanding College and Other Writing Situations and Chapter 7a & c: Strategies for Writing Typical Kinds of College Papers ASSIGNMENT: After completing the readings for this assignment, follow the guidelines in Chapter 7 of your Norton Field Guide, particularly pages 43-46. Additional tips on the writing process itself appear in the chapter, as well as samples from professional writers. As your text advises, follow these steps. 1.Choose a topic. A single event that you recall vividly would be a good choice. See the suggestions on page 43. 2.Consider the rhetorical situation, particularly your audience and stance. Your instructor will discuss conventions in more detail, but this type of writing does not require a formal tone and may use the first person (â€Å"I†). Grammar and format, however, need to be correct. 3.Be sure you understand the nature of narrating (Chapter 40) and have the kinds of details and stance that motivate and excite your readers. A good narrative always has an element of conflict. 4.Apply the information in your Field Guide on generating ideas, drafting, and revising under the direction of your instructor.
Monday, July 29, 2019
Effectiveness of Talent Management in the field of Human resource Research Proposal
Effectiveness of Talent Management in the field of Human resource - Research Proposal Example According toPhillips & Gull (2012), training key employees should be top priority for the Human resource department. Boudreau & Ramstad (2005) found that organizations that have put deliberate measures to identify high potential employees are seven times more effective in delivering results. This shows the importance and relevance of knowing how to identify, manage, develop and reward talent in human resource studies. Organizations realize that they must have top talents for their success.Becker & Ulrich (2001) found that the best practices being adopted include aligning the talent strategy with the business strategy. A business strategy must always drive the talent needed. The second is that competence should be a basis for succession, hiring, and promotions and finally the third practice is putting the right people in the right jobs. Sometimes hiring the right skills is more efficient than developing those skills. The relevant professional experience in talent management in human r esource is having a degree in human resource or a masters and having been involved in human resource for not less than five years to augment productivity and ability to develop employees for management and talent creation in a firm.
Sunday, July 28, 2019
International Banking Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4500 words
International Banking - Assignment Example Bank regulation incorporates detailed regulations and guiding principles overriding the operations, activities and acquisitions of the banking organisations.1 The regulation of the banking business activities has seen a number of policies under implementation. This section aims at analysing the different objectives of the regulation in regards to the deposits and investment related business. Further, the disadvantages in the regulation of the businesses due to the behaviours they encourage in the regulated entities of their customers analysed critically. 1.2 Banking Regulation Policy Highlights Financial regulations’ role in influencing the growth of banking business principles has become a key policy issue. The regulation of corporate governance in the financial sector has initially been regarded as a special area with standards, and rules to achieve the objectives of financial regulation involving the safety and soundness of the financial system and consumer, as well as inve stor protection.2 With banking regulation, the traditional principle-agent model used to analyse the relationship between shareholders, directors and the managerial team has given way to broader policy concerns aimed at maintaining financial stability, while ensuring that banks operate in a way that promotes broader financial growth as well as enhancing investor worth.3 The main reason why banking regulation is of much essence is due to systemic risks.4 These are risks whereby, economic problems at one or more banks spill over to a great number of other banks or financial systems as a whole. Regulation whether created at initial stages or after new models are fully operational, ought to obey two principles, which are proportionality and effectiveness. Poorly designed or timed regulation can obstruct responsible providers from entering and competing profitably on a level playing field. Thus, a well equaled approach incorporates recognizing the tradeoffs between protecting customers a nd fostering financial access.5 The laws pertaining to banking regulation appear complex and confusing, but in the real sense, with understanding of the objectives, it brings out a clear understanding of the intended application and projected achievements. 1.3 Main objectives of bank regulation Prudential: involves reducing the level of risk exposure to the bank creditors considerably. Therefore, the regulation aims at protecting the depositors. The concept of prudence is integral to bank regulation and supervision as it connotes the notion that, regulation requires banking activities be undertaken with reasonable care.6 Systemic risk reduction: This aims at reducing the peril of distraction resulting from unpleasant trading circumstances for banks, that in turn cause numerous or prime bank failures. This can also be referred to as ensuring monetary stability. Banks play a pivotal role in controlling the volume of money circulating in the economy of any given state. This in turn,
Saturday, July 27, 2019
The Dust Bowl and How It Affected Weather Predicting Research Paper
The Dust Bowl and How It Affected Weather Predicting - Research Paper Example This paper therefore seeks to review the effects of Dust Bowl on weather predicting and to examine the technologies that were used. Practical use of weather predicting Structured weather reports were maintained following the discovery of instruments to measure atmospheric conditions in early in the 17th century. Certainly these initial reports were used mostly by those people who were involved in farming activities. As noted by Lutgens, et al. (2001) planting and harvesting of plants clearly was better planned if the long term weather patterns were predicted. In America, weather prediction was initially done by the Army Signal Corps starting in the 1870s. This service was later offered by Department of Agriculture and later by the U.S Weather Bureau that was established in 1920s. Radio broadcasts was the main way of announcing weather forecast. Use of Radar technology One of the technologies used to predict weather during the America Dust Bowl era was the radar. Following the Dust Bo wl, those involved in weather forecasting focused on the use to radar as a tool to predict weather. Though, radar has been developed to monitor enemy airplanes, it was discovered that the equipment gave better results from raindrops at a particular wavelengths. Thus, it became feasible to track and examine development of thunderstorms or heavy showers and also it was possible to â€Å"view†the precipitation composition of big storms. Indeed, as pointed out by Byers (1994) the Dust Bowl that were experienced were caused by a long drought that lasted about six years leaving the landscape with bear and when strong wind came, they easily gathered tones of dust resulting in this Dust Bowl. Thus, the radar was seen as a tool to forecast such severe weather disasters. Indeed, since the era, radar has developed in its meteorological use as a predicting tool. As Wigley (1985) remind us, nearly all tornadoes as well as harsh thunderstorms in America have been predicted using this long -established technology. Radar examination of development, movement and features of these kinds of storms offers hints of the level of the storms. However, current radars have improved technology of Doppler, which is move effective. According to Trihey and Campbell (1989) the Dust Bowl, that followed the very bad drought in the Midwest experience between 1930 and 1936, was a typical meteorological drought, meaning that it resulted mainly due to odd climate patterns. They further points out that these climate patterns were destructive in their rhythmic relentlessness. Meteorological Kites In early 1930, meteorological kites were used to in weather forecasting. The kites were used in the weather stations for weather observations, and also in examining the atmosphere to collect different information regarding the weather. The main instruments that were carried on the kite included those for measuring the wind velocity, temperatures, different humidity at different altitudes as well as the barometer that was used to measure pressure. Indeed, as observed by Williams (2001) during this era, the U.S Weather Bureau perfected the science of using the kite. Different sizes of kites were used according to their speed and how far they could go. Nonetheless, these kites had their
Friday, July 26, 2019
Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) - Essay Example ho is suffering from OCD knows that he or she is reacting excessively but could not control his or her reactions (see American Psychiatric Association, 2000). The overt reactions of the patient in response to his or her thoughts and impulses often appear to be bizarre to the people around him or her. For instance, a person who is obsessed with fear of contamination or dirt may incessantly wash his or her hands until they are raw (Fireman B, Koran LM, Leventhal JL, Jacobson A (2001). Most people who are suffering from OCD are aware that their actions are irrational but they still feel compelled to do what they do to fend off the feeling of panic or morbid dread. (Elkin, G. David (1999). In the early days, OCD was seen more in the spiritual and religious context (Ross G. Menzies and Padmal de Silva C., 2003). A lot of people in the 14th to the 16th century view OCD as the work of the devil and can only be undone through exorcism (Baer, L.; M. A. Jenike & W. E. Minichiello, 1986). Although there were many patients who eventually recovered after being exorcises, a lot of these patients did not really get better (Ross G. Menzies and Padmal de Silva C., 2003). However, as time passed by, many people begun to see OCD as something that is out of the spiritual and religious realm. The French and the Germans brought forth the idea that OCD is a mental disorder sometime in the 1870s ((Ross G. Menzies and Padmal de Silva C., 2003). For years, medical professionals and researchers debated on the issue of what really caused OCD. Some suggested that OCD is a psychological disorder while other believer that it is of neurological origin. Sigmund Freud was one of the first to offer an explanation of what OCD is theorizing that OCD originates from the persons unconscious conflicts (Baer, L.; M. A. Jenike & W. E. Minichiello, 1986). Freud based his explanation of what OCD is on the clinical history of a patient who has a "touching phobia". According to him, where a situation remains
Economics for Business Assignment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Economics for Business Assignment - Essay Example This product differentiation gives the players in the monopolistic competition pricing power (A.Koutsoyiannis, 2010). The ACCC chairman Graeme Samuel believes that the fuel market is characterized by a comfortable oligopoly. I agree with Mr. Samuel’s opinion. At the retail stage of the fuel market, Woolworths and Wesfarmers Coals each have 22% of the market share. BP has 19%. Caltex has 16% and Exxon-Mobil has 6%. This totals to 85% of the total market share. Therefore these five players definitely dominate the industry at the retail stage. The situation at the refining stage is also similar with Caltex supplying as much as 55% of the wholesale supply in some states like New South Wales. The oligopolistic structure in the fuel industry in Australia arises from the barriers to entry because of intensive capital and technological requirements for operating in the industry. 2) The Australian Competition and Consumer Commission is the competition regulator of Australia. The ACCC promotes competition and fair trade in the Australian marketplace to benefit consumers, business and the community ( ACCC, 2011). In the year 2007, the ACCC undertook a detailed investigation in the Australian fuel industry to determine if there was ‘collusive oligopoly’ marked by price-fixing. The investigation found no â€Å"obvious†investigation of price-fixing, but it said that there were operational concerns because of the oligopolistic nature of the industry (ACCC, 2011). The ACCC opposed the acquisition by Caltex on the ground that it would substantially lessen competition across a range of fuel markets in Australia. The ACCC believed that this acquisition would have an adverse impact on competition in the petrol, diesel and automotive LPG markets. During a six month investigation of the proposed deal the ACCC identified 53 Mobil sites that, if they were acquired by Caltex, would result in
Thursday, July 25, 2019
Diplomatic Challenges of the Arabian Peninsula Case Study
Diplomatic Challenges of the Arabian Peninsula - Case Study Example In addition, Bahrain has come to be recognized as one of the most politically influential states in the Middle Eastern region and it is predicted that it is going to be one of the most influential states in the world in the near future. The influence gained by this kingdom in the region is largely based on the fact that it is an ally of the western powers namely Britain and the United States, and this has created a situation where it has been able to host the naval fleets of these two countries (Radsch, 2013). In fact, it is because of its strategic importance in the Persian Gulf region that Bahrain has come to be considered by western countries, such as the United States, as being one of their most valuable allies. This consideration has made this island kingdom, which would normally have been just another weak state in the region, confident in its development since it is protected from external threats through the presence of a naval fleet of the United States. The fact that Bahrai n is among the most stable states in the Persian Gulf region and that it is one of the staunchest allies of the United States has made it most attractive to both potential investors as well as economic planners from already developed countries who are attempting to have a stake in the future of Bahrain. While this has been the case, it has been observed that the kingdom of Bahrain has continuously attempted to remain independent of outside political influence, especially in recent times when it has resisted attempts to allow for democratic reforms within it and it has instead opted to make its own influence felt in the region. Despite the fact that Bahrain is one of the emerging... The popular opinion in many countries in the west is that Bahrain is an authoritarian state whose people do not have the political freedom to determine their own destiny. In addition, because it is in the Middle East, the common perception in the west is that this authoritarianism is based on the Islamic religion. While this is the case, most of the individuals in this country are surprisingly very liberal in matters concerning religion and they only appear to be fanatical because of the stereotype that ha been developed concerning Middle Easterners. The royal family of Bahrain is a Sunni dynasty ruling over a majority population of Shia Muslims, which has created a situation where there is a lot of tension in the country. The fact that the royal family is still in power can be attributed to the efforts of diplomacy that it has managed to undertake to secure itself from the threats against from within. it is a fact that the people of Bahrain do not always follow the lead set by Iran on religious matters and in fact, very few people in Bahrain share the same religious point of view as that which is propagated by the religious establishment of Iran. This has created a situation where they are extremely conscious of their identity as Arabs first before being Shia Muslims.
Wednesday, July 24, 2019
Marketing Research Report Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Marketing Research Report - Essay Example Consumer awareness on healthy products have therefore changed perceptions and hence buyer behaviour. As a result, businesses have to change their strategies and offer consumers diet food products, as they are commonly known. Tesco PLC has been on a campaign to ensure that it supplies diet products on its shelves. However, as a marketing objective it is important to examine the customer feedback regarding their healthy food products. This study, therefore, examines the extent to which Tesco’s dietary food products have faired on in the market concerning approval ratings of the supermarket chain’s customers. Background The twenty first century business environment has been dynamic especially in the area of consumer behaviour and the availability of awareness information. The views of the general population have been changing with regards to issues of climate change, environmental sustainability and healthy living (Nielsen, Siega-Riz and Popkin, 2002). Consequently, attitu des result into concerted actions by individuals who are consumers in the various markets (Mattes, 2009). On the other hand, with globalization, competition has been rife among enterprises and therefore creating a shift to the issue of customer service performance excellence. In effect, any organization that is able to satisfy its customers through provision of quality products and services will continue to dominate markets. It is therefore important for supermarket chains like Tesco to constantly evaluate their quality objectives so that they are guaranteed of repeat purchases and attraction of new customers. Research has indicated that more households purchase behaviour on food products is dictated by the healthy nature of the products (Ottinger et al., 2003; Hartung and Rovida., 2009). This has raised the stakes for any organization that has been involved in the production and supply of food products. Research objectives To assess the perception of customers towards diet food pro ducts To examine the levels of customer satisfaction on Tesco’s diet food products To identify the demographic characteristics of customers favouring diet food products To predict the future trends in demand for diet food products in the United Kingdom To find out the desirable features in diet food products relative to alternative products Methodology The research will depend on a quantitative design for the investigation of the main variable. The use of quantitative techniques will therefore be employed to help attain the stated study objectives. The study will involve a number of data collection methods. This is to ensure that the studied phenomenon is closely investigated for a more reliable and accurate outcome. First will be the use of questionnaires as discussed in section 2. Secondly, the study will use observation method to closely examine the characteristics or features of the dietary food products and the information provided. Since purchase behaviour is also obser vable in the shelves, direct observation will appropriate. In addition, interviewing will be used in cases where further clarification may be required. The customers as well as retail managers will be investigated on the most popular diet products used currently. To be able to closely investigate the participants and get in depth opinion on the issue under study, the research will also use video recording, written notes or stenography. The instruments are for the purposes of obtaining clarity
Tuesday, July 23, 2019
Stat project Statistics Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words - 1
Stat - Statistics Project Example it the economic performance of the country. The contribution of different industry sectors of the country when combined together then creates the cumulative production level or the productivity of the economy. The gross productivity of all the sectors of the country by the residents of the country is referred to as the gross domestic product. The gross domestic product is represented in terms of absolute values or numbers, which may create difficulty in evaluating the performance of the country. Therefore, other mathematical as well as statistical methods can be used for the purpose of analysis. The most common indicator of the performance of the country is the GDP growth rate per year. The growth rate can be calculated using the periodic change in the production level of the economy in terms of percentage change. The purpose of the paper is to evaluate the performance of the economy of Saudi Arabia in terms of its GDP growth rate along with the impacts of exports and Foreign Direct Investments (FDI) on GDP growth rates. The GDP of Saudi Arabia is assumed to be one of the most important economies for the Muslim World, as well as, for the western world because it is oil based economy. The influence of the Govt is significant with respect to controlling major economic activities. Saudi Arabia contributes around 18 to 20% of the world petroleum reserves. It is assumed to be one of the largest exporters of petroleum. Therefore, the study of the economy, as well as, the interests of the investors towards such a profitable economy seems interesting. Moreover, another reason for the selection of the topic is the study of relationship of foreign direct investment, exports and GDP together. Therefore, the whole study is based on the literature review on the economy of Saudi Arabia and the statistical analysis using the regression model to evaluate the impacts of Foreign Direct Investment and Exports on GDP. There are different
Monday, July 22, 2019
Principles of Economics Essay Example for Free
Principles of Economics Essay Italy is one of industrial countries in the world in European. According to Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) (28 May 2009), Italy has two sections of economy; one is developed industrial north and less-developed with high unemployment in south. In 2008, the unemployment rate in Italy was estimated with 6. 8%, especially in agriculture. In the current financial crisis, many companies get stuck in financial difficulties so that they could not provide work and pay enough salary for employees. It leads to employees dismissal and workers become unemployment. In some other cases, people lose their jobs by their skills are not enough with work requirement and by many unpredictable reasons, namely natural calamity, earthquake, tsunami. Unemployment is one of the most popular problems in many countries all over the world. High unemployment rate makes bad influences on not only national economy but also living condition of citizens. People are willing to work but they can not find any job. They would have to reduce their demands so that productivity of firms also decreases. Unemployment also affects to some other factors such as health, education, insurance, etc. In many countries, the Government tries to control unemployment rate effectively. Because of unemployment situation, the Government has to spend more money on investing and purchasing goods and services made by firms to increase productivity in a short time. This section called Government expenditure or Government spending. The more the Government spends on firms, the better the company could be. Moreover, the Government also has to spend a huge amount of money on building schools, hospitals and improving traffic system per year. Especially, the Government would be in charge when there is any problem that influences civil living, such as poverty, communicative diseases, natural disasters and other social welfares for orphan children and old people. SUMMARY OF THE ARTICLE: An earthquake in Italy. â€Å"Death in the mountains†The article is all about an earthquake happened in L’Aquila, Italy recently which caused at least 250 cases death; over 1,000 injured, a loss of 39 habitants of Onna single village and 13,000 buildings damaged, (included the historic and artistic monuments). Besides, there is 17,000 people became homeless and the number of those who are unable to return to their homes until having been inspected is perhaps as many as 70,000. These numbers show that Italy in general and its economy in particular is facing a big trouble. How does Italy deal with this? Mr Silvio Berlusconi, the Minister of Economy and Finance of Italy firstly announced a dispatch of 14,500 tents for the homeless after touring to the area and those people are being cared for by the government. He also decided to decline offers of foreign help despite the magnitude of the damage is daunting and the public debt is exceeding the annual GDP of Italy. Besides, he intended to tap European Union funds as well as spending some cash for the construction project as a response to the economic crisis. UNEMPLOYMENT: Unemployment is simply known as people who are at the work age but currently jobless, those who are able and willing to work but cannot find a job or those who quit their job or being fired for some reasons. High unemployment makes bad affect not only for the living condition of people but also for the national economy. There are two types of unemployment: †¢ Disequilibrium unemployment is which happens when the average real wage rate is higher than the point that equates the aggregate demand and the supply of labour. †¢ Equilibrium unemployment is which happens when there are people unable or unwilling to find jobs. Applying to Italy economy, according to Italica news, the unemployment rate in Italy is quite high, 7. 1 percent in quarter 4 of 2008. And as mentioned above, the recently earthquake brings Italy a big trouble that it killed people, destroyed their homes, work places, and thus, people suddenly become homeless, jobless. This not only affects to the living of people but also leads the economy of Italy into deep recession. Unemployment occurs. Italy case of unemployment is type of disequilibrium unemployment: the earthquake destroyed the work places, people obviously lose jobs, besides, when the buildings collapsed or are damaged, firms have to spend money on rebuild and repair things, thus there will be a cut back on production and on the number of labour (demand-deficient) and as a result, the number of unemployment goes high (supply is higher than demand), there is surplus of labour in Italy. Secondly, this case can also be considered as frictional unemployment (a type of equilibrium unemployment) because people are not voluntarily leave their jobs but they are made redundant and losing their work places. In addition, using the circular flow of income will help explain better how the earthquake affects the economy of Italy. When people become unemployment, they will tend to cut back their consumption (domestic consumption goods and service decreases), start saving, thus, the firms lower their productivity (national income decreases, net saving increase). The Government will decreases taxes (net taxes decrease), in contract, to rebuild things, the investment and government expenditure will increase. The export expenditure and import expenditure will decrease because earthquake affects a lot on the tourism of Italy as it destroyed many ancient structures of Italy and make this place a mess. (Y) (C) (I) (G) (X) (S) (T) (M) SHORT-TERM AND LONG-TERM EFFECTS OF EARTHQUAKES ON ITALY’S ECONOMY 1. Short-term effects †¢ Demand Curve P Supply curve shift P1 Equilibrium P2 New Equilibrium New demand curve Demand curve Q2 Q1 Q Actually, because of strongly earthquake destruction, citizens’ lives are affected. They live essentially base on grants and money that draw from the bank. The demand will decrease and curve shift to the left side so that make a new lower equilibrium. In this difficulty, the company cannot prevent the business because people don’t want to spend money. This change will make a worse effect to economic that still got lots of problem. †¢ Circular Flow of Income Corruption (I) (G) (X) (Y) (C) (S) (T) (M) Transfer Payments Corruption Properly, the earthquake effected directly and strongly to economy of Abruzzo region as well as GDP of Italy in 2009. Apply to the circular flow of income: Firstly, people lost their houses and properties so that the consumption of goods and services will decrease; after that the national income also decreases because firms were collapsed by the earthquake destruction and the demand is lower. Firms would produce less bring the price to higher. Secondly, the saving will decrease at the accidental region because people do not have so much money and increase in another places because the price is higher, people frequently save money. Due to the falling of demand, banks and investors will keep money, spend less into the investment. Thirdly, government expenditure must to spend a huge amount for rebuilding the infrastructure, namely public transportation, pipelines, and electricity. Moreover, the transfer payment is spent on unemployment, finding death and survivors under the ruins, relieving homeless people, providing drinks, food and medical treatments. After the earthquake, the firms fell down; many jobs lost; L’Aquila is the old city with famous architecture, the tourism is heavily affected so the taxation will decrease. Moreover, the corruption happened that make the circular flow of income become smaller and smaller and could be broken. To sum up, the circular of income is directly affected by earthquakes as well as natural disasters. The solution for that problem still has many barriers; Italy government and President Berlusconi must work totally hard. 2. Long-term effects. Earthquake directly affected certain macroeconomics variables include natural resources, physical capital, human capital and technology. Mostly, the negative impacts will be set on the short time, but positive influences also are classified permanently. First, the natural resources is destroyed that make bad impacts the economic depend on tourism like L’Aquila shortly, but in the long-term, it contribute new landscapes naturally in attracting people to come. Second, the physical capitals are collapsed and governments, investors will put money to build new ones fast and strongly replace the old. For example, President and parliament plan to build â€Å"British-style†new town in L’Aquila, make it more modern and ready to develop. The infrastructures will give people the jobs in building and fixing. It affects on human capital who are unemployment and poverty because of the disaster. Last, government will spend more to extend the forecast systems, make it become more accurate and faster in noticing the earthquakes. Definitely, negative or positive effects depend mostly on circumstances. With the high rank of corruptions, public debts and the downturn of national economy; Italy will make lots of efforts on turn round the development and increase % GDP. CORRUPTION: Corruption is a fact of life around the world, appears in all countries with low, medium or even high-income economy. Corruption leads to inequality, wasted resources and wasted public money. Corruption emerges one of the most serious problems within Italian economy besides high rate of unemployment and public debt, and it is related intimately with criminal organization known as mafia. There are some different types of corruption such as bribery, blackmail, tax evasion, official misconduct, etc. (Independent Commission Against Corruption. ) but within this work and the given case study we just mention corruption in Italian public works. Transparency International’s 2008 Bribe Payers’ Index found that public works/construction was the sector most vulnerable to corruption in emerging economies worldwide. It is really difficult to measure exactly the level of corruption in a specific country since the amount of money involved is not reported. All data used to estimate corruption in this work is based on the figure provided by Transparency International (TI), the global civil society organisation bills itself as a leader in fighting against corruption. TI uses CPI (Corruption Perception Index ) rank countries in terms of the degree to which corruption is perceived to exist among public officials and politicians. The CPI draws on different polls and surveys from more than ten independent institutions, for example, World Bank/European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, World Markets Research Centre, International Institute for Management Development and so on. Those surveys are also carried out among businesspeople and country analysts, including surveys of residents of countries. It is not the most accurate tool to measure corruption in any specific country but it is quite reliable. After the terrible earthquake on April 6, 2009, according to Interior Minister Roberto Maroni, Italy needs at least 12 billion euros to rebuild Abruzzo (News Source  © 2009 Reuters). However, with the quite high score in the 2008 CPI (4. 8 ), the government of Italy has to be cautious and consider carefully when pouring money into reconstructing Abruzzo unless they want to make another scandal Campania 1980, when some money was diverted to the Camorra, one of 3 biggest mafia organizations in Italy. When corruption exists, the money from transfer payment in circular flow of income will run out instead of injecting fully to households. The higher level of corruption is, the more money runs out that circular, causes the lesser supply of money in the whole economy and the government has to spend more money that would raise the public debt. If there is a corruption in the above project of Italy, the government will face the increase in public debt which exceeded Italy’s annual GDP already. And if the Italian Treasury were unable to find buyers for Italian sovereign bonds, Italy could default.
Sunday, July 21, 2019
The Pros and Cons of Airport Privatization
The Pros and Cons of Airport Privatization I. Executive Summary Airports have evolved mainly as government-run enterprises. Now, many airports seek privatization in part to improve their abilities to compete in the new global economy. The manner of ownership covers a wide spectrum: government-owned and controlled airports, government-owned corporations, independent airport authorities, public-private partnerships with government majority ownership or with private majority ownership. Reasons to privatize an airport include an improved ability for an airport to diversify its operations to enhance profitability, to fund expansion, and to improve competitiveness. The arguments for privatization include that the falling availability of public funds, and a need to change to the market-oriented outlook that private businesses develop. Objections to airport privatization are related to the apprehension that a private operator will take advantage of the monopoly that airports represent in air travel. Not all airports are suitable for privatization. Some i n the developed world, such as in the USA, are controlled by local governments and affected by airline requirements. The less developed countries and their airport authorities lack sufficient funds to develop their airports; although these countries need these airports, privatization is impractical, and alternate business plans must be developed. Unlike other countries, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand have taken the path of mixed public-private control to maintain power over matters that affect the public good. Privatization enables a long term focus to meet the demands of international competition, to maintain a customer-focused plan, and to free the government from providing subsidies to an unprofitable enterprise. The potential for Canada to completely privatize the National Airport System Airports is small due to the serving of the public good under the current system. II Introduction Airport privatization has become a trend in the past thirty years as economies change and the air transport sector matures. Airport management and ownership, once mainly the domain of governments, has evolved into a mix of public and private airport ownership. Airports must now compete with other airports around the world for business, and government may not be the best owner for a globally-competitive enterprise. Airports must have the freedom to compete on the commercial level, and not just provide a service to the travelling public. Airports seek privatization in part to improve their abilities to develop a customer-focused business plan. This paper will present a review of the history of privatization and predictions for the future of this trend, and a comparison of the means, effects, and relative success of government/ public vs. private control. What is airport privatization? Simply put it is the transfer of ownership or management or both to the private sector (Graham 2008, 15). The manner of ownership covers a wide spectrum: airports owned and operated by government departments, 100% government-owned corporations, independent airport authorities, mixed enterprises with government majority ownership and mixed enterprises with private majority ownership (Tae et al 2006, abstract). Analysis of the need to privatize Airports have evolved mainly as government-run enterprises. They serve the public good, and were thus taken on as any other part of public infrastructure would be. Bridges, roads, ports, and other transportation-related projects have traditionally been part of the public good. However, many of these facilities are being privatized. Roads and bridges are now conceived of as wholly privately developed and owned, or as public-private partnerships. Privatization can provide several benefits. It can remove the burden from the governments finances, spread the risk associated with operations, and introduce ways to improve efficiency and competition. Often better airport management can be put in place. For example, if the airport is run under a government department, facility commercialization would be difficult. Private management can reorganize the accounting so that the airports costs and revenues can be monitored and adjusted, costs can be cut, and revenues boosted. The arguments for privatization are many. Less public investment is needed; on the one hand, public funds are less available than they once were, and on the other hand, private corporations have a market-oriented outlook for their business plans. Improved access to commercial financial markets, improved ability for an airport to diversify, and improved operational efficiency may be the result. Employees and management are motivated to perform better. Lastly, a deregulated airline industry led to growth which the existing model of airport management and ownership could not handle. Privatization may be a better option if market forces can enable competition rather than a monopoly, meaning less government regulation is necessary. This preserves the public good and makes the enterprise more likely to be profitable. Conversely, if the potential exists for a monopoly in a market, then the involvement of the government in ownership is necessary, and so is more government regulation. Table 1: Government Control of Essential Elements of operations in three countries, shows how Canada, Britain, and Australia deal with these concerns by maintaining control in key areas of the public good of aeronautical standards, access, and pricing. III. Privatization Strategies Privatization does not mean handing over of complete ownership to a corporation. The most practical scenario would be for a government to retain control over the type of facilities to be developed and other changes, while the operator, the commercial enterprise, oversees day-to-day and year-to-year operations of the airport (de Neufville 1999, 6). The net benefit to the public interest would seem to be the lack of necessity to raise funds to expand or run the facility, or to service debt. Types of Privatization transfer of operations to private sector (Graham 2008, 25). transfer of ownership to private sector (Graham 2008, 25). share issues, IPOs: airport needs to make a profit; shareholders assume the risks trade sale sale of facilities concession control passes to private operator for a fixed period this is how some new roads and bridges are managed in North America annual fee paid to government, which retains ownership (Graham 2008, 32). a private operator finances and builds new facilities, pays annual fee to government, thingies ownership to the government after a fixed period management contract an operator runs the facility, and either the operator gets a fee or the government receives a percentage of revenue (Graham 2008, 34). The better way to privatize is to share control between government and private interests. See Table 2: Degree of control mix among different styles of government and full private ownership (from de Neufville 1999, 17) for an illustration of how this is so. Determining the potential of an airport for privatization Not all airports are suitable for privatization, and the experience differs in the developed and less developed worlds. In the developed world, the USA is an anomaly. Less privatization has happened there, and this may be because most airports are under local control, and also under significant pressure from the airlines that use them (de Neufville 1999, 5). Both entities can interfere with any contemplated changes. The approach used in Canada, New Zealand, and Australia, has been to turn the airports into not-for-profit corporations. Such airport authorities as Vancouver Airport Services, a not-for-profit corporation, operate their own and other airports. The case in the less developed world for airport privatization differs due to the lack of both public and private funds for infrastructure development. Still, these countries need these airports, and alternate business plans must be developed. Less developed countries have much more growth potential in air transport and that can be met with improved facilities and increased capacity (Button 2006, 14). The major part of their revenue is airside (Button 2006, 14). Figure 1: A generalization of airport trends in developing and developed countries will illustrate this phenomenon. Button (2006, 14) adds that airports in less developed countries do not generate sufficient revenue to cover costs, so the governments must provide subsidies, and this makes these airports unsuitable for privatization. A full privatization cannot be expected until a national economy can support infrastructure improvements and an airport can prove its potential for profitability. IV. Operating environment considerations regarding privatization The operating environment needs some favourable market conditions for success in privatization. External market forces can encourage or prevent successful conversion to private control or ownership; Button asserts that [r]egulatory changes in airport policy in countries such as the UK came against a backdrop of successful liberalization of many other markets, quite strong macroeconomic growth, and with fairly well defined objectives (2006, 3). A privatization could not proceed in the absence of these factors, as in the case of a less developed country. There, the private sector has limited access to capital markets and the government may not be able to afford to borrow internationally. The catch is that these economies lack sufficient development for an investment to have acceptable risk levels; without the airport and other transportation infrastructure, though, the country cannot develop. The common operating factors are: Competition exists for investor dollars with other forms of real estate malls, offices, developable land. The author of US Airport Privatization speculated in 1993 that the market for airports was not a speculative one. Now, market opportunities are being found in airport privatizations. Developers may not want to work with the government bodies, which regulate airports and airlines, or to be tied to a long-term investment. Developers would look for opportunities that facilitate adaptability to changing market conditions. Only a long-term strategy would work in this investment. The labour contracts in force when the ownership switches over from public to private would likely have to continue, hindering potential private operators. Property taxes would have to reflect enhanced market value of an airport property. Most of an airports real estate is empty land, and therefore not directly capable of providing a profit to an operator. Any airport has relations with the surrounding communities, but a private operator would be unable to negotiate in an area of government responsibility. In addition, other challenges, which may have hampered airport profitably before privatization, remain. These include security, air traffic growth, airline strategies, airport competition, and international incidents such as SARS or terrorism. Political interference is always a possibility in the area of airport regulations, industry deregulation, and the changing nature of the airline industry. A conflict exists between the desires of a private operator to have looser regulations and the need for government oversight of the industry. Objections to airport privatization are related to the monopoly that airports represent in air travel (Graham 2008, 16). The fear is that the private operator will make a profit that could have gone to the government. These fears are addressed by the nature of private enterprise, which seeks to run a business profitably. Potential Economic Benefits of Airport Privatization Originally airports were considered to be part of a nations essential infrastructure, and less attention was paid to profit than to operations (Frost Sullivan). The three means of economic gains to be found in privatization are: improvements in operating efficiency: the private for-profit business model more often leads to a further exploration for means to cut costs and boost revenues than does public management; the introduction of new management styles and marketing skills directed to serve users with a more consumer-oriented approach; and the ability to make better investment decisions. The trend in many countries is now to contemplating the potential for profit from an airport. The example of the Vienna airport will serve to illustrate how privatization in a developed country can benefit an airports operations. Before 1978, the airport was a public utility and had to seek subsidies to cover losses. In 1978, the airport management was reorganized so it would work like a commercial enterprise, but with public sector shareholder ownership. A further reorganization took place in 1992 to address industry and customer needs separately from the service divisions. Measures such as strategic planning and cost control were introduced to improve the airports competitive advantage (Graham 2008, 17). A share issue was made in 1992 for expansion and improved commercial operations, signaling a transition to private sector control. Privatization enables a long term focus to meet the demands of international competition, to maintain a customer-focused plan, and to free the government from providing subsidies to an unprofitable enterprise. Many privatizations have taken place because the potential for airside growth is limited. In other words, the developed countries have reached saturation on airside growth, so they seek growth from commercial services. This means shopping, restaurants, hotels, joint ventures are added to the airport to add value and capture more dollars. In addition, Button asserts that the success of privatized airports has encouraged governments to change the management and operations of their airports to mirror what the privately-run operations are doing (2006, 3). Then, the facility is seen as a single monopoly, but as separate revenue-generating businesses. Privatization seems to enable a better response to market forces by developing commercial potential. VI. Potential for Further Airport Privatization in Canada Canada has followed the route of maintaining almost all operational facets under shared control, with no airports being fully privatized. See Table 3: Status of Privatization of Airports in Australia, Britain and Canada before (B) and after Privatization (P) for a comparison of how control was changed after a degree of privatization. Australia and Britain have given control of finance and operations to the private operators, while Canada has retained it. To address local community and economy concerns, maintaining a partnership may be the better route to follow, and experience will show which method is better. Despite what the author of US Airport Privatization found, privatization in the airport industry is attractive to investors. However, Frost Sullivan report that by 2006, only two per cent of the worlds commercial airports had been privatized, either through management or ownership. Canadian airports are classified as one of two types: Non NAS airports, meaning National Airport System airports, with fewer than 200,000 passengers per year and which are locally and provincially owned and operated; NAS airports, with more than 200,000 passengers per year, are owned by the federal government but managed by boards of non-elected representatives. See Table 4 NAS Airports- Canadas National Airport System, for a list of these NAS airports. They operate as not-for-profit entities under long term leases with the federal government that are reflective of fair value, including the future earning potential (Canadian Airports Council 2008). Transport Canada, as the owner of the airports, has several aims in setting NAS airport rents. First they relate to infrastructure stability, and ensure the air transport sector remains financially healthy, meaning both the airport infrastructure and the airlines. The second aim relates to market conditions: to ensure an air transport sector that is competitive with both other forms of transport and with international air transport systems, and responsive to changing market conditions. The third serves the public good: the obtaining of a fair value for the government (National Airports Rent Policy Review 2010). The NAP, the National Airport Plan, appears to indicate that the federal government has no plans for complete privatization. Rents charged by the federal government to the local airport authorities are calculated with respect to long-term cash flow forecasts and capital expansion needs, and to valuations of international commercialized airports, particularly in the USA, Austra lia, New Zealand, and Britain. Therefore, the NAS airports serve the Canadian public good by providing a benefit to the Canadian public while remaining competitive. VII. Conclusion The encouraging factors include: continuing growth in air travel requires improvements in infrastructure that most governments cannot afford; improvements in economies of scale through expansion of facilities and concentration of services; still more commercial opportunities to be found for exploitation; investors with longevity have the better chance for continued profitability than would newer entrants. Privatization seems suitable for airports in more developed countries, because while more developed countries used to rely on government financing, the private sector has more to invest in major infrastructure projects than the government does. Allowing a private sector corporation to make profits could encourage the expansion of facilities sooner than a government-owned airport would do this. The fears that privatizing airports could be unsuccessful for the buyers and operators because of the untested variables, such as real estate values and external forces acting on an enterprise, seem to have calmed down with the growing body of experience in these operations. While ownership of facilities might be transferred to the private sector, government regulations still affect the business. A private operator cannot exercise eminent domain; it has to follow laws, while seeking to maximize his gain. Therefore an airport will never operate as an entity that is entirely separate from government. Now the focus is on the next step. The potential for future privatizations depends on the countys economic development and on its growth potential. In the long run, both central and local authorities may have to pursue the course of even greater diversification and commercialization of airport ownership structures. 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Reading Difficulties In Students With Dyslexia?
Reading Difficulties In Students With Dyslexia? INTRODUCATION Reading is a necessary skill for success in all societies, and the ability to read throughout various contexts effectively likely to improve self confidence and social progress as well as ones potential carrier. However, Reading difficulties is the problem that faces many students with dyslexia across different educational system. It seems clear that there are two main methods of conceiving LD in general and the natural reality concept of dyslexia. One main definition relates to psychological/medical model and the other is social model (Kevin, 1999). It is frequently pointed out that reading skill is complicated because it is based on two main processes which are coding, comprehension. They require learning all alphabetical characters and the outcome of knowledge as well as interaction with the readers own experiences and access to results through the text. According to H. Lee Swanson, Karen R. Harris, Steve Graham (2006) reading difficulties is deficit in learning processes which are include visual perception and perceptual Kinetic perceptionà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ etc. They established training programs for this processes which are prerequisite for learning to read, such as audio and visual perception. However, this trend has been criticized by researchers; because the theoretical philosophy was relatively weak and it was not grounded on scientific based evidence instead it was meant to see only virtual behavior. On the other hand, in the sixties and seventies of the last century has returned to focus on direct teaching and structured learning, which focus on Code-emphasis and Whole Language (Hoien, 2000). Unfortunately, it is clear that there is no known medical alternative to reduce the severity of cognitive processing delay in pupils with reading difficulties. Therefore, teachers are required to work instructional adjustments as a result, students with reading difficulties are to be successful in an suitable academic environment that help to reduce reading difficulties (such as eliminate any source of disturbance at mainstream classrooms and resource room). One of the most important instructional adjustments is use of basic procedures for appropriate intervention in early stage of educational ladder to avoid reading problems in students through use of various programs of intervention by specialized teachers and clinical psychologist. Another instructional adjustment which is methods of teaching students with dyslexia how do they read? (Kevin,1999). On the other hand, dyslexia friendly schools are an appropriate environment for children. They are to be provided with effective support and awareness of their additional requirements. The aim of this very brief essay is to discuss different definitions of dyslexia. Intervention to reduce reading difficulties in students with dyslexia will be discussed with a focus on stages of intervention in England; issues associated with intervention and also focus on Reading Recovery. Teaching Methods for students with reading difficulties will be examined in terms of Whole Language Instructions and Code- emphasis Instructions. Finally, Facilitating dyslexia friendly schools will be explored in brief. 1. Definition of Dyslexia It seems a controversial issue relatively in the beginning, because dyslexia has defined in many approaches, some of the definitions reflect the theories of causation, while the other definitions in an attempt to describe dyslexia. It seems clear that dyslexia involves more than one condition as it conveys a conceptual difficulty in reading skills for the child as well as a number of other reasons ((Rice, 2004). A hundred years have passed by since the first systematic definition of dyslexia as well as the diagnosis was established( Frith, 1999) and there is still considerable debate among professionals, professionals, psychologists and teachers about the conceptual issues of dyslexia, whoever in fact not far from agreement on their knowledge of concepts, skills development needs and capabilities, as well as diagnosis. Moreover, professionals and associations interested in special education differ in the definition of a large private educational terms, particularly in the case of attention deficit attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), attention deficit disorder(ADD) and dyslexia. In one community, has experienced difficulty in teaching reading as indicating poor reading skills that must be addressed by large-effective teaching methods. On the other hand, it is observed that another community the same way of reading difficulties in dyslexia, which contains an individual educational plan (IEP) that need to be highly efficient for the education of each individual case. Moreover, there are many of reliable definitions that have been adopted from a wide range of different instruction environments, such as definition of the British Association for Dyslexia (2001), which seems to be a descriptive definition , which indicate that dyslexia can be seen as : A combination of abilities and difficulties which affect the learning process in one or more of reading, spelling, and writing. Accompanying weakness may be identified in areas of speed of processing, short-term memory, sequencing, auditory and / or visual perception, spoken language and motor skills. It is particularly related to mastering and using written language, which may include alphabetic, numeric and musical notation ( Reid, 2002). It is agreed widely that reading skill is key for all people to complete the learning process successfully and appears to be agreement that the learning process needs to be a large number of simple skills, which requires the functions are ordered from different regions of the brain (both left and right from the Brocas area and Hamichaer ), moreover, the sequence of actions that may make it one of the most complex operations. It is clear that all teachers, practitioners and parents should have information about children with dyslexia and the most important problems they face, especially in reading to understand the definition of the educational process (British Dyslexia Association, 2003). On the other, the World Federation of Neurologists (1968) defined it as; Dyslexia is a disorder manifested by difficulty in learning to read despite conventional instruction and socio-cultural opportunity. It is dependent upon fundamental cognitive disabilities which are frequently of constitutional origin. (Mortimore, 2003, by Reid, 1994, p.2). If we pay enough attention to this definition it is clear that the greatest changes considerate on the late sixties that stress and characterized problems to complete reading process to be successful, and the new millennium, that is a interested far more than three different stages of description, the first, behavioural, which is the most important element for teachers and practitioners to work daily with children with dyslexia, particularly in the school, and second, cognitive which is more relate to teacher learning difficulties who is responsible for assessment of any kind of learning difficulties and then Preparation an individual education plan, third, the level of biological, which refers to dyslexia for kind of nervous-developmental in developmental deficit of biological origin(Frith, 2003). However, if we compare the definition of the British Dyslexia Association in the definition of (2001) of dyslexia with the equivalent, which presented by the World Federation of Neurology (1968), we will note other potential conflicts, according to the conceptual dimension to the definition of dyslexia. On the other hand, it is perfectly balanced in those who wish to present the strengths and weaknesses of children with dyslexia: dyslexia is a combination of difficulties, and capacity that may affect the learning process in one or more of the writing, reading and spelling. It might be possible, identify weaknesses in visual perception, processing speed of the short-term memory, sequencing, as well as audio, spoken language and motor skills. and that are relevant to mastering and using written language, which may contain the alphabet and identify the digital as well as musical. 2. Causes of Dyslexia According to ( Rice, 2004 ) there is still no consensus on the underlying causes of dyslexia. It is frequently point out that not all the difficulty in reading or writing means dyslexia. However, there are many scientists who believe that inheritance and hearing problems at an early age may cause dyslexia. This will be discussed in more details. 2.1 Inheritance May not be possible that dyslexia is not a strong characteristic that will be inherited, even if one or both parents have it. On the other hand, this may be possible. it clear that forty per cent of the people and explained that dyslexia has a history of learning difficulties in their family. According to Brain scanning of children with dyslexia by specialists in the field of medicine that bunches of cells beneath the surface in the front left side of the brain are responsible for reading problems (ibid.). This group of cells moving on the surface of brain cells while growing in the fetus, which does not occur with children with dyslexia. In addition, they have to be smaller mango cellular system, which is liable for recognition, for example, symbols and characters, which leads to difficult to read. They usually tend to use the right part for these skills, which are not designed for this job and that six times slower. It is clear that scientists consider these genetic variations and statistics that the inheritance is one of causes of dyslexia. 2.2 Hearing Problems at an Early Age It is frequently point out that the first five years of a childs life are important for the ability to read and write in accordance with natural languages. In the event that the child is suffering from colds or other continuously during the first years of his life, without medical intervention prior to the visit of the health center, may be exposed to ban prayer from time to time and thus may lead to hearing loss. This means that there is a break in the learning process of the child because of those problems in the hearing. If the child does not have the ability to hear words correctly, and thus lead to delays in the phonemic awareness of the child that leads to learning difficulties, such as dyslexia (Bradford, 2009). 3. Intervention for Dyslexia 3.1 Definition of intervention According to Wall (2003) definition of intervention as An intervention is an interaction between two people to bring about change and, therefore, early years practitioners undertake interventions each time they are working with children. Interventions may be short, medium or long term and will be planned carefully to ensure effectiveness and appropriateness. and He suggested idea which is what and how should practitioners draw up a plan or design different and useful intervention programs for each child as a case individually, by clarifying how it could encourage teachers or staff of these children collaborative work by each category of activity classroom, which can be caused by structured plan which made through specialists. It can be seen that intervention has become a significant key in resolving of psychological educational issues which is more effective to clarify access for these issues or problems and also it is useful in reaching positive results, especially for children with learning difficulties who are at risk for any particular type of learning difficulties. It is important to note that it should be look at if one parent has dyslexia, which is likely to move to one of their children as a result it is important there is focus on the family history, which may to be assisted to alert teachers and parents therefore, it may get appropriate intervention program for these children (Augur,1993 ). If we pay enough attention to Augur indicate that developmental dyslexia is justified for certain reasons, first reason, it may be very difficult to clarify kind of developmental dyslexia that a child is born through t according to the results of brain injury as a result of stroke or an accident, etc. Moreover, the second reason which is that many specialists agree that most of these children, who are smart in most courses with the exception of some basic academic skills that need to develop and therefore it is likely that the teachers are providing success and development of the natural growth of children with dyslexia, if they were with the fact that dyslexia may not be curable but it needs to useful intervention programs. 3.2 Stages of intervention in England According to DfES (2003) that stages of intervention used in schools in Britain, with almost identical stages in America, called (waves). Wave 1, which is refer to initial education for literacy in schools in that there must be effective integration of all children, high quality and a daily reading and writing hour with appropriate differentiation required. Whereas, if the children do not respond correctly to primary classroom of literacy guidance therefore, intervention will be necessary. In addition, Wave 2 shows a set of specific interventions which are additional a specific time, which refer to some children who are in need of support services to accelerate development and they can work at or above age-related t the highest of expectations . Wave 3 which is describes the governance for a small number of children and intervention is necessary to provide specifically for the processor speed of evolution or allow children to achieve their potential. It is Clearly that , this could i nclude the 01:01 or specific interventions, so when it comes to older children, which is usually refer to the approach set out specifically for children that have been identified as requiring special education support by working in the school environment. The best example, as noted by the researcher that Wave 3 intervention which is reading recovery. 3.3 Issues associated with intervention It is frequently point out that there is controversy about how to build effectively intervention programme. Researcher will present the most important factors agreed for potential success in the planning and production of the correct intervention program. First, it taking into accounts the assessment procedures and examination in psychology that can explain exactly what are the skills which need to develop in children. According to Fawcett and Lynch (2000) to examine dyslexia test (designed by Nicolson and Fawcett, 1996) will be the most successful for all the teachers to their schools. In addition, this test has become highly efficient because it is interested in semantic and verbal fluency as well as knowledge of numbers. Another reason which is how quickly the application of this test for example, it is take one minute to the task of writing and one minute in the skill of reading, moreover, spelling and other skills that could take two minutes. According to Pumfrey and Reason (2001) enhance the quantity and quality of cognitive development of children is significant factor to reach the appropriate intervention for them, it is important to take into account to confirmation that intervention at the earliest time that in order to that this procedure may not lead to a delay which is undesirable for children who have reading difficulties. In the same context, we may emphasize that the assessment procedures and examination need to be more focus by that stage, even before the application to avoid any future problems (Talcott,, 1997). However, the researcher as a teacher for special education as well as lecturer at the Department of Special Education recognizes that there are no tests in a uniform and there is a clear lack of evaluation of courses in schools in Saudi Arabia. It is clear that this is an opportunity for the researcher to obtain the correct method of assessing and screening for children who have difficulties reading in schools and the transfer of these measures and the right strategies for the development of the educational process in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Talcott (1997) indicate that there is another factor which is related to people who may play an active role of detection of children who have dyslexia. Therefore, there are some people around the children who have learning difficulties and they who provide full care to alleviate the difficulties that may be in these children as well as they are trying to find the appropriate methods in educational process such as, parents, professionals as well as specialists in health care. 3.4 Type of intervention for reading difficulties 3.4.1 Reading Recovery Reading Recovery has been designed by Marie Clay, who is a researcher in New Zealand (Reading Recovery Council , 2006). Mary did studies which allowed her to develop appropriate methods for the detection and intervention for reading difficulties for children. In addition, this program is studies based intervention that is applied in more than 10000 schools in New Zealand, Canada, United Kingdom and Australia. it was a developed to offer intervention for children who have reading difficulties ( Au, Mason1990). According to Au, Mason (1990) The main of reading recovery is to be able to offer intensive one-on-one support children who have reading difficulties in first grade and thus provide appropriate intervention to help them succeed before they improve their reading difficulties (Savage, John 1994). Moreover, it is aimed at less than twenty percent of school classes in first grade classroom. It is clear that it is not easy to make a decision about who children should be given to this program. children are taking a test and depending on the lowest scores for this test and then to hold this program for children got the lowest scores by trained teachers in the application of this program for children who have difficulties reading to reduce these difficulties and to read well (Kline, Anne 1997). It is frequently point out reading recovery is developed to be compatible with the regular school system. Each school needs to confirm that teachers should have the ability to download the program continuously during the year. It is clear that it has the ability to work in a variety of levels for instance it works with teachers, in school, children, and in the education system to provide assistance in reducing reading difficulties in children (Reading Recovery National Network,2006 ). Savage, John (1994) pointed out that Reading Recovery which is a program works differently for each child who is in need of this program. Selection of children for this program based on the report which is submitted by the teacher, and a survey about what child has knowledge of letters and concepts about print process, text reading . In addition, the program begins with what the child is to have the ability to do, then it builds on what they are trying to do and work what child need to learn about reading (Reading Recovery National Network,2006 ).According to Chapman, Turner ( 2003) the program is designed to work one-on-one instruction for thirty minutes a day for a period of twelve to twenty weeks through trained teachers. Moreover, it is designed to regular classroom reading guide. In addition, It is set out to assist based on childs strengths. The main concentration on one-on-one lessons is concentrate on comprehending the various messages in reading and students have the ability to build messages in writing skill (Reading Recovery National Network). According to Savage, John (1994) reading recovery includes that: -Reading Familiar Books: students tend to read books that they enjoy. Teachers, however, will observe how child read these books then they will assist the child while children are reading this book. -Assessment of reading strategies: the students will have a book that have never read it, in the previous lesson, the child will read that book for the teacher, then the teacher will use recorder while the child is read. Working on Letter recognition: student will be trained to look at the different letters, and begins to be familiar with them. -Introducing new books: teacher will choose a number of different books that are suitable for students reading level. Reading new books: The teacher will show a new book for the student, and then the student will be supposed to read it in the next lesson. In addition, the teacher and student will discuss the book and provide assistance to prepare for the understanding of the story in that book before read it. It is clear that Reading program was designed to meet the special the individual needs of reader who has difficulties in reading, which seems different from child to child. Working Individually with students, preparing lessons to respond to the individual needs of the child, will help to develop childrens reading (hapman, Iversen, Tunmer 2005). It is clear that the reading recovery has extensive one-on-one instruction. Not surprising to anyone that the intensity of the program and work individually with students which is influential to stage of intervention for those students who have reading difficulties. Recent research indicates that the method of one-on-one is more effective in teaching in regular classes that lead to achieving the individual needs for each student (Chapman, Tunmer 2003). Reading Recovery Council (2006) pointed out that many of the children are in different levels reading skill, establishment of lesson for all student is not always effective to that a student who does not understand what may be understood by other child and therefore teachers can create a lesson that will contain five elements: working with letters, reading books which are familiar to student, observe and record what is read by the student and reading new curriculum (Barnes, Bonnie 1996). it is possible to assist students achieve effective reading performance by the individual needs of them early. In addition, working individually with students to guide them educating reading strategies as well as to provide some time for the application so that they will be capable to achieve in grade level (Educational Commissions System of the States 2000). It seems clear that the strategy of one-on-one which allows teachers to provide students all comments, compliments and questions that the teacher knows a student who has the ability to answer those questions. In addition to, the reading recovery teachers have the ability to help the student and give feedback for the work he is doing (Barnes, Bonnie 1996). On the other hand, reading recovery will take 30 minutes for each student .It must take into account that there are some things that may be affect the students when they are in the classroom, for example: days of illness, field trips and workshops (Barnes, Bonnie 1996). Barnes, Bonnie (1996) indicate that time consuming is one of the problems related to educating Reading Recovery through the amount of paperwork which are side by side with the teaching of reading recovery to individual students. For example, a written analysis of the strengths and weaknesses of the child, the report of the expectations of progress through the identification of long-term and short-term goals to child daily lesson programme. Another drawback of reading recovery is teachers. Many teachers do not usually have support from their colleagues in the school as well as they have difficulty in access to feedback on their lessons. Moreover, there are many teachers in the classroom do not have a sense of the impact of reading recovery program on the children because it is presented only one or two students in their classrooms (Noble, Jo Anne 1995). In addition, There are many teachers who are working only has the half-time reading recovery teacher. Therefore, they have the abilit y to service only about eight children each academic year. In addition, many schools have approximately a hundred and fifty first grade students, this is evidence that only about five or six percent of children have the ability to receive reading recovery programme (Barnes, Bonnie 1996). As has been mentioned before the goal of reading recovery is to guide children in learning techniques and assist to practice time , children have the ability to deliver on grade level (Frankas, George 2000).However, reading recovery is working , regardless of economic status, gender and social status of the group of children that led to the acceleration of the effective progress this programme (Educational Leadership 1990). Centre, Wheldall (1992) pointed out that to make reading recovery programme more effective must change three elements: Behavioural change in teachers. The child behaviour change acquired through teachers. There is a need for the school to change the regulatory requirements for administrators and teachers. It is clear that the results of reading recovery program is that it offers effective intervention for students in grade school and then treatment, instead of falling into the failure in reading difficulties for these children. In addition, it is providing strong support for teachers and enables them to become more effective in reading recovery programme. Moreover, the most important outcome of the program is to be has number of children in grades 2-6 to have a few problems in reading difficulties once and then the program is implemented effectively and correctly (Noble, Jo Anne 1995). 4. Method of teaching reading skills for children with dyslexia As has been mentioned before is that in fact the intervention to address reading difficulties in children with dyslexia is a successful strategy to provide support appropriate for them. But it is frequently point out that , it is to look for on the strengths and weaknesses of the learner and learning styles appropriate through the school by the teacher, which is suited to the needs of each individual. Because it is known to us that each and every child with dyslexia is different according to the file and function of cognitive and learning styles appropriate to him (Reid ,1997). 4.1 Whole Language Instruction According to the study carried out by Frank, 1978, it was having an impact in supporting the Whole Language Instruction, teaching reading is a natural counterpart to learn to speak the sense of learning to read instinctive. In addition, Whole Language Instruction may focuses on education to be of total to the part and not vice versa (e.g. learning the skills not included in the Whole language instruction), and learning to write must occur through fun activities functional meaning, and the focus on education priority, instead of keeping the roots. Moreover, it consenter on the learner who is the center of education rather than the curriculum and education should be based on individual interaction. It is clear that it may supports education in a social environment. Moreover, the teacher is the one who set the curriculum to be concepts are interrelated rather than dividing them up into multiple skills or subsets of content and evaluation focuses on the strengths of the learner. It seems that Whole Language Instruction is a tool to deal with the class and adjust and it may provides disadvantaged students to be able to overcome reading problems ( Pressely, 1994). However, according to Mather (1992 ) Whole Language Instruction team believe that retail could disrupt learning process, so they are opposed to direct teaching of encoding, because it split the language into separate clips and skills, which may lead to the language is not used, as well as a waste of time. The Whole Language Instruction may provide meaning to the texts and it is focusing on both reading and writing, as learn the rules of language may be done without the need to teach voice. It is clear that Educators and researchers stress fact that learning may be the best when there is enjoyable environment for learning and learner will be active participant in learning process as well as the teacher must take into account individual differences between children. These principles focus upon the way of Whole Language Instruction in learning to read, the child will read full text and then he begins to recognize words and letters with helping by teacher and the child will feel motivation when he is reading and that is the most important needs, which increases the capacity of the child with dyslexia to learn to read correctly (Fuhler,1993 ) Learner (2000) pointed out that there are basics of teaching reading difficulties by using method of Whole Language Instruction as following: Firstly : Reading is one of the elements of internal language which is very close to oral language and written language, so teachers who use this method confirm the language written and oral reading lead to the child will be improved, when he learn to read and there is a relationship between linguistic vulnerability in children and reading difficulties, children who have language problems or mobility are likely to develop problems in writing in the early stages. Secondly: The method of verbal language may be acquired by the natural use, according to the teachers who use Whole Language Instruction that children may learn to speak without the need for special training and this means that children will learn to read naturally through exposure to learn to read by focusing on language and books which related to fluency of language. Thirdly : Teachers who use the method of Whole Language Instruction avoid use of separate teaching which does not focus on the link between parts of the meaning of language, as well as the way of teaching that focuses on use of separate exercises, and they believe that books that divide natural language into small pieces and mysterious that could make teaching is difficult. In addition, Whole Language Instruction users think that learning of characters is normally by way of education , it is clear that learning of letters should not be separate, but it is normally acquired through reading. 4.2 Code- emphasis Instruction It is clear that we should understand the strategies of coding in Whole Language Instruction or comic reading (Orthographic) , which are one of the strategies that provide the opportunity to children to read the words by this method because they saw these words for many times . Therefore, they have image of the words in the long-term memory, the image of words are not required to be stored in the same format and font but it will be merely images. To use this strategy, the reader should has knowledge of the alphabet and how to process link this letters together. Moreover, there are many of readers who tend to use this strategy because they have the satisfaction for the words through use of a number of consecutive times as a result, they are willing to remember these words at any time. However , when they are exposed to new words so they tend to use method of Code- emphasis Instruction so they used the analysis of these words and read them (Hoien,2000). According to Learner ( 2000 ) children with dyslexia often need to direct learning and systematic training on reading because the direct training on the skills of voice reading is significant due to the primary task which is a specific part which is used later for reading comprehension. However, children who start to learn to read slowly, they will become readers are strong later. It is clear that Code- emphasis Instruction is effective in that the reader have a broad reading skills in school and In the external environment, he will be able to read any textbooks or other books. In addition , Intensive reading may provide the opportunity for the growth of concepts and verbal knowledge for how to write and read the text. Therefore, ch
Saturday, July 20, 2019
The Nature of the Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease Essay -- Exploratory Essay
The Nature of the Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease Dementia is traditionally considered to be one of the possible results of aging. Its effects are heartbreaking and tremendously exhausting for the patient as well as their family and friends. There are many factors to consider. What would be the best treatment plan for my loved one? Who would care for them? These are all very difficult decisions that impact the patient and family for years to come. But what if you only had a few months to make these decisions? What if all your loved one had was a few very short months before they were gone? In Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease (CJD), the situation is just that. With no known cause or cure, CJD takes the patient and family completely by surprise. Time is precious when you see new changes arising day after day in areas such as movement, speech and cognition. How could you make them as comfortable as posssible? What could have caused these sudden changes? What treatment options do you have in such a short period of tim e? Most importantly will my loved one be able to express their needs to me? Creutzfeldt-Jakob is considered to be a transmissible dementia or transmissible spongiform encephalopathy, which means that the spread of the disease is similar to that of viruses. Further studies have shown that instead of a virus, Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease or CJD, is considered to be caused by a proteinaceous infection agent or "prion" (Asher et al, 2000) that attacks nerve cells causing vacuolization, the formation of holes in the cell, and eventually cell death. To date there are no effective screenin... ...ore to be learned. The important factor during the course of CJD is the patient. We as Speech Pathologists must ask ourselves a few questions. Was the best interests of the patient met for as long as they could have been? Was the family aware of any and all support and community groups available to them during this difficult time? If we as SLP's can answer these questions with a yes, then we have done our jobs indeed. To those who involoved with CJD, thank you. Because of the researchers, therapists, and families of CJD patients, we have the knowledge we have today. This knowledge will continue to grow, providing tests, screening measures and maybe some day a cure. To live with the hope that one day another person will not have to endure what sorrows you have can be a great motivation.
Friday, July 19, 2019
Machismo and Latin American Men Essay -- Expository Essays
Machismo and Latin American Men Normally when machismo comes up in a conversation, people are probably criticizing the behavior of a person or glorifying it. Machismo is generally referred to when men behave in an arrogant and aggressive manner often glorifying virility. Men who usually behave in this manner repute all feminine virtues in order to feel secure with their manhood, often going to extremes to protect their manly image. Even though this form of behavior is common among men everywhere, it is wrongly associated with an entire continent of Latin American men. Men that carry out the â€Å"machismo way of life†feel that they have to constantly prove their manhood to the world. This is generally achieved by behaving in an aggressive manner among other men, also females are looked upon as objects and the more women you seduce, the manlier you are. This type of behavior is given praise by other men and by society in general, thus encouraging men to keep on behaving in this macho manner. Another way in which men carry out this macho life style is by a...
The Project that Made Me Want to Become an English Professor Essay
As I studied the faces of my classroom peers, searching frantically for another face interested in the thought-provoking discussion on escape velocity, I suddenly realized that I was temporarily engaged in an exercise in futility. My classmates were not interested, and my teacher, as a result, was beginning to falter in his explanation of the long-distance travel concepts. I realized, with something akin to horror, that the general apathy was beginning to affect me, as I had to stifle a large yawn. Now, such a thing would be routine, perhaps, at many schools around the nation. But my school prides itself on being the exception to the norm, and, more often than not, achieves its goal of attentive, involved, self-motivated students. Our project-based curriculum provides the perfect opportunity for any student who wants to do more than the endless repetition often inherent in the typical high school. At the end of each trimester we have something concrete, a portfolio or model, to show exactly how we designed our own restaurant, or organized a manned mission to Mars. "Club Mars" was the second trimester project of junior year. Hence, the review of escape velocity equations. In the first trimester, we had sent unmanned space probes to analyze the Martian environment and report the data back to Earth. Now the time had come to transport ten thousand people to the Red Planet, set up a colony, and maintain peace and harmony among the residents I liked the premise. To "set the stage" for the project, in my social studies class I was asked to define the value system of my group's utopia by ranking the importance of ten qualities that make a successful city. The list included health care, pollut... ...never succeed. People would object to the idea of a society of "smart people," though that isn't even my intention. Edutopia would work well in theory, but just as with Communism, not in practice. I remain undaunted that my dream society is unattainable. Instead, I am just happy to realize what is important in my life: education. Before I discovered that Edutopia was my idea of paradise, I had never realized that education was so important to me. After my completion of the project, I re-examined my career and life goals. I had always loved English and writing and thought I would end up in publishing. Then I considered education, and now I intend to eventually become an English professor. The "Club Mars" project changed my educational aspiration, and gave me greater knowledge of my own value system. It truly made a difference in my life. The Project that Made Me Want to Become an English Professor Essay As I studied the faces of my classroom peers, searching frantically for another face interested in the thought-provoking discussion on escape velocity, I suddenly realized that I was temporarily engaged in an exercise in futility. My classmates were not interested, and my teacher, as a result, was beginning to falter in his explanation of the long-distance travel concepts. I realized, with something akin to horror, that the general apathy was beginning to affect me, as I had to stifle a large yawn. Now, such a thing would be routine, perhaps, at many schools around the nation. But my school prides itself on being the exception to the norm, and, more often than not, achieves its goal of attentive, involved, self-motivated students. Our project-based curriculum provides the perfect opportunity for any student who wants to do more than the endless repetition often inherent in the typical high school. At the end of each trimester we have something concrete, a portfolio or model, to show exactly how we designed our own restaurant, or organized a manned mission to Mars. "Club Mars" was the second trimester project of junior year. Hence, the review of escape velocity equations. In the first trimester, we had sent unmanned space probes to analyze the Martian environment and report the data back to Earth. Now the time had come to transport ten thousand people to the Red Planet, set up a colony, and maintain peace and harmony among the residents I liked the premise. To "set the stage" for the project, in my social studies class I was asked to define the value system of my group's utopia by ranking the importance of ten qualities that make a successful city. The list included health care, pollut... ...never succeed. People would object to the idea of a society of "smart people," though that isn't even my intention. Edutopia would work well in theory, but just as with Communism, not in practice. I remain undaunted that my dream society is unattainable. Instead, I am just happy to realize what is important in my life: education. Before I discovered that Edutopia was my idea of paradise, I had never realized that education was so important to me. After my completion of the project, I re-examined my career and life goals. I had always loved English and writing and thought I would end up in publishing. Then I considered education, and now I intend to eventually become an English professor. The "Club Mars" project changed my educational aspiration, and gave me greater knowledge of my own value system. It truly made a difference in my life.
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